• Diurnal and nocturnal movements of Kori Bustards in the Serengeti ecosystem 

      Mmassy, Emmanuel Clamsen; Ranke, Peter S.; Lesio, Nicephor; Jackson, Craig Ryan; May, Roelof Frans; Røskaft, Eivin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Diverging phenological responses of Arctic seabirds to an earlier spring 

      Descamps, Sébastien; Ramírez, Francisco; Benjaminsen, Sigurd; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Barrett, Robert; Burr, Zofia; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Erikstad, Kjell-Einar; Irons, David B.; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Mallory, Mark L.; Robertson, Gregory J.; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Strøm, Hallvard; Varpe, Øystein; Lavergne, Sébastien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The timing of annual events such as reproduction is a critical component of how free‐living organisms respond to ongoing climate change. This may be especially true in the Arctic, which is disproportionally impacted by ...
    • Diverse values of nature for sustainability 

      Pascual, Unai; Balvanera, Patricia; Anderson, Christopher B.; Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca; Christie, Michael; González-Jiménez, David; Martin, Adrian; Raymond, Christopher M.; Termansen, Mette; Vatn, Arild; Athayde, Simone; Baptiste, Brigitte; Barton, David Nicholas; Jacobs, Sander; Kelemen, Eszter; Kumar, Ritesh; Lazos, Elena; Mwampamba, Tuyeni H.; Nakangu, Barbara; O’Farrell, Patrick; Subramanian, Suneetha M.; van Noordwijk, Meine; Ahn, SoEun; Amaruzaman, Sacha; Amin, Ariane M.; Arias-Arévalo, Paola; Arroyo-Robles, Gabriela; Cantú-Fernández, Mariana; Castro, Antonio J.; Contreras, Victoria; De Vos, Alta; Dendoncker, Nicolas; Engel, Stefanie; Eser, Uta; Faith, Daniel P.; Filyushkina, Anna; Ghazi, Houda; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Gould, Rachelle K.; Guibrunet, Louise; Gundimeda, Haripriya; Hahn, Thomas; Harmáčková, Zuzana V.; Hernández-Blanco, Marcello; Horcea-Milcu, Andra-Ioana; Huambachano, Mariaelena; Wicher, Natalia Lutti Hummel; Aydın, Cem İskender; Islar, Mine; Koessler, Ann-Kathrin; Kenter, Jasper O.; Kosmus, Marina; Lee, Heera; Leimona, Beria; Lele, Sharachchandra; Lenzi, Dominic; Lliso, Bosco; Mannetti, Lelani M.; Merçon, Juliana; Monroy-Sais, Ana Sofía; Mukherjee, Nibedita; Muraca, Barbara; Muradian, Roldan; Murali, Ranjini; Nelson, Sara H.; Nemogá-Soto, Gabriel R.; Ngouhouo-Poufoun, Jonas; Niamir, Aidin; Nuesiri, Emmanuel; Nyumba, Tobias O.; Özkaynak, Begüm; Palomo, Ignacio; Pandit, Ram; Pawłowska-Mainville, Agnieszka; Porter-Bolland, Luciana; Quaas, Martin; Rode, Julian; Rozzi, Ricardo; Sachdeva, Sonya; Samakov, Aibek; Schaafsma, Marije; Sitas, Nadia; Ungar, Paula; Yiu, Evonne; Yoshida, Yuki; Zent, Eglee (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Twenty-fve years since foundational publications on valuing ecosystem services for human well-being, addressing the global biodiversity crisis still implies confronting barriers to incorporating nature’s diverse values ...
    • DNA double-strand breaks in relation to persistent organic pollutants in a fasting seabird 

      Fenstad, Anette; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro; Moe, Børge; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Bingham, Christopher George; Herzke, Dorte; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Krøkje, Åse (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Lipophilic persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are released from fat reserves during fasting, causing increased blood concentrations. Thus, POPs represent a potential anthropogenic stressor during fasting periods. We ...
    • DNA Metabarcoding of Preservative Ethanol Reveals Changes in Invertebrate Community Composition Following Rotenone Treatment 

