Now showing items 3081-3100 of 4395

    • Potensial for produksjon av laks i Kvinavassdraget. Vurdering av tapsfaktorer og forslag til kompensasjonstiltak 

      Bremset, Gunnbjørn; Forseth, Torbjørn; Ugedal, Ola; Gjemlestad, Lars Jakob; Saksgård, Laila M. (NINA Rapport;321, Research report, 2008)
      Bremset, G., Forseth, T., Ugedal O., Gjemlestad, L.J. & Saksgård, L. 2008. Potensial for produksjon av laks i Kvinavassdraget. Vurdering av tapsfaktorer og forslag til kompensasjonstiltak - NINA Rapport 321, 37 s. Vannføringen ...
    • Potensialet for økonomisk verdiskaping ved etablering av Fulufjellet nasjonalpark 

      Vorkinn, Marit (NINA Rapport;422, Research report, 2008)
      Vorkinn, M. 2008 Potensialet for økonomisk verdiskaping ved etablering av Fulufjellet nasjonalpark. NINA Rapport 422. 38 s. Potensialet for økonomisk verdiskaping ved en eventuell etablering av Fulufjellet nasjonalpark ...
    • Potensielle konflikter med fugl i forbindelse med arealplan for næringspark ved Kristiansund Lufthavn - Risikovurdering av tiltak 

      Systad, Geir Helge Rødli (NINA Rapport;2320, Research report, 2023)
      Systad, G.H.R. 2023. Potensielle konflikter med fugl i forbindelse med arealplan for næringspark ved Kristiansund Lufthavn - Risikovurdering av tiltak. NINA Rapport 2320. Norsk institutt for naturforskning NINA har tatt ...
    • The potential for evolution of resistance to Gyrodactylus salaris in Norwegian Atlantic salmon 

      Karlssen, Sten; Bolstad, Geir H.; Hansen, Haakon; Jansen, Peder; Moen, Thomas; Noble, Leslie Robert (NINA Report;1812, Research report, 2020)
      Karlsson, S., Bolstad, G.H., Hansen, H., Jansen, P.A., Moen, T. and Noble, L.R. 2020. The potential for evolution of resistance to Gyrodactylus salaris in Norwegian Atlantic salmon. NINA Report 1812. Norwegian Institute ...
    • Potential for increased connectivity between differentiated wolverine populations 

      Lansink, G.M.; Kleven, Oddmund; Ekblom, R.; Spong, G.; Kopatz, Alexander; Mattisson, Jenny; Persson, J.; Kojola, I.; Holmala, K.; Ollila, T.; Ellegren, H.; Kindberg, Jonas; Flagstad, Øystein; Aspi, J.; Kvist, L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Information on genetic population structure provides important knowledge for species conservation. Yet, few studies combine extensive genetic data to evaluate the structure and population dynamics of transboundary populations. ...
    • The potential for large carnivore-based wildlife tourism in Norway: a critical review 

      Linnell, John D.C.; Immerzeel, Bart (NINA Report;2167, Research report, 2023)
      Linnell, J. D. C. & Immerzeel, B.2023. The potential for large carnivore-based wildlife tourism in Norway: a critical review. NINA Report 2167. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. It is often claimed that wildlife-based ...
    • Potential natural immunization against atherosclerosis in hibernating bears 

      Samal, Shailesh Kumar; Fröbert, Ole; Kindberg, Jonas; Stenvinkel, Peter; Frostegård, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Brown bears (Ursus arctos) hibernate for 5–6 months during winter, but despite kidney insufciency, dyslipidemia and inactivity they do not seem to develop atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease (CVD). IgM antibodies ...
    • The potential of geospatial analysis and Bayesian networks to enable i-Tree Eco assessment of existing tree inventories 

      Cimburova, Zofie; Barton, David Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Valuing the ecosystem services of urban trees is important for gaining public and political support for urban tree conservation and maintenance. The i-Tree Eco software application can be used to estimate regulating ecosystem ...
    • Practical application of spatial ecosystem service models to aid decision support 

      Zulian, Grazia; Stange, Erik; Woods, Helen; Carvalho, Laurence; Dick, Jan; Andrews, Christopher; Baró, Francesc; Vizcaino, Pilar; Barton, David Nicholas; Nowel, Megan; Rusch, Graciela; Autunes, Paula; Fernandes, João; Ferraz, Diogo; dos Santos, Rui Ferreira; Aszalós, Réka; Arany, Ildikó; Czúcz, Bálint; Priess, Joerg A.; Hoyer, Christian; Bürger-Patriciom, Gleiciani; Lapola, David; Mederly, Peter; Halabuk, Andrej; Bezak, Peter; Kopperoinen, Leena; Viinikka, Arto (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Ecosystem service (ES) spatial modelling is a key component of the integrated assessments designed to support policies and management practices aiming at environmental sustainability. ESTIMAP (‘‘Ecosystem Service Mapping ...
    • A practical conservation tool to combine diverse types of evidence for transparent evidence-based decision-making 

      Christie, Alec P.; Downey, Harriet; Frick, Winifred F.; Grainger, Matthew; O'Brien, David; Tinsley-Marshall, Paul; White, Thomas B.; Winter, Michael; Sutherland, William J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Making the reasoning and evidence behind conservation management decisions clear and transparent is a key challenge for the conservation community. Similarly, combining evidence from diverse sources (e.g., scientific and ...
    • Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind). Report on findings 2007-2010 

