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Developing methodology for setting Favourable Reference Values for large carnivores in Europe. Report to the European Comission under contract N° 09.0201/2023/907799/SER/ENV.D.3 “Support for Coexistence with Large Carnivores. Task B.3 – Assessment of large carnivores’ conservation status”
(Report, 2025)This report aims to develop new guidelines for the setting of Favourable Reference Values (FRVs), which areneeded to assess Favourable Conservation Status (FCS), for the specific context of large carnivores (brown bear, ... -
Transdisciplinary diagnostic framework for biodiversity decision-making assessment. D1.7
(Research report, 2024)This deliverable describes the process of developing a transdisciplinary diagnostic framework for biodiversity decision-making carried out in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the EU funded research project PLANET4B. The aim of the ... -
Overview of policy instruments enabling restorative nature-based solutions with business case examples. Report D3.6
(Research report, 2024)Small and medium sized cities in Europe and Latin America share a common challenge in implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). Most land is in private hands. In addition smaller cities are not early adopters of NBS and ... -
A Review of Pink Salmon in the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans
(North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission. Technical Report, Research report, 2023)The Northern Hemisphere Pink Salmon Expert Group Meeting was held on October 2–3, 2022 in Vancouver, Canada, immediately preceding the International Year of the Salmon (IYS) Synthesis Symposium. The rapid expansion of pink ... -
Ecosystem and ecosystem services accounts: time for applications.Book of Proceedings. Thematic Working Group 17: Ecosystem Services Accounting and Greening the economy. Ecosystem Service Partnership World Conference, 21-25 October 2019, Hannover, Germany
(Research report, 2021)This report outlines the ecosystem accounting applications that have been presented in the Ecosystem Services World Conference in Hannover, Germany in 2019. Eight cases are summarized here; applications of ecosystem accounts ... -
Kunnskapsstatus for tverrfaglig klima- og miljøforskning
(CIENS-rapport;, Research report, 2021)På oppdrag fra Klima- og miljødepartementet har vi i dette arbeidet svart ut en rekke spørsmål om tverrfaglig klima- og miljøforskning, samt noen spørsmål om transfaglig forskning. Vi har samlet inn data gjennom flere ... -
Monetary valuation for ecosystem services and assets for ecosystem accounting | System of Environmental Economic Accounting
(Research report, 2022)The report is intended to provide a useful starting point with suggestions on valuation methods, examples and references for countries that are undertaking valuation as part of the SEEA EA national implementation. It should ... -
How to deal with bold wolves – Recommendations of the DBBW –
(Bfn-Skripten;, Research report, 2020)For a long time, there were no wolves in Germany. Since 2000, the species has been steadily spreading out from Lusatia and populating more areas. People in areas recently settled by wolves are only gradually learning how ... -
Skjøtselsplan for syv setervoller i Regionfelt Østlandet
(Research report, 2007) -
Nature Index - India Report, 2018. A pilot study in Chilika and Great Himalayan National Park
(Report, 2019)Nature Index (NI) is a policy tool, which synthesises biodiversity data and helps in monitoring the status of biodiversity in an ecosystem. NI measures the state and trend of biodiversity in the major ecosystems based on ... -
ØKOFERSK delprogram Midt: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2017. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand.
(Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten inneholder resultater fra basisovervåking i innsjøer 2017 – delprogram Midt, gjennomført iht. vannforskriften/vanndirektivet. Basisovervåkingen startet opp i 2009 og omfatter hovedsakelig overvåking av ... -
ØKOFERSK delprogram Vest: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2017. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand.
(Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten inneholder resultater fra basisovervåking i innsjøer 2017 – delprogram Vest, gjennomført iht. vannforskriften/vanndirektivet. Basisovervåkingen startet opp i 2009 og omfatter hovedsakelig overvåking av ... -
ØKOFERSK delprogram Nord: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2017. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand.
(Research report, 2018)Basisovervåkingen ‘ØKOFERSK – delprogram Nord’ omfattet fem innsjøer i 2017, hvorav en BIOLOK- og fire REFERANSE-sjøer. Resultatene viser at kun én av de antatte referansesjøene, Smalfjordvannet, var i svært god tilstand, ... -
ØKOFERSK delprogram Øst: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2017. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand.
(Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten inneholder resultater fra basisovervåking i innsjøer 2017 – delprogram Øst, gjennomført iht. vannforskriften/vanndirektivet. Basisovervåkingen startet opp i 2009 og omfatter hovedsakelig overvåking av antatt ...