Viser treff 461-480 av 4435

    • Aerospace mapping of the status and position of northern forest limit 

      Kravtsova, Valentina I.; Tutubalina, Olga; Hofgaard, Annika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      We study changes in the position of the northern forest limit and state of vegetation in the taiga-tundra ecotone through aerial and satellite imagery in the context of climate variability and of the projected advance of ...
    • Building biological realism into wolf management policy: the development of the population approach in Europe 

      Linnell, John Durrus; Boitani, Luigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
    • Population densities, vegetation green-up, and plant productivity: impacts on reproductive success and juvenile body mass in reindeer 

      Tveraa, Torkild; Stien, Audun; Bårdsen, Bård-Jørgen; Fauchald, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Global warming is expected to cause earlier springs and increased primary productivity in the Arctic. These changes may improve food availability for Arctic herbivores, but may also have negative effects by generating a ...
    • Recommendations on size and position of surgically and gastrically implanted electronic tags in European silver eel 

      Økland, Finn; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Background: Information on European silver eel Anguilla anguilla anatomy was collected to gain information on limitations on size and placement of electronic tags. Findings: To reduce the eel’s ability to bite its own ...
    • Innvandring av villaks og rømt oppdrettslaks til Trondheimsfjorden, Namsfjorden, Nedstrandsfjorden og ved Kvaløya i 2022 

      Berntsen, Henrik Hårdensson; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Aronsen, Tonje; Østborg, Gunnel Marie; Næsje, Tor Fredrik (NINA Rapport;2306, Research report, 2023)
      Berntsen, H.H., Ulvan, E.M., Aronsen, T., Østborg, G.M. og Næsje, T.F. 2023. Innvandring av villlaks og rømt oppdrettslaks i Trondheimsfjorden, Namsfjorden, Nedstrandsfjorden og ved Kvaløya i 2022. NINA Rapport 2306. Norsk ...
    • Does lack of evolvability constrain adaptation? If so, on what time scales? 

      Voje, Kjetil L.; Grabowski, Mark; Holstad, Agnes; Porto, Arthur; Tsuboi, Masahito; Bolstad, Geir Hysing (Chapter, 2023)
      The relevance of genetic constraints for evolutionary change beyond microevolutionary timescales is debated. The high evolvability of natural populations predicts rapid adaptation, but evolvability is often found to correlate ...
    • Review of the Palaearctic species of Ismaridae Thomson, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea) 

      Kim, Chang-Jun; Notton, David G; Ødegaard, Frode; Lee, Jong-Wook (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Review of the Palaearctic species of Ismaridae Thomson, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea)Chang-Jun KIM 1, David G. NOTTON 2, Frode ØDEGAARD 3 & Jong-Wook LEE 4,*1 Division of Gardens and Education, Korea National Arboretum, ...
    • Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to? 

      Burrascano, Sabina; Chianucci, Francesco; Trentanovi, Giovanni; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Sitzia, Tommaso; Tinya, Flóra; Doerfler, Inken; Paillet, Yoan; Nagel, Thomas Andrew; Mitic, Bozena; Morillas, Lourdes; Munzi, Silvana; van der Sluis, Theo; Alterio, Edoardo; Balducci, Lorenzo; de Andrade, Rafael Barreto; Bouget, Christophe; Giordani, Paolo; Lachat, Thibault; Matosevic, Dinka; Napoleone, Francesca; Ódor, Péter; Nascimbene, Juri; Paniccia, Chiara; Roth, Nicolas; Aszalós, Réka; Brazaitis, Gediminas; Cutini, Andrea; D'Andrea, Ettore; De Smedt, Pallieter; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Janssen, Philippe; Kozák, Daniel; Mårell, Anders; Mikoláš, Martin; Nordén, Björn; Matula, Radim; Schall, Peter; Svoboda, Miroslav; Ujházyová, Mariana; Vandekerkhove, Kris; Wohlwend, Michael; Xystrakis, Fotios; Aleffi, Michele; Ammer, Christian; Archaux, Frédéric; Asbeck, Thomas; Avtzis, Dimitrios N.; Ayasse, Manfred; Bagella, Simonetta; Balestrieri, Rosario (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The European biodiversity and forest strategies rely on forest sustainable management (SFM) to conserve forest biodiversity. However, current sustainability assessments hardly account for direct biodiversity indicators. ...
    • Co-developing guidance for conservation: An example for seabirds in the North-East Atlantic in the face of climate change impacts 

      Häkkinen, Henry; Taylor, Nigel G.; Pettorelli, Nathalie; Sutherland, William J.; Aldara, Jon; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Aulert, Christophe; van Bemmelen, Rob S.A.; Burnell, Daisy; Cadiou, Bernard; Campioni, Letizia; Clark, Bethany L.; Dehnhard, Nina; Dias, Maria P.; Enners, Leonie; Furness, Robert W.; Hallgrímsson, Gunnar Þor; Hammer, Sjúrður; Hansen, Erpur Snær; Hario, Martti; Hurling, Stephen; Jessopp, Mark; Kleinschmidt, Birgit; Leivits, Meelis; Maniszewska, Klaudyna; Oppel, Steffen; Payo-Payo, Ana; Piec, Daniel; Ramos, Jaime A.; Robin, Frédéric; Sørensen, Iben Hove; Stīpniece, Antra; Thompson, Danielle L.; Vulcano, Antonio; Petrovan, Silviu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Conservation guidance—an authoritative source of information and recommendations explicitly supporting decision-making and action regarding nature conservation—represents an important tool to communicate evidence-based ...
    • Behaviour and habitat use of first-time migrant Arctic charr: novel insights from a subarctic marine area 

      Nordli, Eivind; Strøm, John Fredrik; Bøhn, Thomas; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Serra Llinares, Rosa Maria; Nilsen, Rune; Bjørn, Pål Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Anadromous Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus is a cold-adapted salmonid that is vul nerable to climate warming and anthropogenic activities including salmon farming, hydropower regulation, and pollution, which poses a ...
    • Recovery of vegetation on former alpine roads: how long does it take? 

