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dc.contributor.authorRighton, David
dc.contributor.authorWesterberg, Håkan
dc.contributor.authorFeunteun, Eric
dc.contributor.authorØkland, Finn
dc.contributor.authorGargan, Patrick G.
dc.contributor.authorAmilhat, Elsa
dc.contributor.authorMetcalfe, Julian
dc.contributor.authorLobon-Cervia, Javier
dc.contributor.authorSjöberg, Niklas
dc.contributor.authorSimon, Janek
dc.contributor.authorAcou, Anthony
dc.contributor.authorVedor, Marisa
dc.contributor.authorWalker, Alan
dc.contributor.authorTrancart, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorBrämick, Uwe
dc.contributor.authorAarestrup, Kim
dc.coverage.spatialSargasso Sea, Atlantic oceannb_NO
dc.identifier.citationScience Advances 2016, 2nb_NO
dc.description.abstractThe spawning migration of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) to the Sargasso Sea is one of the greatest animal migrations. However, the duration and route of the migration remain uncertain. Using fishery data from 20 rivers across Europe, we show that most eels begin their oceanic migration between August and December. We used electronic tagging techniques to map the oceanic migration from eels released from four regions in Europe. Of 707 eels tagged, we received 206 data sets.Manymigrations ended soon after release because of predation events, but we were able to reconstruct in detail the migration routes of >80 eels. The route extended from western mainland Europe to the Azores region, more than 5000 km toward the Sargasso Sea. All eels exhibited diel vertical migrations, moving from deeper water during the day into shallower water at night. The range ofmigration speeds was 3 to 47 kmday−1. Using data from larval surveys in the Sargasso Sea, we show that spawning likely begins in December and peaks in February. Synthesizing these results, we show that the timing of autumn escapement and the rate of migration are inconsistent with the century-long held assumption that eels spawn as a single reproductive cohort in the spring time following their escapement. Instead, we suggest that European eels adopt a mixed migratory strategy, with some individuals able to achieve a rapid migration, whereas others arrive only in time for the following spawning season. Our results have consequences for eel management.nb_NO
dc.rightsNavngivelse-Ikkekommersiell 3.0 Norge*
dc.subjectelectronic taggingnb_NO
dc.subjectoceanic migrationnb_NO
dc.subjectSargasso Seanb_NO
dc.titleEmpirical observations of the spawning migrationof European eels: The long and dangerous roadto the Sargasso Seanb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.source.journalScience Advancesnb_NO

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