• A catch-22 conflict: Access to semi-domestic reindeer modulatesEurasian lynx depredation on domestic sheep 

      Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Conserving large carnivores in multi-use landscape is a global challenge. In northern Norway the presence of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) conflicts greatly with the current ways of keeping free-grazing, unguarded livestock ...
    • Activity patterns of Eurasian lynx are modulated by light regime and individual traits over a wide latitudinal range 

      Heurich, Marco; Hilger, Anton; Küchenhoff, Helmut; Andrén, Henrik; Bufka, Luděk; Krofel, Miha; Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John; Persson, Jens; Rauset, Geir Rune; Schmidt, Krzysztof; Linnell, John Durrus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      The activity patterns of most terrestrial animals are regarded as being primarily influenced by light, although other factors, such as sexual cycle and climatic conditions, can modify the underlying patterns. However, most ...
    • Altitude, latitude, and climate zone as determinants of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) coat colour change 

      Stokes, Allan; Hofmeester, Tim R.; Thorsen, Neri Horntvedt; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus; Pedersen, Simen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Assessing the potential of camera traps for estimating activity pattern compared to collar-mounted activity sensors: a case study on Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in south-eastern Norway 

      Iannino, Elena; Linnell, John Durrus; Devineau, Olivier; Odden, John; Mattisson, Jenny; Thorsen, Neri Horntvedt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The diel activity patterns of animals convey information about physiology, ecological niches and animal behaviour relevant for both applied conservation and more theoretical research. However, these patterns are challenging ...
    • Bottom-up rather than top-down mechanisms determine mesocarnivore interactions in Norway 

      Cano-Martínez, Rocío; Thorsen, Neri Horntvedt; Hofmeester, Tim R.; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus; Devineau, Olivier; Angoh, Siow Yan Jennifer; Odden, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Interactions among coexisting mesocarnivores can be influenced by different factors such as the presence of large carnivores, land-use, environmental productivity,or human disturbance. Disentangling the relative importance ...
    • Caching Behavior of Large Prey by Eurasian Lynx: Quantifying the Anti-Scavenging Benefits 

      Teurlings, Ivonne; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus; Melis, Claudia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      caching; Capreolus capreolus; carrion; Eurasian lynx; Lynx lynx; Norway; predation; roe deer; scavenging
    • Density of Wild Prey Modulates Lynx Kill Rates on Free-Ranging Domestic Sheep 

      Odden, John; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Linnell, John Durrus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Understanding the factors shaping the dynamics of carnivore–livestock conflicts is vital to facilitate large carnivore conservation in multi-use landscapes. We investigated how the density of their main wild prey, roe deer ...
    • Er skadefelling av gaupe og jerv selektiv? 

      Odden, John; Mattisson, Jenny; Rauset, Geir Rune; Linnell, John Durrus; Persson, Jens; Segerström, Peter; Andrén, Henrik (NINA rapport;601, Research report, 2010)
      Odden, J., Mattisson, J., Rauset, G.R., Linnell, J.D.C., Persson, J., Segerström, P. & Andrén, H. 2010. Er skadefelling av gaupe og jerv selektiv? - NINA Rapport 601. 20 s. De mest benyttede tapsreduserende virkemidlene ...
    • Evaluating MODIS snow products using an extensive wildlife camera network 

      Breen, Catherine; Vuyovich, Carrie; Odden, John; Hall, Dorothy; Prugh, Laura (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Snow covers a maximum of 47 million km2 of Earth’s northern hemisphere each winter and is an important component of the planet’s energy balance, hydrology cycles, and ecosystems. Monitoring regional and global snow cover ...
    • Evaluering av gauperegistrering i regi av NJFF 

      Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus (NINA Rapport;1069, Research report, 2014)
      I Norge overvåkes bestandsstørrelse og bestandsutvikling hos gaupe hovedsakelig gjennom registrering av familiegrupper hver vinter. Overvåkingen utføres som en del av det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt, og ...
    • Extreme home range sizes among Eurasian lynx at the northern edge of their biogeographic range 

      Linnell, John Durrus; Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) have a wide distribution across Eurasia. The northern edge of this distribution is in Norway, where they reach up to 72 degrees north. We conducted a study of lynx space use in this region from ...
    • Forestry and environmental conditions as determinants of pine marten Martes martes occurrence in Norway 

