Browsing NINA Brage by Title
Now showing items 53-72 of 4525
Akutt skadeomfang og herkomst for sjøfugl etter Godafossforliset
(NINA rapport;811, Research report, 2012)Follestad, A. 2011. Akutt skadeomfang og herkomst for sjøfugl etter Godafoss-forliset. - NINA Rapport 811. 49 s. Etter forliset av det islandske containerskipet Godafoss ved på Kvernskjær, mellom Asmaløy og Kirkøy utenfor ... -
Akutt skadeomfang og herkomst for sjøfugl etter MV Full City-forliset
(NINA Rapport;548, Research report, 2010)Lorentsen, S.-H., Bakken, V., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Follestad, A., Røv, N. & Winnem, A. 2010. Akutt skadeomfang og herkomst for sjøfugl etter MV Full City-forliset. - NINA Rapport 548. 44 s. Etter forliset av MV Full ... -
Al-behandling mot G. salaris i Steinkjervassdragene 2006: Test av ny metode for bunndyrovervåking
(NINA Rapport;197, Research report, 2006)Bongard, T. 2006. Al-behandling mot G. salaris i Steinkjervassdragene 2006: Test av ny metode for bunndyrovervåking. NINA Rapport 197. 20 sider. Hensikten med denne rapporten er å prøve ut den modifiserte metoden for ... -
Alders- og størrelsesfordeling, vekst, dødelighet og diett hos gjedde og ørret i Tanavassdraget basert på fiske i 2021
(NINA Rapport;2298, Research report, 2023)Svenning, M-A., Domaas, S., Johansen, N.S. & Borgstrøm, R. 2023. Alders- og størrelsesfordeling, vekst, dødelighet og diett hos gjedde og ørret i Tanavassdraget basert på fiske i 2021. NINA Rapport 2298. Norsk institutt ... -
Alien plants, animals, fungi and algae in Norway: an inventory of neobiota
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We present the results of an inventory and status assessment of alien species in Norway. The inventory covered all known multicellular neobiota, 2496 in total, 1039 of which were classified as naturalised. The latter ... -
Alien species and climate change in Norway: An assessment of the risk of spread due to global warming.
(NINA Rapport;468, Research report, 2009)Gjershaug, J.O., Rusch, G., Öberg, S. & Qvenild, M. 2009. Alien species and climate change in Norway: An assessment of the risk of spread due to global warming. - NINA Report 468. 55 pp. -
Alien species and the Water Framework Directive: Recommendations for assessing ecological status in fresh waters in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Invasive alien species are recognized as a significant anthropogenic threat to freshwater ecosystems, because they may bring about the local extinction of native species and the collapse of habitat types of special ... -
Alien species in North-West Russian Arctic – Information campaign to prevent travellers bringing alien species to the Arctic
(NINA Report;2093, Research report, 2022)Thomassen, J., Mizin, I., Polikarpov, A., Stokmo, J.A., Bruteig, I.E., Niemivuo-Lahti, J., Josefsson, M. & Westergaard, K.B. 2022. Alien species in North-West Russian Arctic – Information campaign to prevent travellers ... -
Alien species in Norway: results from quantitative ecological impact assessments
(Journal article, 2020)1. Due to globalisation, trade and transport, the spread of alien species is increasing dramatically. Some alien species become ecologically harmful by threatening native biota. This can lead to irreversible changes in ... -
Aligning evidence generation and use across health, development, and environment
(Journal article, 2019)Tallis, Heather; Kreis, Katharine; Olander, Lydia; Ringler, Claudia; Ameyaw, David; Borsuk, Mark E.; Fletschner, Diana; Game, Edward; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Jeuland, Marc; Kennedy, Gina; Masuda, Yuta J.; Mehta, Sumi; Miller, ... -
All carnivores are not equal in the rural people's view. Should we develop conservation plans for functional guilds or individual species in the face of conflicts?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Allelic Variation in a Willow Warbler Genomic Region Is Associated with Climate Clines
(Journal article, 2014)Local adaptation is an important process contributing to population differentiation which can occur in continuous or isolated populations connected by various amounts of gene flow. The willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) ... -
Allmennhetens bruk av utmarka i Finnmark : sammenstilling basert på skrevne kilder
(NINA rapport;642, Research report, 2010)Aas, Ø., Øian, H., Waaler, R. & Skår, M. 2010. Allmennhetens bruk av utmarka i Finnmark. Sammenstilling basert på skrevne kilder. - NINA Rapport 642 94 s. NINA og Høgskolen i Finnmark har på oppdrag fra Finnmarkskommisjonen ... -
Allometric scaling of intraspecific space use
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Allometric scaling relationships enable exploration of animal space-use patterns, yet interspecific studies cannot address many of the underlying mechanisms.We present the first intraspecific study of home range (HR) ... -
Alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus Heckel): a potential refuge for Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 (Monogenea)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The notifiable freshwater pathogen Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 tends to be a generalist in contrast to other monogeneans. Whilst it causes most damage to its primary host, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar Linnaeus), ... -
Alpine garden plants from six continents show high vulnerability to ice encasement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Icy surfaces impose challenges for northern societies, wildlife and agriculture. However, there have been relatively few studies of the impacts of anoxic ground ice on non-agricultural plants. During the winter of 2009–2010, ... -
ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network - Year 8
(NINA rapport;815, Research report, 2012)Van Dijk, J., Ulvund, K., Braat, L., Sier, A., Mirtl, M., Watt, A., Peltola, T. and Delbaere, B. 2012. ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network - Year 8 - NINA Report 815, 36 pp. The ... -
ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network. – Year 6. Nina report 569.
(NINA Rapport;569, Research report, 2010)Van Dijk, J., Ulvund, K. Terrasson, D., De Blust, G., Sier, A., Braat, L., Kanka, R., Mirtl, M., Török, K., Furman, E., Kertész, M. & Stadler, J. 2010. ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research ... -
ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network. – Year 7
(NINA Rapport;685, Research report, 2011)Van Dijk, J., Ulateig, G. Terrasson, D., De Blust, G., Sier, A., Braat, L., Kanka, R., Mirtl, M., Török, K., Furman, E., Kertész, M., & Stadler, J. 2011. ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research ... -
Altitude, latitude, and climate zone as determinants of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) coat colour change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)