New data on Cortinarius funga (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Altaiskiy Nature Reserve and Gorno-Altaysk area (sw Siberia, Russia)
Brandrud, Tor Erik; Gorbunova, I. A.; Ageev, D. V.; Dahlberg, A.; Dima, Bálint; Morozova, O.V.; Svetasheva, T. Yu.
Peer reviewed, Journal article
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During an expedition in 2018 to Teletskoye Lake, Altaiskiy Nature Reserve and Gorno-Altaysk area (Altay Republic), 49 Cortinarius species were collected and documented, including ITS DNA sequencing of 32 samples. A total of 29 telamonioid species, 3 dermocyboid species, 6 anomaloid species, 6 phlegmacioid species, 3 myxacioid species and 2 species from other groups were found, of which 32 species are new to Altay and 14 species new to Russia. The Cortinarius funga of the Pinus – Betula – Abies forests of Altay is apparently very similar to that of boreal North Europe, and indicates a remarkable uniformity of the taiga from Scandinavia to western Siberia, with respect to fungal communities. Cortinarius privignipallens coll., C. subheterocyclus, C. nodosisporus appeared to be rare Eurasian species. A few undescribed species were also recorded, but since belonging to species complexes, they need further studies. Most of Cortinarius species (33) were found in Pinus sylvestris (Betula) mossy delta forests on sand/pebbles, whereas 9 species were found in the Pinus sibirica – Abies sibirica – Betula mixed tall herb slope forests. A few species were also found in the Alnus viridis subsp. fructicosa – Salix viminalis (Betula) riparian delta forest (3 taxa). Altogether 13 species were recorded in the calciphilous semi-open, partly grazed Betula pendula woodland around Gorno-Altaysk. Altay funga, ITS-barcoding, morphology, new to Russia, taiga НОВЫЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ О ГРИБАХ РОДА CORTINARIUS (AGARICALES, BASIDIOMYCOTA) ИЗ АЛТАЙСКОГО ЗАПОВЕДНИКА И ОКРЕСТНОСТЕЙ ГОРНО-АЛТАЙСКА (ЮГО-ЗАПАДНАЯ СИБИРЬ, РОССИЯ) New data on Cortinarius funga (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Altaiskiy Nature Reserve and Gorno-Altaysk area (sw Siberia, Russia)