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What does coexistence mean? Insight from place-based trajectories of pastoralists and bears encounters in the Pyrenees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)1. The recovery of large carnivores in Europe raises issues related to sharing landscape with humans. Beyond technical solutions, it is widely recognized that social factors also contribute to shaping coexistence. In this ... -
Biologiske resipientundersøkelser i Trongdøla, Verdal kommune. Bunndyrundersøkelser og ungfisktellinger i 2024
(NINA Rapport;2558, Research report, 2025)Rapporten publiseres 4. mars 2025 -
ANO-moduler for havstrand, kystlynghei og myr. Forslag til ny overvåking
(NINA Rapport;2524b, Research report, 2025)Kolstad, A.L., Töpper, J.P., Bakkestuen, V., Evju, M., Johansen, L., Kyrkjeeide, M.O., Lyngstad, A., Rød, J.K, Tingstad, L. & Velle, L.G. 2025. ANO-moduler for havstrand, kystlynghei og myr. Forslag til ny overvåking. NINA ... -
Winter Tracking Data Suggest that Migratory Seabirds Transport Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances to Their Arctic Nesting Site
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Seabirds are often considered sentinel species of marine ecosystems, and their blood and eggs utilized to monitor local environmental contaminations. Most seabirds breeding in the Arctic are migratory and thus are exposed ... -
Effekten av utlegging av gytegrus på habitatkvalitet for eggene til laksefisk i Akerselva over tid. Redoksmålinger i 2018 og 2022
(NINA Rapport;2491, Research report, 2025)Rapporten er foreløpig ikke publisert