Blar i Scientific publications på tittel
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Optimal timing of return migration in Atlantic salmon
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In many populations of Atlantic salmon, individuals return to rivers months or even a year prior to spawning. This premature arrival in fresh water by far exceeds the time needed for upstream migrations to spawning areas. ... -
Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Dynamic soaring harvests energy from a spatiotemporal wind gradient, allowing albatrosses to glide over vast distances. However, its use is challenging to demonstrate empirically and has yet to be confirmed in other seabirds. ... -
Organochlorines, perfluoroalkyl substances, mercury, and egg incubation temperature in an Arctic seabird: Insights from data loggers
(Journal article, 2018)In birds, incubation‐related behaviors and brood patch formation are influenced by hormonal regulation such as prolactin secretion. Brood patch provides efficient heat transfer between the incubating parent and the developing ... -
Osteochondrosis, but not lameness, is more frequent among free-range pigs than confined herd-mates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Organic pig production is expanding and amongst the objectives of organic farming are enhancing animal health and welfare. However, some studies have reported a higher prevalence of lameness and joint condemnation at ... -
Otolith microchemistry combined with genetics reveal patterns of straying and population connectivity in anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Salmonids are well known for their natal homing behaviour, meaning they return to breed in the same area where they originated. However, not all individuals return to their natal breeding grounds—a behavioural trait known ... -
Overvåking av fiskesamfunn i store vassdrag etter vannforskriften
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Vannforskriften skal sikre en mer helhetlig og økosystembasert vannforvaltning i Norge, og om nødvendig iverksette forebyggende eller forbedrende miljøtiltak for å sikre miljøtilstanden i ferskvann, grunnvann og kystvann. ... -
Overvåking av sjeldne og rødlistede lavpå gamle eiker – lærdommer fra etpilotstudium
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
An overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activitiesin Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Biomonitoring using raptors as sentinels can provide early warning of the potential impacts of contaminants on humans and the environment and also a means of tracking the success of associated mitigation measures. ... -
Paint it black: Efficacy of increased wind turbine rotor blade visibility to reduce avian fatalities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As wind energy deployment increases and larger wind-power plants are considered, bird fatalities through collision with moving turbine rotor blades are expected to increase. However, few (cost-) effective deterrent or ... -
Paint it black: Efficacy of increased wind turbine rotor blade visibility to reduce avian fatalities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As wind energy deployment increases and larger wind-power plants are considered, bird fatalities through collision with moving turbine rotor blades are expected to increase. However, few (cost-) effective deterrent or ... -
A paleogenomic investigation of overharvest implications in an endemic wild reindeer subspecies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Overharvest can severely reduce the abundance and distribution of a species andthereby impact its genetic diversity and threaten its future viability. Overharvestremains an ongoing issue for Arctic mammals, which due to ... -
The paradox of searching efficiency or why are violent population cycles so uncommon in terrestrial ecosystem
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The searching efficiency of predators depends on the balance between the adaptations of the predator and the counter-adaptations of the prey. In this evolutionary race, the prey should normally have the upper hand, as it ... -
Parasitoids in the family Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) new to Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Chalcidoidea is likely the most species rich superfamily among all Hymenoptera (Noyes 2022). Because of their small size and lack of knowledge, little is known about their species richness and ecology worldwide. In Norway, ... -
Participatory monitoring drives biodiversity knowledge in global protected areas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Protected areas are central in strategies to conserve biodiversity. Effective area-based conservation relies on biodiversity data, but the current biodiversity knowledge base is insufficient and limited by geographic and ... -
Parturition dates in wild Eurasian lynx: evidence of a second oestrus?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Understanding reproductive physiology of a species is important to assess their potential to respond to environmental variation and perturbation of their social system during the mating or pre-mating seasons. We report 175 ... -
Pastures under pressure. Effects of other land users and the environment
(Chapter, 2022)Reindeer habitats cover most vegetation zones of northern Fennoscandia, from boreal forest to coastal and alpine areas (Chapters 1 and 3). These vegetation zones are used during different seasons for reindeer grazing and ... -
Pathways of introduction of alien species in Norway: analyses of an exhaustive dataset to prioritise management efforts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Alien species constitute one of the major threats to global biodiversity. Stopping alien species at an early stage, preferably before establishment, is crucial for the effectiveness of management actions. To enable early ... -
Payments for Ecosystem Services as a Policy Mix: Demonstrating the institutional analysis and development framework on conservation policy instruments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Policy mix analysis has been applied in research on energy, climate, urban and transport policy, and more recently biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. However, policy mix analysis has thus far been employed ... -
Peatland core domain sets: building consensus on what should be measured in research and monitoring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)It is often difficult to compile and synthesise evidence across multiple studies to inform policy and practice because different outcomes have been measured in different ways or datasets and models have not been fully or ... -
Perceptions of environmental justice and the conflict surrounding large carnivore management in Norway — Implications for conflict management
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Human-wildlife conflict is increasingly being recognised as containing strong elements of social conflict. The extent to which stakeholders regard a management system as being just and fair is a key social dimension of ...