NINA er et nasjonalt og internasjonalt kompetansesenter innen naturforskning. Vår kompetanse utøves gjennom forskning, overvåking og konsekvensutredninger. Vårt overordnede mål er at NINA skal være en livskraftig kunnskapsbedrift og en aktiv samfunnsaktør. NINAs primære aktivitet er å drive anvendt forskning. Stikkord for forskningen er kvalitet og relevans, samarbeid med andre institusjoner, tverrfaglighet og økosystemtilnærming. Offentlig forvaltning, næringsliv og industri, samt Norges forskningsråd og EU, er blant NINAs oppdragsgivere og finansieringskilder. Virksomheten er hovedsakelig rettet mot forskning på natur og samfunn. NINA leverer et bredt spekter av tjenester gjennom forskningsprosjekter, miljøovervåking, utredninger og rådgiving. I tillegg til utbredt prosjektvirksomhet i Norge samarbeider NINAs høyt kvalifiserte stab med institusjoner i mer enn 30 land i Europa, Afrika, Asia og Amerika.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Recovery or reorganisation? Long‑term increases in riverine taxonomic and functional diversity are confounded by compositional dynamics 

    Baker, Nathan J.; Pilotto, Francesca; Welti, Ellen A.R.; Osadčaja, Diana; Palinauskas, Vaidas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    When evaluating biological recovery, shifts in species identity such as non-native status, specialisation, and functional traits should be examined alongside changes in species richness. Lithuania, an ecologically overlooked ...
  • Species on the move: a genetic story of three golden jackals at the expansion front 

    Bogdanowicz, Wiesław; Bilska, Aleksandra G.; Kleven, Oddmund; Aspi, Jouni; Caro, Amaia; Harmoinen, Jenni; Kvist, Laura; Madeira, Maria José; Pilot, Małgorzata; Kopatz, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    One of the most fascinating mammalian range expansions in Europe involves an opportunistic mesocarnivore―the golden jackal (Canis aureus). However, key questions about the origins and dispersal strategies of pioneering ...
  • Land‑based foraging by polar bears reveals sexual conflict outside mating season 

    Prop, Jouke; Black, Jeffrey M.; Aars, Jon; Oudman, Thomas; Wolters, Eva; Moe, Børge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    According to sexual selection theory, the sexes are faced with opposing evolutionary goals. Male fitness benefits from access to females, whereas female fitness is constrained by food resources and safety for themselves ...
  • Touch in digitalized worlds: An introduction 

    Broch, Tuva Beyer; Varma, Saiba (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The English word digital (from the Latin, digitus)etymologically connects both fingers and technologies.In this special issue, we honor this dual meaning of thedigital by foregrounding how living in a digital era bothchallenges ...
  • Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) population status, reasons for decline and potential conservation measures from Western and Central Europe to Fennoscandia: a literature review 

    Hambálková, Lucie; Cukor, Jan; Brynychová, Kateřina; Sevcik, Richard; Vacek, Zdeněk; Vacek, Stanislav; Skoták, Vlastimil; Linda, Rostislav; Andersen, Oddgeir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The long-term decline of the black grouse population throughout Europe is influenced by many factors that affect populations differently depending on the distribution range, from Central Europe to the Scandinavian countries. ...
  • Testing headline indicator “B.1 services provided by ecosystems” of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework using data from Norway 

    Czúcz, Bálint (NINA Report;2492, Research report, 2024)
    Czúcz, B. 2024. Testing headline indicator “B.1 services provided by ecosystems” of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework using data from Norway. NINA Report 2492. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. One ...
  • Off the conservation radar: the hidden story of Europe’s tiny pea clams (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) 

    Halabowski, Dariusz; Sousa, Ronaldo; Lopes‑Lima, Manuel; Killeen, Ian; Aldridge, David C.; Zając, Katarzyna; Magerøy, Jon Hamner; Cossey, Daniel Alan; Urbańska, Maria; Österling, Martin; Prié, Vincent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This study highlights the conservation problems faced by the tiny freshwater bivalves of the family Sphaeriidae, also known as pea, pill, or fingernail clams (or mussels) in Europe. Despite their global distribution, assumed ...
  • Silvicultural regime shapes understory functional structure in European forests 

