Browsing NINA Brage by Title
Now showing items 1637-1656 of 4493
Habitat connectivity affects specialist species richness more than generalists in veteran trees
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Intensified human land use continues to increase habitat loss and fragmentation, and leads to a homogenization of biodiversity. Specialized species with narrow niches seem to be declining more rapidly than generalist ... -
Habitat connectivity and intra-population structure of an estuary-dependent fishery species
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Habitat connectivity is a fundamental component of estuary-associated fish behaviour. Understanding this is critical to understanding population dynamics and the nursery role of estuarine habitats. This study aimed to ... -
Habitat fragmentation has interactive effects on the population genetic diversity and individual behaviour of a freshwater salmonid fish
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Sufficient genetic diversity can aid populations to persist in dynamic and fragmented environments. Understanding which mechanisms regulate genetic diversity of riverine fish can therefore advance current conservation ... -
Habitat functionality: Integrating environmental and geographic space in niche modeling for conservation planning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Niche modeling is typically used to assess the effects of anthropogenic landuse and climate change on species distributions and to inform spatial conser-vation planning. These models focus on the suitability of local biotic ... -
Habitat modelling - A tool for managing landscapes? Report from a workshop held in Sunnersta, Sweden, 14-17 February 2006
(NINA Rapport;195, Research report, 2007)Brainerd, S.M., Kastdalen, L. and Seiler, A. (eds.) 2007. Habitat modelling - A tool for managing landscapes? Report from a workshop held in Sunnersta, Sweden, 14-17 February 2006. – NINA Report 195. 81 pp. En bærekraftig ... -
Habitat Protection Approaches Facilitate Conservation of Overlooked Fungal Diversity–A Case Study From the Norwegian Coastal Heathland System
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)European coastal heathlands are distinct ecosystems shaped by land use tradition and they have experienced an 80% area reduction from their historical maximum. These mosaics of mires and wind exposed patches have ericaceous ... -
Habitat selection and space use of Upland Sandpipers at nonbreeding grounds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Habitat requirements of migratory birds can be dynamic during the annual cycle, and understanding habitat use during the nonbreeding season is important for conservation planning. In grassland birds, habitat selection is ... -
Habitat suitability models based on opportunistic citizen science data: Evaluating forecasts from alternative methods versus an individual-based model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aim: To evaluate the utility of opportunistic data from citizen science programmes for forecasting species distributions against forecasts with a model of individualbased population dynamics. Location: Sweden. Methods: We ... -
Habitat use of wild Reindeer (Rangifer t.tarandus) in Hardangervidda, Norway
(NINA Rapport;982, Research report, 2013)As a migratory species living in the (sub-)arctic reindeer are highly sensitive to the effects of habitat fragmentation, cumulated human disturbance and climate change. In a rapidly changing environment a better understanding ... -
Habitat Utilization in White-Tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) and the Displacement Impact of the Smøla Wind-Power Plant
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)On average, 7.8 white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) collide with wind turbines annually at the operating wind-power plant on the island of Smøla off the coast of central Norway. To better understand the impact of ... -
Habitatapplikasjon for klippeblåvinge (Scolitantides orion)
(NINA Rapport;2510, Research report, 2024)Hansen, J.E, Endrestøl, A. & Mienna, I.M. 2024. Habitatapplikasjon for klippeblåvinge (Scolitantides orion). NINA Rapport 2510. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Klippeblåvinge Scolitantides orion er en de mest sjeldne ... -
Habitategnethetsmodell for lirype – Basert på linjetakseringsdata fra Statskogs eiendommer. Revidert utgave
(NINA Kortrapport;55, Research report, 2017)Kvasnes, M. og Nilsen. E.B. 2017. Habitategnethetsmodell for lirype – Basert på linjetakseringsdata fra Statskogs eiendommer. Revidert utgave – NINA Kortrapport 55. 35 s. Statskog er Norges største grunneier og forvalter ... -
Habitatforbedrende tiltak på Langøra N, Stjørdal kommune. Effekt på stor elvebreddedderkopp.
(NINA Rapport;1566, Research report, 2018)Åström, S. & Hanssen, O. 2018. Habitatforbedrende tiltak på Langøra N, Stjørdal kommune. Effekt på stor elvebreddedderkopp. NINA Rapport 1566. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Stor elvebreddedderkopp, Arctosa cinerea, ... -
Habitatkartlegging av Ljøra med sideelver 2014
(NINA Rapport;1133, Research report, 2014)Olstad, K. & Dokk, J.G. 2013. Habitatkartlegging av Ljøra med sideelver 2014 - NINA Rapport 1133. 24 s. Ljøravassdraget har sine kilder rundt Drevfjället i Dalarnas län i Sverige. Elva har deretter et løp på drøyt 40 km ... -
Habitatkartlegging og el-fiskeundersøkelser i Flagstadelva 2019 - 2020
(NINA Rapport;1885, Research report, 2020)Olstad, K., Dokk, J.G., Johnsen, S.I. & Myrvold, K.M. 2020. Habitatkartlegging og el-fiskeundersøkelser i Flagstadelva 2019 – 2020. NINA Rapport 1885. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. NINA gjennomførte i løpet av høsten ... -
Habitatklassifisering og trusselvurderinger av rødlistearter. Forslag til standarisert system
(NINA Rapport;96, Research report, 2005)Ødegaard, F., Bakken, T., Blom, H., Brandrud, T.E., Stokland, J.N. og Aarrestad, P.A. 2005. Habitatklassifisering og trusselvurderinger av rødlistearter. Forslag til standarisert system. - NINA Rapport 96. 39 s. Målet med ... -
Habitatmodell for lirype i Finnmark
(NINA rapport;845, Research report, 2012)Pedersen, Å.Ø., Jepsen, J.U., Biuw, M. & Johansen, B. 2012. Habitatmodell for lirype i Finnmark – NINA Rapport 845, 36 s. I 2010 tok Finnmarkseiendommen (FeFo) initiativ til å utvikle en regional prediktiv habitatmodell ... -
Habitatrestaurering i Eira. Forslag til handlingsplan med prioritering av tiltaksområder
(NINA Kortrapport;69, Research report, 2017)Jensås, J.G., Ulvan, E.M., Bremset, G. & Havn, T.B. 2017. Habitatrestaurering i Eira. Forslag til handlingsplan med prioritering av tiltaksområder. - NINA Kortrapport 69, 21 sider + vedlegg. I mars 2015 og oktober 2015 ... -
Habitatundersøkelser for elvemusling i Brynjebekken. Forskjeller i rekruttering mellom kanalisert og naturlig del
(NINA Rapport;1895, Research report, 2021)Magerøy, J.H., Wacker, S., Sandaas, K. & Enerud, J. 2021. Habitatundersøkelser for elvemusling i Brynjebekken. Forskjeller i rekruttering mellom kanalisert og naturlig del. NINA Rapport 1895. Norsk institutt for ... -
Half a century of genetic interaction between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon: Status of knowledge and unanswered questions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is one of the best researched fishes, and its aquaculture plays a global role in the blue revolution. However, since the 1970s, tens of millions of farmed salmon have escaped into the wild. ...