Viser treff 61-80 av 4398

    • Optimal approach for upstream fish passage design: One-size-fits-all or made-to-order? 

      Nestler, John M.; Gosselin, Marie-Pierre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Nearly 60,000 large dams (higher than 15 m) occur worldwide in addition to an estimated16 million smaller impoundments with individual surface areas larger than 100 m2.Theresulting habitat fragmentation threatens global ...
    • Otolith microchemistry combined with genetics reveal patterns of straying and population connectivity in anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) 

      Källo, Kristi; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Baktoft, Henrik; Bekkevold, Dorte; Lesher, Charles; Grønkjær, Peter; Barfod, Gry Hoffmann; Johnson, Rachel; Whitman, George; Willmes, Malte; Glessner, Justin; Aarestrup, Kim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Salmonids are well known for their natal homing behaviour, meaning they return to breed in the same area where they originated. However, not all individuals return to their natal breeding grounds—a behavioural trait known ...
    • Attitudes toward Wind Power in Norway–Solution or Problem in Renewable Energy Development? 

      Kaltenborn, Bjørn Petter; Keller, Rose; Krange, Olve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Wind power has become an increasingly important source of renewable energy in Norway. Current demand and production capacity have exceeded expectations stipulated in energy policies a few years back. Wind power affects ...
    • Limits to the accurate and generalizable use of soundscapes to monitor biodiversity 

      Sethi, Sarab S.; Bick, Ian Avery; Ewers, Robert M.; Klinck, Holger; Ramesh, Vijay; Tuanmu, Mao-Ning; Coomes, David A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Although eco-acoustic monitoring has the potential to deliver biodiversity insight on vast scales, existing analytical approaches behave unpredictably across studies. We collated 8,023 audio recordings with paired manual ...
    • Introgression of non-native mitochondrial haplotypes from farmed to wild Atlantic salmon 

      Wacker, Sebastian; Bolstad, Geir Hysing; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Hindar, Kjetil; Karlsson, Sten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Farmed salmon escape and interbreed with wild Atlantic salmon on a large scale. We studied introgression of mitochondrial haplotypes from farmed Atlantic salmon originating from the Eastern Atlantic phylogenetic group to ...
    • NINA Annual Report 2023 

      Myklebust, Norunn Sæther; Bruset, Bjørg (Årsmelding (Norsk institutt for naturforskning);, Research report, 2024)
    • Betydning av tetthet og felling av jerv på tap av sau 

      Rivrud, Inger Maren; Mattisson, Jenny; Thorsen, Neri Horntvedt; Odden, John (NINA Rapport;2417, Research report, 2024)
      Rivrud, I.M., Mattisson, J., Thorsen, N.H. & Odden, J. 2024. Betydning av tetthet og felling av jerv på tap av sau. NINA Rapport 2417. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. De siste 40 årene har vi hatt en vedvarende konflikt ...
    • Global Spore Sampling Project: A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA 

      Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Abrego, Nerea; Furneaux, Brendan; Hardwick, Bess; Somervuo, Panu; Palorinne, Isabella; Andrew, Nigel R.; Babiy, Ulyana V.; Bao, Tan; Bazzano, Gisela; Bondarchuk, Svetlana N.; Bonebrake, Timothy C.; Brennan, Georgina L.; Bret-Harte, Syndonia; Bässler, Claus; Cagnolo, Luciano; Cameron, Erin K.; Chapurlat, Elodie; Creer, Simon; D’Acqui, Luigi P.; de Vere, Natasha; Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure; Dongmo, Michel A. K.; Jacobsen, Ida B. Dyrholm; Fisher, Brian L.; de Jesus, Miguel Flores; Gilbert, Gregory S.; Griffith, Gareth W.; Gritsuk, Anna A.; Gross, Andrin; Grudd, Håkan; Halme, Panu; Hanna, Rachid; Hansen, Jannik; Hansen, Lars Holst; Hegbe, Apollon D. M. T.; Hill, Sarah; Hogg, Ian D.; Hultman, Jenni; Hyde, Kevin D.; Hynson, Nicole A.; Ivanova, Natalia; Karisto, Petteri; Kerdraon, Deirdre; Knorre, Anastasia; Krisai-Greilhüber, Irmgard; Kurhinen, Juri; Kuzmina, Masha; Lecomte, Nicolas; Lecomte, Erin; Nordén, Jenni; Nordén, Björn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Novel methods for sampling and characterizing biodiversity hold great promise for re-evaluating patterns of life across the planet. The sampling of airborne spores with a cyclone sampler, and the sequencing of their DNA, ...
    • Global warming is projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace of life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar 

      Rinaldo, Adrian; de Eyto, Elvira; Reed, Thomas; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; McGinnity, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Global warming has been implicated in widespread demographic changes in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar populations, but projections of life-history responses to future climate change are lacking. Here, we first exploit multiple ...
    • Thick‑billed Murres in breeding pairs migrate and overwinter far apart but in similar photic environments 

      Huffeldt, Nicholas P.; Ballesteros, Manuel; Helm, Barbara; Linnebjerg, Jannie F.; Merkel, Flemming R.; Mosbech, Anders; Frederiksen, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Scheduling between mates in species with long-term pair bonds can be essential for positive fitness. The annual cycle in photoperiod is the primary environmental cue used by many animals to synchronize behavior and physiology ...
    • Differences in foraging range between white-tailed tropicbirds breeding on inner and outer Seychelles islands 

