• Deep sympatric mitochondrial divergence without reproductive isolation in the common redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus 

      Hogner, Silje; Laskemoen, Terje; Lifjeld, Jan Terje; Porkert, Jiri; Kleven, Oddmund; Albayrak, Tamer; Kabasakal, Bekir; Johnsen, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Mitochondrial DNA usually shows low sequence variation within and high sequence divergence among species, which makes it a useful marker for phylogenetic inference and DNA barcoding. A previous study on the common redstart ...
    • The great tit HapMap project: A continental-scale analysis of genomic variation in a songbird 

      Spurgin, Lewis G.; Bosse, Mirte; Adriaensen, Frank; Albayrak, Tamer; Barboutis, Christos; Belda, Eduardo; Bushuev, Andrey; Cecere, Jacopo G.; Charmantier, Anne; Cichon, Mariusz; Dingemanse, Niels J.; Doligez, Blandine; Eeva, Tapio; Erikstad, Kjell E.; Fedorov, Vyacheslav; Griggio, Matteo; Heylen, Dieter; Hille, Sabine; Hinde, Camilla A.; Ivankina, Elena; Kempenaers, Bart; Kerimov, Anvar; Krist, Miloš; Kvist, Laura; Laine, Veronika N.; Mänd, Raivo; Matthysen, Erik; Nager, Ruedi; Nikolov, Boris P.; Norte, Ana Claudia; Orell, Markku; Ouyang, Jenny; Petrova-Dinkova, Gergana; Richner, Heinz; Rubolini, Diego; Slagsvold, Tore; Tilgar, Vallo; Török, János; Tschirren, Barbara; Vágási, Csongor I.; Yuta, Teru; Groenen, Martien A. M.; Visser, Marcel E.; van Oers, Kees; Sheldon, Ben C.; Slate, Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      A major aim of evolutionary biology is to understand why patterns of genomic diversity vary within taxa and space. Large-scale genomic studies of widespread species are useful for studying how environment and demography ...