• Mer storlaks i Namsenvassdraget. Vurdering av fiskeforsterkende tiltak 

      Bremset, Gunnbjørn; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Fiske, Peder; Lund, Roar Asbjørn; Heggberget, Tor Gravråk (NINA Rapport;286, Research report, 2007)
      Gunnbjørn Bremset, Eva B. Thorstad, Peder Fiske, Roar A. Lund og Tor G. Heggberget. Mer storlaks i Namsenvassdraget. Vurdering av fiskeforsterkende tiltak - NINA Rapport 286. 57 s. På oppdrag av Namsenvassdragets ...
    • Mercury exposure, stress and prolactin secretion in an Arctic seabird: an experimental study 

      Tartu, Sabrina; Bustamante, Paco; Angelier, Frédéric; Lendvai, Adam Z.; Moe, Børge; Blévin, Pierre; Bech, Claus; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Chastel, Olivier (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Life-history theory predicts that long-lived organisms should reduce parental effort under inclement environmental conditions in order to favour long-term survival. Seabirds are long-lived top predators often exposed to ...
    • Merking av oter i innlandet i Norge – et pilotstudium 

      van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke (NINA rapport;799, Research report, 2012)
      Van Dijk, J. 2012. Merking av oter i innlandet i Norge – et pilotstudium. -NINA Rapport 799. 14 s. EnviPEAK-prosjektet ser nærmere på effekter av raske vannstandsendringer i forbindelse med vannkraftproduksjon. I ...
    • Meta-analysis of landowner participation in voluntary incentive programs for provision of forest ecosystem services 

      Mitani, Yohei; Lindhjem, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Many voluntary incentive programs for provision of forest ecosystem services (ES) have low par-ticipation rates, insufficient enrollment areas, and inefficient ecological outcomes. Understanding participationbehavior in ...
    • Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe 

      Pilotto, Francesca; Kühn, Ingolf; Adrian, Rita; Alber, Renate; Alignier, Audrey; Andrews, Christopher; Bäck, Jaana; Barbaro, Luc; Beaumont, Deborah; Beenaerts, Natalie; Benham, Sue; Boukal, David S.; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Camatti, Elisa; Canullo, Roberto; Cardoso, Patricia G.; Ens, Bruno J.; Everaert, Gert; Evtimova, Vesela V.; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; García-Gonzále, Ricardo; Gómez García, Daniel; Grandin, Ulf; Gutowski, Jerzy M.; Hadar, Liat; Halada, Lubos; Halassy, Melinda; Hummel, Herman; Huttunen, Kaisa-Leena; Jaroszewicz, Bogdan; Jensen, Thomas Correll; Kalivoda, Henrik; Schmidt, Inger Kappel; Kröncke, Ingrid; Leinonen, Reima; Martinho, Filipe; Meesenburg, Henning; Meyer, Julia; Minerbi, Stefano; Monteith, Don; Nikolov, Boris P.; Oro, Daniel; Ozoliņš, Dāvis; Padedda, Bachisio M.; Pallett, Denise; Pansera, Marco; Pardal, Miguel Ângelo; Petriccione, Bruno; Pipan, Tanja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Local biodiversity trends over time are likely to be decoupled from global trends, as local processes may compensate or counteract global change. We analyze 161 long-term biological time series (15–91 years) collected ...
    • Metapopulation regulation acts at multiple spatial scales: Insights from a century of seabird colony census data 

      Jeglinski, Jana W.E.; Wanless, Sarah; Murray, Stuart; Barrett, Robert; Gardarsson, Arnthor; Harris, Mike P.; Dierschke, Jochen; Strøm, Hallvard; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Matthiopoulos, Jason (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Density-dependent feedback is recognized as important regulatory mechanisms of population size. Considering the spatial scales over which such feedback operates has advanced our theoretical understanding of metapopulation ...
    • Method Reporting with Initials for Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more granularity and accountability for author contributions 

      Nakagawa, Shinichi; Ivimey-Cook, Edward R.; Grainger, Matthew; O’Dea, Rose E.; Burke, Samantha M.; Drobniak, Szymon M.; Gould, Elliot; Macartney, Erin L.; Robin Martinig, April; Morrison, Kyle; Paquet, Matthieu; Pick, Joel L.; Pottier, Patrice; Ricolfi, Lorenzo; Wilkinson, David P.; Willcox, Aaron; Williams, Coralie; Wilson, Laura A. B.; Windecker, Saras M.; Yang, Yefeng; Lagisz, Malgorzata (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) has recently changed how author contributions are acknowledged. To extend and complement CRediT, we propose MeRIT, a new way of writing the Methods section using the author’s initials ...
    • Methods for landscape characterisation and mapping: A systematic review 

      Simensen, Trond; Halvorsen, Rune; Erikstad, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Due to the multidisciplinary nature of landscape research, many different systems and methods for landscape identification and classification exist. This paper provides a systematic review of 54 contemporary landscape ...
    • Methods to quantify avian airspace use in relation to wind energy development 