      Evju, Marianne; Hagen, Dagmar; Olsen, Siri Lie; Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Alpine areas worldwide are under heavy land-use pressure and degradation. Active restoration treatments can contribute to accelerating recovery of degraded areas. However, monitoring data are needed to understand the ...
    • The paradox of searching efficiency or why are violent population cycles so uncommon in terrestrial ecosystem 

      Oksanen, Lauri; Vuorinen, Katariina Elsa M; Oksanen, Tarja Maarit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The searching efficiency of predators depends on the balance between the adaptations of the predator and the counter-adaptations of the prey. In this evolutionary race, the prey should normally have the upper hand, as it ...
    • A synthesis of multi-taxa management experiments to guide forest biodiversity conservation in Europe 

      Tinya, Flóra; Doerfler, Inken; de Groot, Maarten; Heilman-Clausen, Jacob; Kovács, Bence; Mårell, Anders; Nordén, Björn; Aszalós, Réka; Bässler, Claus; Brazaitis, Gediminas; Burrascano, Sabina; Camprodon, Jordi; Chudomelov, Marketa; Cizek, Lukas; D'Andrea, Ettore; Gossner, Martin; Halme, Panu; Hédl, Radim; Korboulewsky, Nathalie; Kouki, Jari; Kozel, Petr; Lõhmus, Asko; Lopez, Rosana; Máliš, František; Martín, Juan A.; Mattioli, Walter; Mundet, Roser; Müller, Jörg; Nicolas, Manuel; Oldén, Anna; Piqué, Miriam; Preiksa, Zydrunas; Ciuró, Joan Rovira; Remm, Liina; Schall, Peter; Sebek, Pavel; Seibold, Sebastian; Simoncic, Primoz; Ujhazy, Karol; Ujhazyova, Mariana; Vild, Ondrej; Vincenot, Lucie; Weisser, Wolfgang; Odor, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Most European forests are used for timber production. Given the limited extent of unmanaged (and especially primary) forests, it is essential to include commercial forests in the conservation of forest biodiversity. ...
    • Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs 

      McKie, Brendan G.; Taylor, Astrid; Nilsson, Tobias; Frainer, André; Goedkoop, Willem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The microbial control agent Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) has been successfully used worldwide to reduce abundances of biting Nematocera (Diptera), often with little direct impact on non-target organisms ...
    • Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis reveals a high level of dietary specialization in killer whales across the North Atlantic 

      Remili, Anaïs; Dietz, Rune; Sonne, Christian; Samarra, Filipa I. P.; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Kettemer, Lisa Elena; Ferguson, Steven H.; Watt, Cortney A.; Matthews, Cory J. D.; Kiszka, Jeremy J.; Jourdain, Eve Marie; Borgå, Katrine; Ruus, Anders; Granquist, Sandra M.; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; McKinney, Melissa A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • A retrospective investigation of feather corticosterone in a highly contaminated white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) population 

      Hansen, Elisabeth; Sun, Jiachen; Björn, Helander; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Eulaers, Igor; Jaspers, Veerle Leontina B; Covaci, Adrian; Eens, Marcel; Bourgeon, Sophie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as organochlorines (OCs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), is associated with adverse health effects in wildlife. Many POPs have been banned and conse ...
    • Global analysis of seasonal changes in trematode infection levels reveals weak and variable link to temperature 

      Paterson, Rachel; Poulin, Robert; Selbach, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Seasonal changes in environmental conditions drive phenology, i.e., the annual timing of biological events ranging from the individual to the ecosystem. Phenological patterns and successional abundance cycles have been ...
    • Fiskeundersøkelser i store innsjøer i ØKOSTOR-programmet 2022 

      Eikland, Knut Andreas; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Lie, Erik Friele; Benjaminsen, Sigurd; Dokk, John Gunnar; Holter, Tobias; Næstad, Frode; Seljestokken, Vegar; Solberg, Ingrid (NINA Rapport;2315, Report, 2023)
      Fiskesamfunnet i de syv innsjøene Krøderen, Mjøsa, Møsvatn, Altevatn, Iešjávri, Stuorajávri og Takvatnet ble undersøkt i august-september 2022 som del av det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet Økosystemovervåking av store ...
    • NINA Annual Report 2022 

      Myklebust, Norunn Sæther; Bruset, Bjørg (NINA Annual Report;2022, Report, 2023)
    • Lange tidsserier i Atna- og Vike-dalsvassdragene - Resultater 2022. 

      Jensen, Thomas Correll; Lungrin, Elina; Bodin, Christian Lucien; Eikland, Knut Andreas; Magerøy, Jon; Myrvold, Knut Marius; Saksgård, Randi; Schneider, Susanne; Skancke, Liv Bente; Skjelbred, Birger; Velle, Gaute (NINA Rapport;2300, Research report, 2023)
      Jensen T.C., Lungrin, E., Bodin C.L., Eikland, K.A., Magerøy, J., Myrvold, K.M., Saksgård, R., Schneider, S., Skancke, L.B., Skjelbred, B. & Velle, G. 2023. Lange tidsserier i Atna- og Vikedalsvassdragene - Resultater 2022. ...