Browsing Scientific publications by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1446
Exploratory and confirmatory research in the open science era
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2002)1. Applied ecological research is increasingly inspired by the open science movement. However, new challenges about how we define our science when biodiversity data are being shared and reused are not solved. Among these ... -
The King of the Forest: Local Knowledge About European Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) and Implications for Their Conservation in Contemporary Western Macedonia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)From a conservation point of view, Macedonia’s brown bear (Ursus arctos) population appears to be a key link in the distribution of one of Europe’s largest brown bear populations, the Dinaric-Pindos population. The lack ... -
Generic genetic differences between farmed and wild Atlantic Salmon identified from a 7K SNP-chip
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)Genetic interactions between farmed and wild conspecifics are of special concern in fisheries where large numbers of domesticated individuals are released into the wild. In the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), selective ... -
More stable productivity of semi natural grasslands than sown pastures in a seasonally dry climate
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In the Neotropics the predominant pathway to intensify productivity is generally thought to be to convert grasslands to sown pastures, mostly in monoculture. This article examines how above-ground net primary productivity ... -
Deep sympatric mitochondrial divergence without reproductive isolation in the common redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Mitochondrial DNA usually shows low sequence variation within and high sequence divergence among species, which makes it a useful marker for phylogenetic inference and DNA barcoding. A previous study on the common redstart ... -
Contemporary ocean warming and freshwater conditions are related to later sea age at maturity in Atlantic salmon spawning in Norwegian rivers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Atlantic salmon populations are reported to be declining throughout its range, raising major management concerns. Variation in adult fish abundance may be due to variation in survival, growth, and timing of life history ... -
Vole and lemming activity observed from space
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Predicting the impacts of present global warming requires an understanding of the factors controlling plant biomass and production. The extent to which they are controlled by bottom-up drivers such as climate, nutrient and ... -
Ecosystem response to climatic change: the importance of the cold season
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Winter climate and snow cover are the important drivers of plant community development in polar regions. However, the impacts of changing winter climate and associated changes in snow regime have received much less attention ... -
Classifying and valuing ecosystem services for urban planning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)While technological progress has fostered the conception of an urban society that is increasingly decoupled from ecosystems, demands on natural capital and ecosystem services keep increasing steadily in our urbanized planet. ... -
Holder fisketrappene mål i forhold til Vannforskriften?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Using natural marks to estimate free-ranging dog Canis familiaris abundance in a MARK-RESIGHT framework in suburban Mumbai, India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Free-ranging dogs (Canis familiaris) are a major conservation issue in the tropics and adopt many ecological roles, alternatively functioning as predators, prey, or competitors of wildlife in diverse environments. Dogs are ... -
Modelled sensitivity of avian collision rate at wind turbines varies with number of hours of flight activity input data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Collision risk modelling of birds at wind turbines typi-cally requires vantage point (VP) data to quantify birdflight activity. The number of VP observation hoursrequired to provide such data, and the associated error ... -
Temporal quota corrections based on timing of harvest in a small game species
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Theoretical models have shown that the effect of removing a given proportion of the population can be profoundly different if the harvest takes place late in the season compared to early. We explore the effect of these ... -
Maternal Androgens Increase Sibling Aggression, Dominance, and Competitive Ability in the Siblicidal Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Animals and plants routinely produce more offspring than they can afford to rear. Mothers can favour certain young by conferring on them competitive advantages such as a leading position in the birth sequence, more resources ... -
Hva om Hunderørret var laks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Storørret defineres som en selvreproduserende stamme med regulær forekomst av store fiskespisende individer, ofte med et nisjeskift og markert vekstomslag ved overgangen til fiskediett. Den mest kjente storørretstammen her ... -
Aerospace mapping of the status and position of northern forest limit
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)We study changes in the position of the northern forest limit and state of vegetation in the taiga-tundra ecotone through aerial and satellite imagery in the context of climate variability and of the projected advance of ... -
Building biological realism into wolf management policy: the development of the population approach in Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012) -
¿Cómo incrementar la multifuncionalidad en potreros?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)En las zonas ganaderas de Nicaragua hay un interés creciente de los productores por retener y manejar árboles en potreros (árboles dispersos y cercas vivas). Es recomendable que el productor considere la importancia de la ... -
Influencia de los árboles en la vegetación herbácea de sistemas ganaderos del trópico seco de Nicaragua
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Se estudiaron las características estructurales de tres especies forestales y su efecto sobre la productividad primaria neta aérea y la composición florística de pastizales naturales en el trópico seco de Nicaragua. Las ... -
Composición florística de pastizales en Muy Muy y Rivas, Nicaragua
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)A pesar de ser ecosistemas manejados, surgidos de la transformación de ambientes naturales, los pastizales compuestos por especies nativas y exóticas pueden tener un papel importante en la conservación de la biodiversidad ...