      Bevanger, Kjetil Modolv; Berntsen, Finn Erik Harald; Clausen, Stig Morten; Dahl, Espen Lie; Flagstad, Øystein; Follestad, Arne; Halley, Duncan John; Hanssen, Frank Ole; Johnsen, Lars; Kvaløy, Pål; Lund-Hoel, Pernille*; May, Roelof Frans; Nygård, Torgeir; Pedersen, Hans-Christian; Reitan, Ole; Røskaft, Eivin; Steinheim, Yngve; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Vang, Roald (NINA Rapport;620, Research report, 2010)
      Bevanger, K., Berntsen, F., Clausen, S., Dahl, E.L., Flagstad, Ø. Follestad, A., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Johnsen, L., Kvaløy, P., Lund-Hoel, P., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Røskaft, E., Steinheim, Y., ...
    • ”Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway" (BirdWind). Progress Report 2009 

      Bevanger, Kjetil Modolv; Berntsen, Finn Erik Harald; Clausen, Stig Morten; Dahl, Espen Lie; Flagstad, Øystein; Follestad, Arne; Halley, Duncan John; Hanssen, Frank Ole; Hoel, Pernille Lund; Johnsen, Lars; Kvaløy, Pål; May, Roelof Frans; Nygård, Torgeir; Pedersen, Hans-Christian; Reitan, Ole; Steinheim, Yngve; Vang, Roald (NINA Rapport;505, Research report, 2009)
      From 2007 inclusive, NINA has received economic support for research on wind power and birds from the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) through the RENERGI-programme. The project is named Pre- and post-construction studies ...
    • "Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway". Progress Report 2008 

      Bevanger, Kjetil Modolv; Clausen, Stig Morten; Dahl, Espen Lie; Flagstad, Øystein; Follestad, Arne; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Halley, Duncan John; Hanssen, Frank Ole; Hoel, Pernille Lund; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto; Johnsen, Lars; May, Roelof Frans; Nygård, Torgeir; Pedersen, Hans-Christian; Reitan, Ole; Steinheim, Yngve; Vang, Roald (NINA Rapport;409, Research report, 2008)
      Bevanger, K., Clausen, S., Flagstad, Ø. Follestad, A., Gjershaug, J.O., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Lund Hoel, P., Jacobsen, K.-O., Johnsen, L., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2008. ...
    • “Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway”. Status report 1st January 2008 

      Bevanger, Kjetil Modolv; Follestad, Arne; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Halley, Duncan John; Hanssen, Frank Ole; Johnsen, Lars; May, Roelof Frans; Nygård, Torgeir; Pedersen, Hans-Christian; Reitan, Ole; Steinheim, Yngve (NINA Rapport;355, Research report, 2008)
      Bevanger, K., Follestad, A., Gjershaug, J.O., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Johnsen, L., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O. & Steinheim, Y. 2008. ”Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and ...
    • “Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway”. Statusrapport 1. januar 2008 

      Bevanger, Kjetil Modolv; Follestad, Arne; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Halley, Duncan John; Hanssen, Frank Ole; Johnsen, Lars; May, Roelof Frans; Nygård, Torgeir; Pedersen, Hans Christian; Reitan, Ole; Steinheim, Yngve (NINA Rapport;329, Research report, 2008)
      Bevanger, K., Follestad, A., Gjershaug, J.O., Halley, D., Hans-sen, F., Johnsen, L., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Rei-tan, O. & Steinheim, Y. 2008. ”Pre- and post-construction studi-es of conflicts between birds ...
    • Predasjon av tamrein fra gaupe og jerv. Et dataunderlag for beregning av tap av tamrein til gaupe og jerv 

      Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John (NINA Kortrapport;28, Research report, 2016-08-17)
      Mattisson, J., Odden, J., 2016. Predasjon av tamrein fra gaupe og jerv - Et dataunderlag for beregning av tap av tamrein til gaupe og jerv - NINA Kortrapport 28. 18 s. I denne rapporten presenterer vi en oversikt over ...
    • Predasjon på laksunger i Tana. Med hovedvekt på diett hos gjedde og sjøørret. 

      Svenning, Martin-A.; Johansen, Narve S.; Borgstrøm, Reidar (NINA Rapport;1648, Research report, 2020)
      Svenning, M-A., Johansen, N.S. & Borgstrøm, R. 2020. Predasjon på laksunger i Tana. Med hovedvekt på diett hos gjedde og sjøørret. NINA Rapport 1648. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Hovedmålsettingen med dette prosjektet ...
    • Predasjonsstudier av kongeørn i Trøndelag 

      Mattisson, Jenny; Stien, Jennifer; Kleven, Oddmund; Stien, Audun (NINA Rapport;2203, Research report, 2022)
      Mattisson, J., Stien, J., Kleven, O. & Stien, A. 2022. Predasjonsstudier av kongeørn i Trøndelag. NINA rapport 2203. Norsk institutt for naturforskning Det har i de siste årene blitt stadig mer fokus på kongeørn som ...
    • Predation of Atlantic salmon across ontogenetic stages and impacts on populations 

      Falkegård, Morten; Lennox, Robert; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Einum, Sigurd; Fiske, Peder; Garmo, Øyvind Aaberg; Garseth, Åse Helen; Skoglund, Helge; Solberg, Monica Favnebøe; Utne, Kjell Rong; Vollset, Knut; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Wennevik, Vidar; Forseth, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Managers and stakeholders increasingly ask whether predation is a driving force behind the poor status of many species, and whether predator control is likely to be a successful management action to intervene. We review ...
    • Predation on livestock as an indicator of drastic prey decline? The indirect effects of an African swine fever epidemic on predator–prey relations in Poland 

      Klich, Daniel; Sobczuk, Maria; Basak, Sayantani M.; Wierzbowska, Izabela A.; Tallian, Aimee Grace; Hędrzak, Magdalena; Popczyk, Bartłomiej; Żoch, Krzysztof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      ABSTRACT The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is one of the most conflictual mammals in Europe. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) are an essential part of gray wolf diet in central Europe, but after the emergence of African swine fever (ASF) ...