• Tiltaksanalyse for elvemusling i Begna. Hvilke kritiske faktorer finnes og hva kan vi gjøre for å sikre arten i Begna 

      Larsen, Bjørn Mejdell (NINA Rapport;1167, Research report, 2015)
      Elvemusling finnes i Begna innenfor Vannområde Valdres på strekningen fra Bagn til innløpet i Sperillen; en strekning på 40-45 km. På grunn av lav rekruttering kan ikke bestanden karakteriseres som levedyktig, og tiltak ...
    • Tiltaksrettet overvåking av spredning og introduksjon av ferskvannsfisk 

      Sandlund, Odd Terje; Hesthagen, Trygve H.; Saksgård, Laila M. (NINA Rapport;908, Research report, 2013-08)
      I løpet av de siste 10-åra har det vært en omfattende spredning og introduksjon av ferskvanns-fisk her i landet. Totalt er 11 fiskearter nye for norsk fauna, og i tillegg er det flere problemarter med naturlig innvandring ...
    • Tiltaksrettet overvåking av villaks og rømt oppdrettslaks i Trondheimsfjorden og tilsluttende elver. 2013 

      Næsje, Tor; Aronsen, Tonje; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Jørrestol, Arne; Økland, Finn; Fiske, Peder; Østborg, Gunnel Marie; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Rognes, Torstein; Heggberget, Tor Gravråk; Krogdahl, Rune (NINA Rapport;1062, Research report, 2014-06)
      Næsje, T.F., Aronsen, T., Ulvan, E.M., Jørrestol, A., Økland, F., Fiske, F., Østborg, G., Diserud, O., Rognes, T., Heggberget, T.G., Krogdahl, R. 2014. Tiltaksrettet overvåking av villaks og rømt oppdrettslaks i Trondheimsfjorden ...
    • Time and size at seaward migration influence the sea survival of Salmo salar 

      Jonsson, Nina; Jonsson, Bror (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      Whether time of seaward migration of young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar influences their subsequent survival and growth was investigated in the River Imsa, south-western Norway. Salmo salar were tagged when moving downstream ...
    • Time series analysis reveals synchrony and asynchrony between conflict management effort and increasing large grazing bird populations in northern Europe 

      Cusack, Jeremy J.; Duthie, Brad; Rakotonarivo, Sarobidy; Pozo, Rocio A.; Mason, Tom H. E.; Månsson, Johan; Nilsson, Lovisa; Tombre, Ingunn M.; Tombre, Ingunn; Eythórsson, Einar; Madsen, Jesper; Tulloch, Ayesha; Hearn, Richard D.; Redpath, Steve; Bunnefeld, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The management of conflicts between wildlife conservation and agricultural practices often involves the implementation of strategies aimed at reducing the cost of wildlife impacts on crops. Vital to the success of these ...
    • Timing and pattern of annual silver eel migration in two European watersheds are determined by similar cues 

      Sandlund, Odd Terje; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Poole, Russell; Bergesen, Knut Aanestad; Dillane, Mary; Rogan, Gerard; Durif, Caroline; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Many animals perform long-distance migrations in order to maximize lifetime reproductive success. The European eel migrates several thousand kilometers between their feeding habitats in continental waters (fresh-,brackish, ...
    • Timing and synchrony of birth in Eurasian lynx across Europe 

      Mattisson, Jenny; Linnell, John Durrus; Anders, Ole; Belotti, Elisa; Breitenmoser-Würsten, Christine; Bufka, Ludek; Fuxjäger, Christian; Heurich, Marco Dietmar; Ivanov, Gjorge; Jędrzejewski, Włodzimierz; Kont, Radio; Kowalczyk, Rafał; Krofel, Miha; Melovski, Dime; Mengüllüoğlu, Deniz; Middelhoff, Tomma Lilli; Molinari-Jobin, Anja; Odden, John; Ozoliņš, Jānis; Okarma, Henryk; Persson, Jens; Schmidt, Krzysztof; Vogt, Kristina; Zimmermann, Fridolin; Andrén, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The ecology and evolution of reproductive timing and synchrony have been a topic of great interest in evolutionary ecology for decades. Originally motivated by questions related to behavioral and reproductive adaptation ...
    • Tolga kraftverk. Utredning av konsekvenser for fisk og bunndyr 