      Largey, Nicola; Cook, Aonghais; Thaxter, Chris B.; McCluskie, Aly; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Wilson, Ben; Masden, Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      It is likely that there will continue to be a substantial increase in the number of wind turbines as we aim to meet global energy demands through renewable sources. However, these structures can have adverse impacts on ...
    • Metodikk for å fastsette miljømål for sterkt modifiserte vannforekomster. Auravassdraget som eksempel 

      Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt; Barton, David Nicholas; Jensen, Arne Johan; Johnsen, Bjørn Ove; Järnegren, Johanna; Sandlund, Odd Terje (NINA Rapport;292, Research report, 2007)
      Finstad, A.G., Barton, D.N., Jensen, A.J., Johnsen, B.O., Järnegren, J. & Sandlund, O.T. 2007. Metodikk for å fastsette miljømål for sterkt modifiserte vannforekomster. Auravassdraget som eksempel. – NINA Rapport 292, 93 ...
    • Metodikk for prøvefiske etter røye på Svalbard 

      Svenning, Martin (NINA rapport;645, Research report, 2010)
      Svenning, M-A. 2010. Metodikk for prøvefiske etter røye på Svalbard - NINA Rapport 645. 30 s. Røye er den eneste ferskvannsfisk som lever og reproduserer i vassdrag på Svalbard. Her finnes den i to hovedformer; som ...
    • Metodiske utfordringer i undersøkelsene av ungfisk av laks og ørret i effektkontrollen i kalkede vassdrag 

      Larsen, Bjørn Mejdell; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Gabrielsen, Sven Erik; Saksgård, Laila M.; Saksgård, Randi J. (NINA rapport;644, Research report, 2010)
      Larsen, B.M., Sandlund, O.T., Gabrielsen, S.E., Saksgård, L. & Saksgård, R. 2010. Metodiske utfordringer i undersøkelsene av ungfisk av laks og ørret i effektkontrollen i kalkede vassdrag. - NINA Rapport 644. 37 s. Fiske ...
    • Metrics for quantifying how much different threats contribute to red lists of species and ecosystems 

      Sandvik, Hanno; Pedersen, Bård (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Red lists are a crucial tool for the management of threatened species and ecosystems. Among the information red lists provide, the threats affecting the listed species or ecosystem, such as pollution or hunting, are of ...
    • MIAT: Modular R-wrappers for flexible implementation of MaxEnt distribution modelling 

      Mazzoni, Sabrina; Halvorsen, Rune; Bakkestuen, Vegar (Journal article, 2015)
    • Migrating silver eels return from the sea to the river of origin after a false start 

      Tambets, Meelis; Kärgenberg, Einar; Järvalt, Ain; Økland, Finn; Kristensen, Martin Lykke; Koed, Anders; Bernotas, Priit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The European eel’s singular spawning migration from European waters towards the Sargasso Sea remains elusive, including the early phase of migration at sea. During spawning migration, the movement of freshwater resident ...
    • Migration in geographic and ecological space by a large herbivore 

      Peters, Wibke Erika Brigitta; Hebblewhite, Mark; Mysterud, Atle; Spitz, Derek; Focardi, Stefano; Urbano, Ferdinando; Morellet, Nicolas; Heurich, Marco; Kjellander, Petter; Linnell, John Durrus; Cagnacci, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Partial migration, when only part of the population migrates seasonally while the other part remains resident on the shared range, is the most common form of migration in ungulates. Migration is often defined by spatial ...
    • Migration of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in a fjord with high infestation pressure of salmon lice 

      Halttunen, Elina; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Glover, Kevin; Johnsen, Ingrid Askeland; Serra-Llinares, Rosa-Maria; Skaala, Øystein; Nilsen, Rune; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Karlsen, Ørjan; Finstad, Bengt; Skilbrei, Ove Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Understanding Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolt coastal migration behaviour is crucial for predicting their exposure to ecological challenges such as the parasite salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis. We compared the ...
    • Migration, growth patterns, and diet of pike (Esox lucius) in a riverreservoir and its inflowing river 

      Sandlund, Odd Terje; Museth, Jon; Øistad, Sondre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The pike population in the Løpsjøen reservoir and the accessible 21 km section of the inflowing RiverRena was investigated from 2003 to 2013. Telemetry and mark-recapture with Floy tags demonstratedthat most fish had an ...
    • Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation? 

      Boulinier, Thierry; Kada, Sarah; Ponchon, Aurore; Dupraz, Marlène; Dietrich, Muriel; Gamble, Amandine; Bourret, Vincent; Duriez, Olivier; Bazire, Romain; Tornos, Jéremy; Tveraa, Torkild; Chambert, Thierry; Garnier, Romain; McCoy, Karen D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Spatial disease ecology is emerging as a new field that requires the integration of complementary approaches to address how the distribution and movements of hosts and parasites may condition the dynamics of their interactions. ...
    • Mijá duobddága: Sankingspraksiser i samiske kystområder – relasjoner, verdier og bærekraft 

      Rybråten, Stine; Aira, Harrieth; Andersen, Svanhild; Joks, Solveig; Nilsen, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Sammenlignet med samiske praksiser knyttet til reindrift og fjordfiske har sankingspraksiser i samiske områder blitt viet liten akademisk oppmerksomhet. Dette til tross for at multebærplukking har vært av sentral historisk ...