      Ensanyar-Volle, Orphéo; Appoo, Jennifer; Bunbury, Nancy; Clucas, Gemma; Khan, Nasreen; Rocamora, Gérard; Sanchez, Cheryl; Fayet, Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The foraging ecology and distribution of Phaethontiformes, an order of tropical seabirds, remains generally poorly understood, despite being essential to inform their conservation. Here, we tracked, for the first time, the ...
    • Hornmurerbien (Osmia bicornis) i frukthager. Testing av potensiale for økt pollineringseffektivitet fra ville pollinatorer 

      Dahle, Sondre; Øverland, John Ingar; Haugan, Helena Müller; Chipperfield, Joseph; Rusch, Graciela M. (NINA Rapport;2466, Research report, 2024)
      Dahle, S., Øverland, J.-I., Müller Haugan, H., Chipperfield, J. & Rusch, G. M. 2024. Murerbien (Osmia bicornis) i frukthager. Testing av potensiale for økt pollineringseffektivitet fra ville pollinatorer. NINA Rapport 2466. ...
    • Norsk lakseforvaltning: Mulighet for økt samarbeid og brobygging mellom ulike kunnskapssystemer? 

      Rybråten, Stine; Bjørkan, Maiken; Brattland, Camilla (NINA Rapport;2289, Research report, 2024)
      Rybråten, S., Bjørkan, M. & Brattland, C. 2024. Norsk lakseforvaltning: Mulighet for økt samarbeid og brobygging mellom ulike kunnskapssystemer? NINA Rapport 2289. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Norge er et kjerneområde ...
    • Rapport om hvordan Trafikklyssystemet påvirker arbeidet med å oppnå målene satt i Kvalitetsnorm for villaks 

      Myklebust, Ingunn Elise; Dalvin, Sussie; Djupevåg, Else Marie Stenevik; Fiske, Peder; Forseth, Torbjørn; Kambestad, Atle; Stige, Leif Chr.; Taranger, Geir Lasse; Vikingstad, Erik (Research report, 2024)
      Sammenliknet med midten av 1980-årene er mengden villaks som vender tilbake fra havet halvert. Som et ledd i bevaringen av atlantisk laks i Norge ble kvalitetsnormen for villaks vedtatt i 2013. Formålet med Kvalitetsnormen ...
    • Why do avian responses to change in Arctic green-up vary? 

      Tavera, Eveling A.; Lank, David B.; Douglas, David C.; Sandercock, Brett Kevin; Lanctot, Richard B.; Schmidt, Niels M.; Reneerkens, Jeroen; Ward, David H.; Bêty, Joël; Kwon, Eunbi; Lecomte, Nicolas; Gratto-Trevor, Cheri L.; Smith, Paul A.; English, Willow B.; Saalfeld, Sarah T.; Brown, Stephen C.; Gates, H. River; Nol, Erica; Liebezeit, Joseph R.; McGuire, Rebecca L.; McKinnon, Laura; Kendall, Steve; Robards, Martin; Boldenow, Megan; Payer, David C.; Rausch, Jennie; Solovyeva, Diana V.; Stalwick, Jordyn A.; Gurney, Kirsty E.B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Global climate change has altered the timing of seasonal events (i.e., phenology) for a diverse range of biota. Within and among species, however, the degree to which alterations in phenology match climate variability ...
    • Styringsgruppens oppsummering og evaluering av utredningen om hvordan Trafikklyssystemet påvirker måloppnåelsen i Kvalitetsnorm for villaks 

      Næsje, Tor Fredrik; Biering, Eirik; Boxaspen, Karin Kroon (Research report, 2024)
      Innledning og bakgrunn for vurderingen: Klima- og miljødepartementet og Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet har gitt Styringsgruppen for trafikklyssystemet i oppdrag å nedsette en arbeidsgruppe som skal gjennomføre en utreding ...
    • Expanding the spatial scale in DNA-based monitoring schemes: ascertainment bias in transnational assessments 

      Kopatz, Alexander; Norman, Anita J.; Spong, Göran; Valtonen, Mia; Kojola, Ilpo; Aspi, Jouni; Kindberg, Jonas; Flagstad, Øystein; Kleven, Oddmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Harmonising methodology between countries is crucial in transborder population monitoring. However, immediate application of alleged, established DNA-based methods across the extended area can entail drawbacks and may lead ...
    • Mysis segerstralei, an unexpected but important prey for resident Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in a Svalbard lake 

      Svenning, Martin; Skogstad, Ole Christian; Skogstad, Øyvind; Borgstrøm, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Mysis segerstralei is distributed over a wide geographic area and in habitats with a variety of salinity conditions, including marine and brackish waters around Svalbard. The species has seldom been found in freshwater ...
    • A complete homogenization of water temperatures duringwidespread flooding 

      Myrvold, Knut Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Thermal regimes can vary substantially across small geographic distances in rivers,and the factors responsible for creating a diverse thermal landscape can operate onmultiple spatial and temporal extents. This short ...
    • Estimating mortality of small passerine birds colliding with wind turbines 

      Nilsson, Anna Lisa Kristina; Molværsmyr, Sindre; Breistøl, Arild; Systad, Geir Helge Rødli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As demand for renewable energy is rising, wind power development is rapidly growing worldwide. In its wake, conficts arise over land use changes converting pristine nature into industrial power plants and its associated ...