      Museth, Jon; Johnsen, Stein Ivar; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Arneleiv, Jo Vegar; Kjærstad, Gaute; Kraabøl, Morten (NINA Rapport;828, Research report, 2012)
      Opplandskraft DA sendte i januar 2010 melding om Tolga kraftverk ut på høring, og følgende alternativer inngår i den endelige konsekvensutredning: Skjema ulike utbyggingsalternativene for Tolga kraftverk vurdert til ...
    • Top-down control of a marine mesopredator: Increase in native white-tailed eagles accelerates the extinction of an endangered seabird population 

      Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Fayet, Annette; Aarvak, Tomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      1. Bottom-up control is an important regulator of marine mesopredators such as seabirds. The prevalence of top-down control on these species is however less well understood. In particular, how native predators affect seabird ...
    • Toward a decade of ocean science for sustainable development through acoustic animal tracking 

      Alós, Josep; Aarestrup, Kim; Abecasis, David; Afonso, Pedro; Alonso-Fernandez, Alexandre; Aspillaga, Eneko; Barcelo-Serra, Margarida; Bolland, Jonathan; Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel; Lennox, Robert; McGill, Ross; Özgül, Aytaç; Reubens, Jan; Villegas-Ríos, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The ocean is a key component of the Earth's dynamics, providing a great variety of ecosystem services to humans. Yet, human activities are globally changing its structure and major components, including marine biodiversity. ...
    • Toward improved impact evaluation of community forest management in Indonesia 

      Meijaard, Erik; Santika, Truly; Wilson, Kerrie A.; Budiharta, Sugeng; Kusworo, Ahmad; Law, Elizabeth; Friedman, Rachel; Hutabarat, Joseph A.; Indrawan, Tito P.; Sherman, Julie; St.John, Freya A.V.; Struebig, Matthew J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Many tropical countries continue to devolve forest management to forest-dwelling communities. The assumption is that local knowledge of forests and community engagement in forest management will attain multiple social and ...
    • Towards an Urban Resilience Index: A Case Study in 50 Spanish Cities 

      Suárez, Marta; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Benayas, Javier; Tilbury, Daniella (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Urbanization is a major driver of land use change and global environmental decline. With accelerated urbanization worldwide, it is essential to put in place new policies to conserve urban ecosystems, species and the services ...
    • Towards the development of a management relevant index for invasive alien species: a pilot study 

      van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; Åström, Jens; Pilskog, Hanne Eik (NINA rapport;876, Research report, 2012)
      Van Dijk, J., Åström, J., Pilskog, H. E. 2012. Towards the development of a management relevant index for invasive alien species: a pilot study - NINA Report 876. 36 pp. Alien species are a major threat to biodiversity ...
    • Tracking animals in freshwater with electronic tags: past, present and future 

      Cooke, Steven J.; Midwood, Jonathan D.; Thiem, Jason D.; Klimley, Peter; Lucas, Martyn C.; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Eiler, John H.; Holbrook, Chris; Ebner, Brendan C (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Considerable technical developments over the past half century have enabled widespread application of electronic tags to the study of animals in the wild, including in freshwater environments. We review the constraints ...
    • Tracking neighbours promotes the coexistence of large carnivores 

      López-Bao, José Vicente; Mattisson, Jenny; Persson, Jens; Aronsson, Malin; Andrén, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      The study of competition and coexistence among similar interacting species has long been considered a cornerstone in evolutionary and community ecology. However, understanding coexistence remains a challenge. Using two ...
    • Trafikksikkerhet og fragmenteringseffekter i forbindelse med riks- og fylkesvegnettet. Forslag til etterundersøkelser av viltrelaterte tiltak utført av Statens vegvesen 

      May, Roelof Frans; Stokke, Sigbjørn; Sakshaug, Kristian (NINA Rapport;276, Research report, 2007)
      May, R., Stokke, S. & Sakshaug, K. 2007. Trafikksikkerhet og fragmenteringseffekter i forbindelse med riks- og fylkesvegnettet – Forslag til etterundersøkelser av viltrelaterte tiltak utført av Statens vegvesen - NINA ...
    • Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management 