      Angoh, Siow Yan Jennifer; Thorsen, Neri Horntvedt; Hofmeester, Tim R.; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus; Brainerd, Scott Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The European pine marten Martes martes is often associated with late seral stage coniferous forest stands. Earlier research has indicated that this species may be nega-tively influenced by clearcutting practices. However, ...
    • Forslag til samordning av overvåking av gaupe i Norge og Sverige 

      Kjørstad, Morten Andre; Ledström, Gunnar; Nordin, Hans; Odden, John; Pedersen, Vegar; Svensson, Linn; Tovmo, Mari (NINA Rapport;880, Research report, 2012)
      Direktoratet for naturforvaltning i Norge og Naturvårdsverket i Sverige har besluttet å gjennomføre en gjennomgang av overvåkingen av store rovdyr og kongeørn i Skandinavia. Målsettingen er å legge til rette for en ...
    • Framdriftsrapport for Scandlynx Norge 2010 

      Odden, John; Mattisson, Jenny; Strømseth, Thomas Holm; Sjulstad, Kjartan; Linnell, John Durrus; Persson, Jens; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Arnemo, Jon Martin (NINA rapport;640, Research report, 2010)
      Odden, J., Mattisson, J., Strømseth, T.H., Sjulstad, K., Linnell, J.D.C., Persson, J., Nilsen, E.B. & Arnemo, J.M. 2010. Framdriftsrapport for Scandlynx Norge 2010 - NINA Rapport 640. 22 s. Rapporten oppsummerer aktiviteten ...
    • Framdriftsrapport for Scandlynx Norge 2011 

      Odden, John; Mattisson, Jenny; Linnell, John Durrus; Mysterud, Atle; Melis, Claudia; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Brøseth, Henrik; Teurlings, Ivonne; Samelius, Gustav; McNutt, Helen L.; Andren, Henrik; Persson, Jens; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Sjulstad, Kjartan; Ulvund, Kristine R.; Loe, Leif Egil; Segerström, Peter; Turtumøygard, Tea; Strømseth, Thomas Holm; Gervasi, Vincenzo; Bouyer, Yaëlle; Flagstad, Øystein (NINA rapport;842, Research report, 2012)
      Odden, J., Mattisson, J., Linnell, J.D.C., Mysterud, A.,Melis, C., Nilsen, E.B., Samelius, G., McNutt, H.L., Andrén, H., Brøseth, H., Teurlings, I., Persson, J., Arnemo, J.M., Sjulstad, K., Ulvund, K.R., Loe, L.E., ...
    • Framing pictures: A conceptual framework to identify and correct for biases in detection probability of camera traps enabling multi‐species comparison 

      Hofmeester, Tim R.; Cromsigt, Joris P.G.M.; Odden, John; Andrén, Henrik; Kindberg, Jonas; Linnell, John Durrus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Obtaining reliable species observations is of great importance in animal ecology and wildlife conservation. An increasing number of studies use camera traps (CTs) to study wildlife communities, and an increasing effort is ...
    • Gaupas predasjon på sau – en kunnskapsoversikt. 

      Odden, John; Mattisson, Jenny; Gervasi, Vincenzo; Linnell, John Durrus (NINA Temahefte;57, Book, 2014-08)
      Gaupa er igjen å finne i store deler av Norge, og konfliktene rundt gaupe og sau er større enn de noen gang har vært. I følge erstatningstallene har en estimert bestand på mellom 44 og 92 familiegrupper siden 2000 årlig ...
    • Gauperegistrering i utvalgte fylker 2005 

      Brøseth, Henrik; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus (NINA Rapport;61, Research report, 2005)
      Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt overvåker bestandsstørrelse og bestandsutvikling hos gaupe i Norge ved hjelp av to metoder. Begge metodene er basert på en betydelig innsats av lokal frivillige mannskaper. ...
    • Gauperegistrering i utvalgte fylker 2006 

      Odden, John; Brøseth, Henrik; Linnell, John Durrus (NINA rapport;167, Research report, 2006)
      Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for store rovdyr overvåker bestandsstørrelse og bestandsutvikling hos gaupe i Norge ved hjelp av to metoder. Begge metodene er basert på en betydelig innsats av lokal frivillige mannskaper. ...
    • Gauperegistrering i utvalgte fylker 2007 

      Odden, John; Brøseth, Henrik; Linnell, John Durrus (NINA rapport;261, Research report, 2007)
      Odden, J., Brøseth, H. & Linnell, J.D.C. 2007. Gauperegistrering i utvalgte fylker 2007. - NINA Rapport 261. 27 s. Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for store rovdyr overvåker bestandsstørrelse og bestandsutvikling hos ...