Now showing items 21-40 of 4563

    • A multiplex microsatellite set for non-invasive genotypingand sexing of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) 

      Dawson, Deborah A.; Kleven, Oddmund; dos Remedios, Natalie; Horsburgh, Gavin A.; Kroglund, Rolf Terje; Santos, Teresa; Hewitt, Colin R. A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      During the 1950s and 1970s the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) experienced a dramatic population crash and remains of conservation concern in several parts of the world. We isolated 37 microsatellite loci and assessed these in ...
    • A New Sampling Protocol and Intercalibrated Index for Freshwater Invertebrates. Appendix 1-3 

      Bongard, Terje; Munkeby, Tuva B.; Johansen, Kristina (Others, 2017)
    • A New Sampling Protocol and Intercalibrated Index for Invertebrates in Running Water 

      Bongard, Terje; Johansen, Kristina; Munkeby, Tuva Bongard (NINA Rapport;1548, Research report, 2018)
      Bongard, T., Johansen, K., Munkeby, T.B. 2018. A New Sampling Protocol and Intercalibrated Index for Invertebrates in Running Water. NINA Report 1548. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. The EU Water Framework Directive ...
    • A new valuation school: Integrating diverse values of nature in resource and land use decisions 

      Jacobs, Sander; Dendoncker, Nicolas; Martín-López, Berta; Barton, David Nicholas; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Boeraeve, Fanny; McGrath, Francesca L.; Vierikko, Kati; Geneletti, Davide; Sevecke, Katharina J.; Pipart, Nathalie; Primmer, Eeva; Mederly, Peter; Schmidt, Stefan; Aragão, Alexandra; Baral, Himlal; Bark, Rosalind H.; Briceno, Tania; Brogna, Delphine; Cabral, Pedro; Vreese, Rik De; Liquete, Camino; Mueller, Hannah; Peh, Kelvin S.-H.; Phelan, Anna; Rincón, Alexander R.; Rogers, Shannon H.; Turkelboom, Francis; Reeth, Wouter Van; Zanten, Boris T. van; Wam, Hilde Karine; Washbourn, Carla-Leanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We are increasingly confronted with severe social and economic impacts of environmental degradation all over the world. From a valuation perspective, environmental problems and conflicts originate from trade-offs between ...
    • A preliminary overview of the corticioid Atractiellomycetes (Pucciniomycotina, Basidiomycetes) 

      Spirin, Viacheslav; Malysheva, V.; Trichies, G.; Savchenko, A.; Põldmaa, K.; Nordén, Jenni; Miettinen, O.; Larsson, K.-H. (Journal article, 2018)
      The taxonomy of the corticioid fungi from the class Atractiellomycetes (Pucciniomycotina, Basidiomycetes) currently addressed to the genus Helicogloea, is revised based on morphological and nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS and ...
    • A probabilistic algorithm to process geolocation data 

      Merkel, Benjamin; Phillips, Richard A.; Descamps, Sébastien; Yoccoz, Nigel Gilles; Moe, Børge; Strøm, Hallvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Background: The use of light level loggers (geolocators) to understand movements and distributions in terrestrial and marine vertebrates, particularly during the non-breeding period, has increased dramatically in recent ...
    • A regional development strategy for stock enhancement of clawed lobsters (Homarus gammarus) - Development of juvenile lobster production methodologies 

      Uglem, Ingebrigt; Benavente, Gonzalo Perez; Browne, Ronan (NINA Rapport;211, Research report, 2006)
      Uglem, I., Perez Benavente, G. and Browne R. A regional development strategy for stock enhancement of clawed lobsters (Homarus gammarus); development of juvenile lobster produc-tion methodologies. NINA Report 211, 39 ...
    • A review of acoustic telemetry in Europe and the need for a regional aquatic telemetry network 

      Abecasis, David; Steckenreuter, Andre; Reubens, Jan; Aarestrup, Kim; Alós, Josep; Badalamenti, Fabio; Bajona, Lenore; Boylan, Patrick; Deneudt, Klaas; Greenberg, Larry; Brevé, Niels; Hernández, Francisco; Humphries, Nick; Meyer, Carl; Sims, David; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Walker, Alan M.; Whoriskey, Fred; Afonso, Pedro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background: Globally, there are a large and growing number of researchers using biotelemetry as a tool to study aquatic animals. In Europe, this community lacks a formal network structure. The aim of this study is to review ...
    • A Review of Pink Salmon in the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans 

      April, Julien; Bean, Colin W.; Berntsen, Johan Henrik Hårdensson; Dunmall, Karen M.; Ensing, Dennis; Erkinaro, Jaakko; Farley, Ed; Fossøy, Frode; Gilk-Baumer, Sara; Habicht, Chris; Howard, Katie; Irvine, James R.; Karlsson, Sten; Kendall, Neala W.; Kitching, Tor; Langan, Joseph A.; Latham, Steve; Lee, Elizabeth; Meerburg, David; Millane, Michael; Munro, Andrew; Orlov, Polina; Oxman, Dion; Radchenko, Vladimir I.; Schubert, Aidan; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Utne, Kjell Rong; Walker, Alan; Wells, Alan (North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission. Technical Report, Research report, 2023)
      The Northern Hemisphere Pink Salmon Expert Group Meeting was held on October 2–3, 2022 in Vancouver, Canada, immediately preceding the International Year of the Salmon (IYS) Synthesis Symposium. The rapid expansion of pink ...
    • A road in the middle of one of the last wild reindeer migration routes in Norway: crossing behaviour and threats to conservation 