      Kjærstad, Gaute; Majaneva, Markus; Falahati-Anbaran, Mohsen; Topstad, Lasse; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt; Arnekleiv, Jo Vegar; Ekrem, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The botanical compound rotenone is extensively used to eradicate populations and reduce the negative impacts of freshwater invasive animals. The method is controversial as non target organisms often are negatively affected, ...
    • DNA metabarcoding reveals diet overlap between the endangered walia ibex and domestic goats - implications for conservation 

      Mewicha, Berihun Gebremedhin; Flagstad, Øystein; Bekele, Afework; Gelete, Desalegn Chala; Bakkestuen, Vegar; Boessenkool, Sanne; Popp, Magnus; Gusarova, Galina; Schrøder-Nielsen, Audun; Nemomissa, Sileshi; Brochmann, Christian; Stenseth, Nils Christian; Epp, Laura (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Human population expansion and associated degradation of the habitat of many wildlife species cause loss of biodiversity and species extinctions. The small Simen Mountains National Park in Ethiopia is one of the last ...
    • DNA profiles of shed Taiga Bean Goose feathers indicate between-season fidelity to moulting sites in Swedish Lapland 

      de Jong, Adriaan; Kleven, Oddmund; Honka, Johanna; Vahlström, Isak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Recently, the Taiga Bean Goose Anser f. fabalis breeding population of Southern Lapland, Sweden, was shown to use a network of local sites during their summer wing moult. We used microsatellite markers to identify individual ...
    • Do beaver dams reduce habitat connectivity and salmon productivity in expansive river floodplains? 

      Malison, Rachel; Kuzishchin, Kirill V.; Stanford, Jack A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Subjects Fisheries and Fish Science, Ecology Alaska, Alluvial river floodplains, Kamchatka, North American beaver, Castor canadensis, Pacific salmon, Salmon ecology, Salmon production
    • Do birds in flight respond to (ultra)violet lighting? 

      May, Roelof Frans; Åström, Jens; Hamre, Øyvind; Dahl, Espen Lie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Concerns for bird collisions with wind turbines affect the deployment of onshore and offshore windpower plants. To avoid delays in consenting processes and to streamline the construction and operation phase, functional ...
    • Do birds respond to spiral markers on overhead wires of a high-voltage power line? Insights from a dedicated avian radar 

      Pavòn-Jordàn, Diego; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Åström, Jens; Bevanger, Kjetil Modolv; Hamre, Øyvind; Torsæter, Ellen; May, Roelof Frans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Growing human population demands the expansion of the energy transmission grid. Power lines represent a major death hazard for many species, especially birds. Addressing such a human-wildlife conflict requires detailed ...
    • Do conservation measures in forest work? A comparison of three area-based conservation tools for wood-living species in boreal forests 

      Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Bendiksen, Egil; Birkemoe, Tone; Larsson, Karl-Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      Loss of natural forests and decline in forest biodiversity has led to several policy initiatives in recent years. Despite this, the importance of smaller set-asides vs forest reserves for conservation measures is poorly ...
    • Do DOM quality and origin affect the uptake and accumulation of lipid-soluble contaminants in coastal filter feeders? An experimental simulation of teflubenzuron exposure to blue mussels 

      Schultze, Sabrina; Andersen, Tom; Knudtzon, Nina Cathrine; Ruus, Anders; Rundberget, Jan Thomas; Brooks, Steven; Poste, Amanda Elizabeth; Hessen, Dag Olav; Borgå, Katrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The increased export of terrestrial dissolved organic matter (terrDOM) to coastal marine ecosystems may affect local filter feeders and the local food web via the altered uptake of organic material and associated contaminants. ...
    • Do foraging ecology and contaminants interactively predict parenting hormone levels in common eider? 

      Smith, Reyd A.; Fort, Jérôme; Legagneux, Pierre; Chastel, Olivier; Mallory, Mark L.; Bustamante, Paco; Danielsen, Jóhannis; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Einar Jónsson, Jón; Magnúsdóttir, Ellen; Moe, Børge; Parenteau, Charline; Parkinson, Kyle J.L.; Parsons, Glen J.; Tertitski, Grigori; Love, Oliver P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Global climate change is causing abiotic shifts such as higher air and ocean temperatures, and disappearing sea ice in Arctic ecosystems. These changes influence Arctic-breeding seabird foraging ecology by altering prey ...
    • Do ingredient and nutrient intake reveal individual dietary specialization in an omnivorous carnivore, the brown bear? 

