Viser treff 1521-1540 av 4436

    • Individual migration strategy fidelity but no habitat specialization in two congeneric seabirds 

      Merkel, Benjamin; Descamps, Sebastien; Yoccoz, Nigel; Grémillet, David; Daunt, Francis; Erikstad, Kjell E; Ezhov, Aleksey V.; Harris, Mike P.; Gavrilo, Maria; Lorentsen, Svein Håkon; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Steen, Harald; Systad, Geir Helge Rødli; Þórarinsson, Þorkell Lindberg; Wanless, Sarah; Strøm, Hallvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Abstract Aim: In migratory species, individuals often use fixed and individual-specific migration strategies, which we term individual migration strategy fidelity (IMSF). Our goal was to test if guillemots have flexible ...
    • Offshore oil rigs – a breeding refuge for Norwegian Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla? 

      Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Langset, Magdalene; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In recent decades, the population of Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla has declined substantially in most parts of the North Atlantic. Concurrently, there has been an increased urbanisation of the species, with ...
    • Salmon louse infestation in wild brown trout populations generates multi-modal mixture distributions 

      Diserud, Ola Håvard; Hedger, Richard David; Finstad, Bengt; Hendrichsen, Ditte Katrine; Jensen, Arne Johan; Ugedal, Ola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      For successful evaluation of the overall effects of salmon louse infestation on brown trout population dynamics, it is crucial to have a realistic understanding of how lice infestation distributions are generated and how ...
    • Insect herbivory strongly modifies mountain birch volatile emissions 

      Rieksta, Jolanta; Li, Tao; Junker, Robert R.; Jepsen, Jane Uhd; Ryde, Ingvild; Rinnan, Riikka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Insect herbivory is known to augment emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs). Yet few studies have quantified BVOC responses to insect herbivory in natural populations in pan-Arctic regions. Here, we assess ...
    • Betydningen av størrelse og mangfold av naturtyper for skogområders naturverdi. En kunnskapsgjennomgang 

      Jacobsen, Rannveig M.; Framstad, Erik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Storaunet, Ken Olof (NINA Rapport;1883, Research report, 2020)
      Jacobsen, R.M., Framstad, E., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A. & Storaunet, K.O. 2020. Betydningen av størrelse og mangfold av naturtyper for skogområders naturverdi. En kunnskapsgjennomgang. NINA Rapport 1883. Norsk institutt for ...
    • Gjess i Ytre Oslofjord og Telemark. Antall og ungeproduksjon i 2020 for grågås og hvitkinngås 

      Tombre, Ingunn; Andersen, Gørli Elida Bruun; Axelsen, Terje; Kristiansen, Vidar; Rasmussen, Lasse; Syvertsen, Ragnar; Torp, Jørgen; Andersen, Tormod; Antonsen, Arnfred; Botnermyr, Rune; Brandt, Morten; Eriksen, Inger Marie; Fløseth, Lennart; Fossum, Berith Veiby; Fredriksen, Åge Sten; Haga, Atle; Hansen, Arild Hjelm; Hanssen, Mathias Røed; Hauge, Finn; Haugøy, Grethe; Høyer-Jonassen, Ulf; Haakaas, Marit; Johansen, Per-Arne; Karlsen, Hans Erik; Krokeide, Sondre; Kræmer, Fredrik; Lohne, Martin; Lundstad, Ivar; Lågbu, Øivind; Melland, Anders; Meyer, Rolf; Moholt, Øistein; Nilsen, Reidar Nicander; Nyquist, Tormod; Solhaug, Rebecca Benedicte; Sondbø, Sverre Magne; Stigen, Erik; Tjønnås, Trygve; Tronsen, Knut A.; Viker, Morten (NINA Rapport;1876, Research report, 2020)
      Tombre, I. M. Andersen, G. E. B., Axelsen, T., Kristiansen, V., Rasmussen, L., Syvertsen, R., Torp, J., Andersen, T., Antonsen, A., Botnermyr, R., Brandt, M., Eriksen, I. M., Fløseth, L., Fossum, B. V., Fredriksen, Å. S., ...
    • Naturindeks for Norge 2020. Tilstand og utvikling for biologisk mangfold 

      Jakobsson, Simon; Pedersen, Bård (NINA Rapport;1886, Research report, 2020)
      Jakobsson, S. & Pedersen, B. (red.) 2020. Naturindeks for Norge 2020. Tilstand og utvikling for biologisk mangfold. NINA Rapport 1886. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Naturindeksen måler tilstanden til og utviklingen ...
    • Effects of body size on estimation of mammalian area requirements 

