Browsing Scientific publications by Title
Now showing items 1395-1414 of 1451
Value asymmetries in Norwegian forest governance: The role of institutions and power dynamics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)We draw on institutional and ecological economics to understand the role of social preferences, institutional arrangements, and power dynamics in mobilizing or restraining ecosystem services and values in Norwegian forest ... -
Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Conservation-Oriented Behaviors toward Native Fish Biodiversity in Rivers: Evidence from Four European Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Riverine biodiversity in Europe is under threat from a range of anthropogenic factors. Key to effective biodiversity conservation is the public’s willingness to support restoration efforts. Based on value-belief-norm (VBN) ... -
Valuing access to urban greenspace using non-linear distance decay in hedonic property pricing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Modelling walking distance enables the observation of non-linearities in hedonic property pricing of accessibility to greenspace. We test a penalized spline spatial error model (PS-SEM), which has two distinctive features. ... -
Varegrinder foran turbininntak ved elvekraftverk; barrierer eller inngangsport for fisk?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Trash racks at hydropower turbine intakes; barriers or entry gates for fish? At all run-ofriver hydro power plants, water is diverted through turbines for power generation. Trash racks protect the turbines from harmful ... -
Variability in nomadism: environmental gradients modulate the movement behaviors of dryland ungulates
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Studying nomadic animal movement across species and ecosystems is essential for better understanding variability in nomadism. In arid environments, unpredictable changes in water and forage resources are known drivers of ... -
Variation and correlation in the timing of breeding of North Atlantic seabirds across multiple scales
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Timing of breeding, an important driver of fitness in many populations, is widely studied in the context of global change, yet despite considerable efforts to identify environmental drivers of seabird nesting phenology, ... -
Variation in albedo and other vegetation characteristics in non-forested northern ecosystems: the role of lichens and mosses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Vegetation has a profound impact on climate through complex interactions and feedback loops, where especially regulation of albedo, the ratio of reflected to incoming solar radiation, is important at high latitudes. How ... -
Variation in nest survival of three species of tropical plovers in Madagascar with clutch size, age of nest, year and El Niño effect
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A combination of life history traits and environmental conditions has been highlighted as the main drivers of avian breeding success. While drivers of breeding success are well known in some species, especially birds in ... -
Variations in coastal fish species composition captured by traps in Romsdalsfjord, Western Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Fish traps are widely used in Norwegian fjords, especially those designed for monitoring salmonid populations in the marine environment, although many other marine fish species are also captured. The composition and ... -
Variations in inter-specific and sex-related niche partitioning in pelagic boobies during their annual cycle
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Animals that co-occur in a region (sympatry) may share the same environment (syntopy), and niche differentiation is expected among closely related species competing for resources. The masked booby (Sula dactylatra) and ... -
The viability of the crustacean Eurycercus lamellatus (Branchiopoda, Cladocera) in a high mountain area in southern Norway
(Journal article, 2020)The branchiopod Eurycercus lamellatus is widely distributed in Norwegian lakes, ranging from coastal to alpine areas. On the Hardangervidda mountain plateau in southern Norway, E. lamellatus was searched for in 144 lakes ... -
Viewshed-based modelling of visual exposure to urban greenery – An efficient GIS tool for practical planning applications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Quantifying green visual exposure is necessary to assess aesthetic, social and health benefits from urban greenery. Viewshed analysis has been successfully used to model and map green visual exposure from human perspective ... -
Villrein og vannkraft: Kan regionale planprosesser gjøre en forskjell?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Wild Reindeer and hydropower: Can regional planning processes make a difference? -
Viruses on the menu: The appendicularian Oikopleura dioica efficiently removes viruses from seawater
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Appendicularians are planktonic marine tunicates with elaborate filter-feeding houses that can efficiently trap particles as small as 0.2 lm. While marine viruses are seldom considered outside their role in disease ... -
Visitors’ relations to recreational facilities and attractions in a large vulnerable mountain region in Norway: Unpacking the roles of tourists and locals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A growing number of research studies show increasing trends of visitation to vulnerable areas, which may have negative impacts on both the local ecosystem and people's nature experience. Most of the studies deal with visitor ... -
Voice activity detection in eco-acoustic data enables privacy protection and is a proxy for human disturbance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Eco-acoustic monitoring is increasingly being used to map biodiversity across large scales, yet little thought is given to the privacy concerns and potential scientific value of inadvertently recorded human speech. ... -
Vole and lemming activity observed from space
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Predicting the impacts of present global warming requires an understanding of the factors controlling plant biomass and production. The extent to which they are controlled by bottom-up drivers such as climate, nutrient and ... -
Vulnerability and resilience of the carbon exchange of a subarctic peatland to an extreme winter event
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Extreme winter events that damage vegetation are considered an important climatic cause of arctic browning—a reversal of the greening trend of the region—and possibly reduce the carbon uptake of northern ecosystems. ... -
Walking as urban outdoor recreation: public health for everyone
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study aims to investigate whether the frequency of neighbourhood walks (both for recreation and for transport) is associated with various indicators of demographic and socio-economic position, indicators of selfreported ...