      De Cuyper, Annelies; Strubbe, Diederik; Clauss, Marcus; Lens, Luc; Zedrosser, Andreas; Steyaert, Sam; Kopatz, Alexander; Janssens, Geert P.J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Generalist populations often harbor individual dietary specialists. Whether using a narrower set of resources than the population (= specialization) affects specialists' nutrient intake remains underexplored. We evaluated ...
    • ‘Do you care about the river?’ A critical discourse analysis and lessons for management of social conflict over Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) conservation in the case of voluntary stocking in Wales 

      Harrison, Hannah L.; Kochalski, Sophia; Arlinghaus, Robert; Aas, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      1. Stakeholders with shared interests in fish conservation often disagree about which specific conservation measures are appropriate, leading to conflicts with sometimes long‐lasting and disruptive social and political ...
    • Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends? 

      Ehrich, Dorothee; Schmidt, Niels M.; Gauthier, Gilles; Alisauskas, Ray; Angerbjörn, Anders; Clark, Karin; Ecke, Frauke; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Framstad, Erik; Frandsen, Jay; Franke, Alastair; Gilg, Olivier; Giroux, Marie-Andrée; Henttonen, Heikki; Hörnfeldt, Birger; Ims, Rolf Anker; Kataev, Gennadiy D.; Kharitonov, Sergey P.; Killengreen, Siw Turid; Krebs, Charles J.; Lanctot, Richard B.; Lecomte, Nicolas; Menyushina, Irina; Morris, Douglas W.; Morrisson, Guy; Oksanen, Lauri; Oksanen, Tarja Maarit; Olofsson, Johan; Pokrovsky, Ivan G.; Popov, Igor Yu.; Reid, Don; Roth, James D.; Saalfeld, Sarah T.; Samelius, Gustaf; Sittler, Benoit; Sleptsov, Sergey M.; Smith, Paul; Sokolov, Aleksandr A.; Sokolova, Natalya A.; Soloviev, Mikhail Y.; Solovyeva, Diana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Lemmings are a key component of tundra food webs and changes in their dynamics can affect the whole ecosystem. We present a comprehensive overview of lemming monitoring and research activities, and assess recent trends ...
    • Does Catch-and-Release Angling Alter the Behavior and Fate of Adult Atlantic Salmon During Upriver Migration? 

      Lennox, Robert J.; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Cooke, Steven J.; Næsje, Tor; Whoriskey, Frederick G.; Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Solem, Øyvind; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      To reproduce, Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar return to freshwater rivers and migrate upriver to spawning areas. This migration is the basis for recreational fisheries, which for conservation reasons are increasingly characterized ...
    • Does defoliation frequency and severity influence plant productivity? The role of grazing management and soil nutrients 

      Venter, Alexander Samuel; Hawkins, Heidi-Jayne; Cramer, Michael D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Rangeland management approaches, including rotational grazing, rely on assumptions about plant growth responses to the intensity, or severity (sward height) plus frequency, of defoliation. We tested these assumptions at ...
    • Does long-term grazing cause cascading impacts on the soil microbiome in mountain birch forests? 

      Ahonen, Saija H.K.; Ruotsalainen, Anna Liisa; Wäli, Piippa R.; Suominen, Otso; Vindstad, Ole Petter Laksforsmo; Jepsen, Jane Uhd; Markkola, Annamari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      In subarctic mountain birch forests, reindeer grazing and moth outbreaks act as important biotic drivers of ecosystem functioning. We investigated how a long-term contrast in reindeer grazing regimes and short-term ...
    • Don't mind if I do: Arctic humpback whales respond to winter foraging opportunities before migration 

      Kettemer, Lisa Elena; Ramm, Theresia; Broms, Fredrik Björn; Biuw, Martin; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Bourgeon, Sophie; Dubourg, Paul; Ellendersen, Anna C. J.; Horaud, Mathilde; Kershaw, Joanna; Miller, Patrick J. O.; Øien, Nils Inge; Pallin, Logan J.; Rikardsen, Audun H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Migration patterns are fundamentally linked to the spatio-temporal distributions of prey. How migrating animals canrespond to changes in their prey’s distribution and abundance remains largely unclear. During the ...