      Noonan, Michael J.; Fleming, Christen H.; Tucker, Marlee A.; Kays, Roland; Harrison, Autumn-Lynn; Crofoot, Margaret C*; Abrahams, Briana; Alberts, Susan C.; Ali, Abdullahi H.; Altmann, Jeanne; Antunes, Pamela Castro; Belant, Jerrold L.; Attias, Nina; Beyer Jr., Dean E.; Bidner, Laura R.; Blaum, Niels; Boone, Randall B.; Caillaud, Damien; De Paula, Rogerio Cunha; de la Torre, J. Antonio; Dekker, Jasja; DePerno, Christopher S.; Farhadinia, Mohammad; Fennessy, Julian; Fichtel, Claudia; Fischer, Christina; Ford, Adam; Goheen, Jacob R.; Havmøller, Rasmus W.; Hirsch, Ben T.; Hurtado, Cindy; Isbell, Lynne A.; Janssen, René; Jeltsch, Florian; Kaczensky, Petra; Kappeler, Peter; Kaneko, Yayoi; Katna, Anjan; Kauffman, Matthew; Koch, Flavia; Kulkarni, Abhijeet; LaPoint, Scott; Leimgruber, Peter; Macdonald, David W.; Markham, A. Catherine; McMahon, Laura; Mertes, Katherine; Moorman, Christopher E.; Morato, Ronaldo G.; Moßbrucker, Alexander M.; Mourão, Guilherme; O’Connor, David; Gustavo R, Luiz; Oliveira-Santo, Luiz Gustavo R.; Pastorini, Jennifer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Accurately quantifying species’ area requirements is a prerequisite for effective area-based conservation. This typically involves collecting tracking data on species of interest and then conducting home-range analyses. ...
    • Ensuring a post-covid economic agenda tackles global biodiversity loss 

      McElwee, Pamela; Turnout, Esther; Chiroleu-Assouline, Mireille; Clapp, Jennifer; Isenhour, Cindy; Jackson, Tim; Kelemen, Eszter; Miller, Daniel C.; Rusch, Graciela; Spangenberg, Joachim H.; Waldron, Anthony; Baumgartner, Rupert J.; Bleys, Brent; Howard, Michael W.; Mungatana, Eric; Ngo, Hien; Ring, Irene; Santos, Rui (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has caused dramatic and unprecedented impacts on both global health and economies. Many governments are now proposing recovery packages to get back to normal, but the 2019 Intergovernmental Science-Policy ...
    • Effects of mountain biking versus hiking on trails under different environmental conditions 

      Evju, Marianne; Hagen, Dagmar; Jokerud, Mari; Olsen, Siri Lie; Selvaag, Sofie Kjendlie; Vistad, Odd Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Recreational use of nature areas is increasing worldwide. All trail-based activities have a certain degradation effect on vegetation and soil, and conflicts between conservation values and recreation may occur. Controversy ...
    • Helhetlig tiltaksplan for nedre deler av Gaulavassdraget. Delplan for Gaula nedstrøms Støren. 

      Holthe, Espen; Bergan, Morten André; Foldvik, Anders; Solem, Øyvind; Jensås, Jan Gunnar; Bremset, Gunnbjørn (NINA Rapport;1763, Research report, 2020)
      Holthe, E., Bergan, M.A., Foldvik, A., Solem, Ø., Jensås, J. & Bremset, G. 2020. Helhetlig tiltaksplan for nedre deler av Gaulavassdraget. Delplan for Gaula nedstrøms Støren. NINA Rapport 1763. Norsk institutt for ...
    • Effective biodiversity monitoring needs a culture of integration 

      Kühl, H.S.; Bowler, Diana Elizabeth; Bösch, L.; Bruelheide, H.; Dauber, J.; Eichenberg, D.; Eisehower, N.; Fernandez, N.; Guerra, Carlos A.; Henle, Klaus; Herbinger, Ilka; Isaac, Nick J.B.; Jansen, Florian; König-Ries, Birgitta; Kühn, Ingolf; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Pe'er, Guy; Richter, Anett; Schulte, Ralf; Settele, Josef; van Dam, Nicole M.; Voigt, Maria; Wägele, Wolfgang J.; Wirth, Christian; Bonn, Aletta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Despite conservation commitments, most countries still lack large-scale biodiversity monitoring programs to track progress toward agreed targets. Monitoring program design is frequently approached from a topdown, data-centric ...
    • The missing pieces for better future predictions in subarctic ecosystems: A Tornetra¨sk case study 