      Panzacchi, Manuela; Van Moorter, Bram F. A.; Strand, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      The development of roads and associated infrastructure has interrupted several traditional migrations of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Norway. The population in the Setesdal Austhei wild reindeer area still ...
    • A stage-structured Bayesian hierarchical model for salmon lice populations at individual salmon farms – Estimated from multiple farm data sets 

      Aldrin, Magne Tommy; Huseby, Ragnar Bang; Stien, Audun; Grøntvedt, Randi Nygaard; Viljugrein, Hildegunn; Jansen, Peder A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Salmon farming has become a prosperous international industry over the last decades. Along with growth in the production farmed salmon, however, an increasing threat by pathogens has emerged. Of special concern is the ...
    • A summary of the environmental and socio-economic characteristics of the Crna Reka (Crna River) watershed, Macedonia 

      Spirkovski, Zoran; Talevski, Trajce; Ilik-Boeva, Dusica; Kostoski, Goce; Sandlund, Odd Terje (NINA Rapport;293, Research report, 2007)
      Spirkovski, Z., Talevski, T., Ilik-Boeva, D., Kostoski, G. & Sandlund, O.T. 2007. Et sammendrag av kunnskapene om miljø og sosio-økonomiske forhold langs Crna Reka vassdraget, Makedonia. - NINA Report 293. 37 s + 12 ...
    • A survey of freshwater fishes and their macroparasites in the Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG), Costa Rica 

      Sandlund, Odd Terje; Daverdin, Rita; Choudhury, Anindo; Brooks, Daniel R.; Diserud, Ola Håvard (NINA rapport;635, Research report, 2010)
      Sandlund, O.T., Daverdin, R.H., Choudhury, A., Brooks, D.R. & Diserud, O.H. 2010. A survey of freshwater fishes and their macroparasites in the Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG), Costa Rica. - NINA Report 635. 45 ...
    • A. Overvaking av verneområde. B. Forslag til overvakingsplan for vernekvalitetar, ferdsel og påverknad i verneområda på Dovrefjell. Eit pilotprosjekt 

      Vistad, Odd Inge; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Hagen, Dagmar; Nellemann, Christian; Framstad, Erik; Erikstad, Lars; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Vistnes, Ingunn Ims (NINA Rapport;188, Research report, 2007)
      Vistad, O.I., Eide, N.E., Hagen, D., Nellemann, C., Framstad, E., Erikstad, L., Gjershaug, J.O. & Vistnes, I. 2007. A. Overvaking av verneområde, B. Forslag til overvakingsplan for vernekvalitetar, ferdsel og påverknad i ...
    • Accelerating advances in landscape connectivity modelling with the ConScape library 

      Van Moorter, Bram; Kivimäki, Ilkka; Noack, Andreas; Devooght, Robin; Panzacchi, Manuela; Hall, Kimberly R.; Leleux, Pierre; Saerens, Marco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Increasingly precise spatial data (e.g. high-resolution imagery from remote sensing) allow for improved representations of the landscape network for assessing the combined effects of habitat loss and connectivity declines ...
    • Accounting for amenities and regulating ecosystem services of urban trees. Testing a combined field protocol for VAT19 and i-Tree Eco valuation methods. 

      Nollet, Alexandre; Barton, David A.; Cimburova, Zofie; Often, Anders (NINA Report;1948, Research report, 2021)
      Nollet, A., Barton, D.N., Cimburova, Z. & Often, A. 2021. Accounting for amenities and regulating ecosystem services of urban trees. Testing a combined field protocol for VAT19 and i-Tree Eco valuation methods. NINA Report ...
    • Accounting for urban trees. Revising the VAT03 compensation value model 

      Lauwers, Laura; Barton, David N.; Blumentrath, Stefan; Often, Anders; Nowell, Megan (NINA Rapport;1453, Research report, 2017)
      Lauwers, L., Barton, D.N., Blumentrath, S., Often, A. & Nowell, M. 2017. Accounting for urban trees. Updating the VAT03 compensation value model. NINA Report 1453. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Urban trees provide ...
    • The accuracy and precision of age determination by dental cementum annuli in four northern cervids 

      Veiberg, Vebjørn; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Heim, Morten; Andersen, Roy; Holmstrøm, Frode; Meisingset, Erling L.; Solberg, Erling Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Individual age is an important element in models of population demographics, but the limitations of the methods used for age determination are not always clear. We used known-age data from moose (Alces alces), red deer ...
    • Activity patterns of Eurasian lynx are modulated by light regime and individual traits over a wide latitudinal range 

      Heurich, Marco; Hilger, Anton; Küchenhoff, Helmut; Andrén, Henrik; Bufka, Luděk; Krofel, Miha; Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John; Persson, Jens; Rauset, Geir Rune; Schmidt, Krzysztof; Linnell, John Durrus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      The activity patterns of most terrestrial animals are regarded as being primarily influenced by light, although other factors, such as sexual cycle and climatic conditions, can modify the underlying patterns. However, most ...
    • Activity patterns of wintering Great Skuas Stercorarius skua 

      Magnusdottir, Ellen; Leat, Eliza H. K.; Bourgeon, Sophie; Jónsson, Jón E.; Phillips, Richard A.; Strøm, Hallvard; Petersen, Aevar; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Furness, Robert W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      Capsule Great Skuas Stercorarius skua wintering in different areas spent different amounts of time in flight (foraging or searching for food) and so may be experiencing different feeding conditions. Aims To compare the ...