      Downey, Harriet; Amano, Tatsuya; Cadotte, Mark; Cook, Carly N.; Cooke, Steven J.; Haddaway, Neal R.; Jones, Julia P. G.; Littlewood, Nick; Walsh, Jessica C.; Abrahams, Mark I.; Adum, Gilbert; Akasaka, Munemitsu; Alves, Jose A.; Antwis, Rachael E.; Arellano, Eduardo C.; Axmacher, Jan; Barclay, Holly; Batty, Lesley; Benítez-López, Ana; Bennett, Joseph R.; Berg, Maureen J.; Bertolino, Sandro; Biggs, Duan; Bolam, Friederike C.; Bray, Tim; Brook, BarryW.; Bull, Joseph W.; Burivalova, Zuzana; Cabeza, Mar; Chauvenet, Alienor L. M.; Christie, Alec P.; Cole, Lorna; Cotton, Alison J.; Cotton, Sam; Cousins, Sara A.O.; Craven, Dylan; Cresswell, Will; Cusack, Jeremy J.; Dalrymple, Sarah E.; Davies, Zoe G.; Diaz, Anita; Dodd, Jennifer A.; Felton, Adam; Fleishman, Erica; Gardner, Charlie J.; Garside, Ruth; Ghoddousi, Arash; Gilroy, James J.; Gill, David A.; Gill, Jennifer A.; Glew, Louise; Grainger, Matthew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      1. To be effective, the next generation of conservation practitioners andmanagers need to be critical thinkers with a deep understanding of how to make evidence-based decisions and of the value of evidence synthesis. 2. ...
    • Trans-Equatorial Migration Routes, Staging Sites and Wintering Areas of a High-Arctic Avian Predator: The Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus) 

      Gilg, Olivier; Moe, Børge; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Schmidt, Niels Martin; Sittler, Benoit; Hansen, Jannik; Reneerkens, Jeroen; Sabard, Brigitte; Chastel, Olivier; Moreau, Jérôme; Phillips, Richard A.; Oudman, Thomas; Biersma, Elisabeth M.; Fenstad, Anette; Lang, Johannes; Bollache, Loïc (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      The Long-tailed Skua, a small (,300 g) Arctic-breeding predator and seabird, is a functionally very important component of the Arctic vertebrate communities in summer, but little is known about its migration and winter ...
    • Transformative governance of biodiversity: insights for sustainable development 

      Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Razzaque, Jona; McElwee, Pamela; Turnhout, Esther; Kelemen, Eszter; Rusch, Graciela; Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro; Chan, Ivis; Lim, Michelle; Islar, Mine; Gautam, Ambika P.; Williams, Meryl; Mungatana, Eric; Karim, Md Saiful; Muradian, Roldan; Gerber, Leah R.; Lui, Gabriel; Liu, Jinlong; Spangenberg, Joachim H.; Zaleski, Dara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      While there is much debate on transformative change amongacademics and policymakers, the discussion on how to governsuch change is still in its infancy. This article argues thattransformative governance is needed to enable ...
    • Transforming Practice: Checklists for Delivering Change 

      Amano, Tatsuya; Bako, Longji; Best, Marina; Boenisch, Nicolas; Boersch-Supan, Philipp; Browne, Des; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Burgman, Mark; Cadotte, Marc W.; Cheng, Samantha H.; Canessa, Stefano; Christie, Alec P.; Citegetse, Geoffroy; Cook, Carly N.; Cooke, Steven J.; Cranston, Gemma; Dicks, Lynn V.; De la Luz, Angelita; Dickson, Iain; Downey, Harriet; Eklund, Johanna; Esmail, Nafeesa; Ferraro, Paul J.; Field, Alison; Fisher, Martin; Freckleton, Robert; Frick, Winifred F.; Godfray, Hugh Charles Jonathan; Grainger, Matthew; Green, Rhys E.; Hancock, Mark; Hemming, Victoria; Hughes, Jonathan; Irvine, Robyn; Jackson, Hazel A.; Keller, Kaylene E.; Koricheva, Julia; Latrémouille, Charles; McBride, Marissa; McLean, Angela R.; McPherson, Tom; Morgan, William H.; Muir, Matt; Mukherjee, Nibedita; O’Brien, David; Ockendon, Nancy; Parks, Danni; Petrovan, Silviu; Quinzin, Maud; Randall, Nicola; Rezaie, Ali Mohammad; Roe, Dilys; Rose, David; Rumpff, Libby; Sahlin, Ullrika (Others, 2022)
      Delivering a revolution in evidence use requires a cultural change across society. For a wide range of groups (practitioners, knowledge brokers, organisations, organisational leaders, policy makers, funders, researchers, ...