      Pascual, Didac; Åkerman, Jonas; Becher, Marina; Callaghan, Terry V.; Christensen, Torben R.; Dorrepaal, Ellen; Emanuelsson, Urban; Giesler, Reiner; Hammarlund, Dan; Hanna, Edward; Hofgaard, Annika; Jin, Hongxiao; Johansson, Cecilia; Jonasson, Christer; Klaminder, Jonatan; Karlsson, Jan; Lundin, Erik; Michelsen, Anders; Olefeldt, David; Persson, Andreas; Phoenix, Gareth K.; Ra˛czkowska, Zofia; Rinnan, Riikka; Ström, Lena; Tang, Jing; Varner, Ruth K.; Wookey, Philip; Johansson, Margareta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Arctic and subarctic ecosystems are experiencing substantial changes in hydrology, vegetation, permafrost conditions, and carbon cycling, in response to climatic change and other anthropogenic drivers, and these changes ...
    • Local Perceptions of Ecosystem Services Across Multiple Ecosystem Types in Spain 

      García-Llorente, Marina; Castro, Antonio J.; Quintas-Soriano, Cristina; Oteros-Rozas, Elisa; Iniesta-Arandia, Irene; González, José A.; García Del Amo, David; Hernández-Arroyo, Marta; Casado-Arzuaga, Izaskun; Palomo, Ignacio; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Onaindia, Miren; Montes, Carlos; Martín-López, Berta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      ecosystem service diversity; governance; local communities; place-based approach; socio-cultural valuation; social perception
    • Seabird-induced natural mortality of forage fish varies with fish abundance: Evidence from five ecosystems 

      Saraux, Claire; Sydeman, William J.; Piatt, John F.; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Hentati-Sundberg, Jonas; Bertrand, Sophie; Cury, Philippe M.; Furness, Robert W.; Mills, James A.; Österblom, Henrik; Passuni, Giannina; Roux, Jean-Paul; Shannon, Lynne J.; Crawford, Robert J. M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Småviltjegere bosatt i Finnmark. En studie av jaktutøvelse og holdninger til småviltforvaltning 

      Andersen, Oddgeir (NINA Rapport;1888, Research report, 2020)
      Andersen, O. 2020. Småviltjegere bosatt i Finnmark. En studie av jaktutøvelse og holdninger til småviltforvaltning. NINA Rapport 1888. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Finnmarkseiendommen Finnmárkkuopmodat (FeFo) ...
    • Jakt i Lierne – Om smårovvilt, rev og hønsefugl. Rapport fra smårovvilt-prosjektet «Jakt-i-Lierne» 2014/15–2018/19 

      Rød-Eriksen, Lars; Moa, Pål F.; Eide, Nina E. (NINA Temahefte;79, Book, 2020)
      Rød-Eriksen, L., Moa, P. F. & Eide, N. E. (red.). 2020. Jakt i Lierne – Om smårovvilt, rev og hønsefugl. Rapport fra smårovvilt-prosjektet «Jakt-i-Lierne» 2014/15–2018/19. NINA Temahefte 79. Norsk institutt for naturforskning.
    • NINA’s guidelines on environmentally responsible travel 

      Cimburova, Zofie; Dehnhard, Nina; Sandvik, Hanno (NINA Rapport;1882, Research report, 2020)
      Cimburova, Z., Dehnhard, N. & Sandvik, H. 2021. NINA’s guidelines on environmentally responsible travel. NINA Report 1882. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. As an institute focussing on “cooperation and expertise ...
    • Urban nature in a time of crisis: recreational use of green space increases during the COVID-19 outbreak in Oslo, Norway 

      Venter, Alexander Samuel; Barton, David Nicholas; Gundersen, Vegard; Figari, Helene; Nowell, Megan Sara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it significant changes to human mobility patterns and working environments. We aimed to explore how social distancing measures affected recreational use of urban ...
    • The accuracy and precision of age determination by dental cementum annuli in four northern cervids 

      Veiberg, Vebjørn; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Heim, Morten; Andersen, Roy; Holmstrøm, Frode; Meisingset, Erling L.; Solberg, Erling Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Individual age is an important element in models of population demographics, but the limitations of the methods used for age determination are not always clear. We used known-age data from moose (Alces alces), red deer ...