    Chianucci, Francesco; Napoleone, Francesca; Ricotta, Carlo; Ferrara, Carlotta; Fusaro, Lina; Balducci, Lorenzo; Trentanovi, Giovanni; Bradley, Owen; Kovács, Bence; Mina, Marco; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Vandekerkhove, Kris; De Smedt, Pallieter; Lens, Luc; Hertzog, Lionel; Verheyen, Kris; Hofmeister, Jeňýk; Hošek, Jan; Matula, Radim; Doerfler, Inken; Muller, Jörg; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Helback, Jan; Schall, Peter; Fischer, Markus; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Riis-Hansen, Rasmus; Goldberg, Irina; Aude, Erik; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Schmidt, Inger Kappel; Riis Nielsen, Torben; Mårell, Anders; Dumas, Yann; Janssen, Philippe; Paillet, Yoan; Archaux, Frédéric; Xystrakis, Fotios; Tinya, Flóra; Ódor, Péter; Aszalós, Réka; Bölöni, János; Cutini, Andrea; Bagella, Simonetta; Sitzia, Tommaso; Brazaitis, Gediminas; Marozas, Vitas; Ujházyová, Mariana; Ujházy, Karol; Máliš, František; Nordén, Björn; Burrascano, Sabina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    1. Managing forests to sustain their diversity and functioning is a major challenge in a changing world. Despite the key role of understory vegetation in driving forest biodiversity, regeneration and functioning, few studies ...
  • Effects of extrinsic and intrinsic factorson parturition and reproductive outputin wolverines 

    Brøseth, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    One of the selective advantages of delayed implantation in carnivores is the flexibility to decouple the time between mating and parturition, allowing both to occur when conditions are most favorable. Terrestrial carnivores ...
  • Yngleregistreringer av jerv i Norge i 2024 

    Tovmo, Mari; Brøseth, Henrik (NINA Rapport;2500, Research report, 2024)
    Tovmo, M. & Brøseth, H. 2024. Yngleregistreringer av jerv i Norge i 2024. NINA Rapport 2500. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. I 2024 ble det påvist 61 dokumenterte eller antatte ynglinger av jerv i Norge. Dette er en ...
  • Ringtest for artsbestemmelser av småkreps i Norge 2023/2024 

    Jensen, Thomas Correll; Brekke, Erling; Skautvedt, Elisabeth (NINA Rapport;2497, Research report, 2024)
    Rapporten publiseres høsten 2024
  • Fiskeundersøkelser i store innsjøer i ØKOSTOR-programmet 2023 

    Eikland, Knut Andreas; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Lie, Erik Friele; Solberg, Ingrid; Næstad, Frode (NINA Rapport;2495, Research report, 2024)
    Rapporten er foreløpig ikke publisert
  • Climate, Hydrology, and Nutrients Control the Seasonality of Si Concentrations in Rivers 

    Johnson, Keira; Jankowski, Kathi Jo; Carey, Joanna C.; Sethna, Lienne R.; Bush, Sidney A.; McKnight, Diane; McDowell, William H.; Wymore, Adam S.; Kortelainen, Pirkko; Jones, Jeremy B.; Lyon, Nicholas J.; Laudon, Hjalmar; Poste, Amanda Elizabeth; Sullivan, Pamela L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    * Seasonal variations in annual riverine dissolved silica concentrations (DSi regime) were correctly classified 80% of the time • Climate and primary productivity emerge as the most important drivers in differentiating ...
  • Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes 

    Stiegler, Jonas; Gallagher, Cara A.; Hering, Robert; Müller, Thomas; Tucker, Marlee A.; Apollonio, Marco; Arnold, Janosch; Barker, Nancy A.; Barthel, Leon; Bassano, Bruno; van Beest, Floris M.; Belant, Jerrold L.; Berger, Anne; Beyer Jr, Dean E.; Bidner, Laura A.; Blake, Stephen; Börner, Konstantin; Brivio, Francesca; Brogi, Rudy; Buuveibaatar, Bayarbaatar; Cagnacci, Francesca; Dekker, Jasja; Dentinger, Jane; Duľa, Martin; Duquette, Jarred F.; Eccard, Jana A.; Evans, Meaghan N.; Ferguson, Adam W.; Fichtel, Claudia; Heim, Morten; Heurich, Marco Dietmar; Hewison, Mark; Isabell, Lynne A.; Janssen, René; Jarnemo, Anders; Jeltsch, Florian; Miloš, Jezek; Kaczensky, Petra; Kamiński, Tomasz; Kappeler, Peter M.; Kasper, Katharina; Kautz, Todd M.; Kimmig, Sophia; Kjellander, Petter; Kowalczyk, Rafał; Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie A.; Kröschel, Max; Krop-Benesch, Anette; Linderoth, Peter; Lobas, Christoph; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Solberg, Erling Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Wildlife tagging provides critical insights into animal movement ecology, physiology, and behavior amid global ecosystem changes. However, the stress induced by capture, handling, and tagging can impact post-release ...
  • Variation in nest survival of three species of tropical plovers in Madagascar with clutch size, age of nest, year and El Niño effect 

    Tanner, Claire E.; Jones, William; Kubelka, Vojtěch; Caspers, Barbara A.; Krueger, Oliver; Mijoro, Tafita Jaona; Sandercock, Brett Kevin; Zefania, Sama; Székely, Tamas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    A combination of life history traits and environmental conditions has been highlighted as the main drivers of avian breeding success. While drivers of breeding success are well known in some species, especially birds in ...
  • Red deer grazing pressure on agricultural grass meadows from broad to local scale 

    Hjermann, Tilde; Bilet, Nikolai Antonsen; Rivrud, Inger Maren; Meisingset, Erling; Thorvaldsen, Pål; Mysterud, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Grazing by wildlife on agricultural land is widespread across geographical regions, and can cause human–wildlife conflicts due to reduced crop yield when the grazing pressure is high. Growing red deer (Cervus elaphus) ...
  • Visitors’ relations to recreational facilities and attractions in a large vulnerable mountain region in Norway: Unpacking the roles of tourists and locals 

    Gundersen, Vegard; Selvaag, Sofie Kjendlie; Köhler, Berit; Zouhar, Yosra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    A growing number of research studies show increasing trends of visitation to vulnerable areas, which may have negative impacts on both the local ecosystem and people's nature experience. Most of the studies deal with visitor ...
  • Vurdering av kunnskapsgrunnlaget for å implementere lakselus på sjøørret som en bærekraftsindikator i «produksjonsområdeforskriften» 

    Nilsen, Frank; Ellingsen, Ingrid; Finstad, Bengt; Helgesen, Kari O.; Karlsen, Ørjan; Qviller, Lars; Sandvik, Anne D.; Sægrov, Harald; Ugedal, Ola; Vollset, Knut W. (Research report, 2019)
    Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet har bedt “Ekspertgruppen” oppsummere det man vet om hvilke konsekvenser lakselus produsert i oppdrett har for sjøørretbestandene. Ekspertgruppen skal videre vurdere om den kan gjøre tilsvarende ...
  • Seasonal environmental transitions and metabolic plasticity in a sea-ice alga from an individual cell perspective 

    Duncan, Rebecca J.; Søreide, Janne; Nielsen, Daniel A.; Varpe, Øystein; Wiktor, Józef; Tobin, Mark J.; Pitusi, Vanessa; Petrou, Katherina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Sea-ice microalgae are a key source of energy and nutrient supply to polar marine food webs, particularly during spring, prior to open-water phytoplankton blooms. The nutritional quality of microalgae as a food source ...
  • Kartlegging av kaldtvannskoraller i tre marine verneområder i Trondheimsfjorden. Skarnsundet, Tauterryggen og Rødberget 

    Järnegren, Johanna; Wiel, Julia; Vasilijevic, Antonio (NINA Rapport;2229, Research report, 2024)
    Järnegren, J., Wiel, J. & Vasilijevic, A. 2024. Kartlegging av kaldtvannskoraller i tre marine verneområder i Trondheimsfjorden. Skarnsundet, Tauterryggen og Rødberget. NINA Rapport 2229. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Målet ...

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