Browsing Norsk institutt for naturforskning by Author "Uglem, Ingebrigt"
Now showing items 41-48 of 48
Spatiotemporal Variations in Trace Element Compositions in Pollock Populations under the Influence of Coastal Norwegian Salmon Farms
Fourdain, Linda; Arechavala-Lopez, Pablo; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Sæther, Bjørn-Steinar; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Pollock Pollachius virens (also known as Saithe) modify their feeding habits when including in their diet uneaten feed pellets from salmon aquaculture sea cages. To determine the influence of salmon farms on Pollock, ... -
Statistical and ecological challenges of monitoring parasitic salmon lice infestations in wild salmonid fish stocks
Helland, Ingeborg Palm; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Jansen, Peder A; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Finstad, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Ecological monitoring programmes should provide precise data to inform management, but the data quality is often limited by methodological challenges and the need for cost-effective sampling. Parasite infestations are ... -
Telling av oppvandrende fisk i Mandalselva ved bruk av DIDSON. En pilotstudie
Järnegren, Johanna; Balk, Helge; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Forseth, Torbjørn (NINA rapport;636, Research report, 2011)Järnegren, J., Balk, H., Uglem, I., Forseth, T. 2011. Telling av oppvandrende fisk i Mandalselva ved bruk av DIDSON – en pilotstudie. - NINA Rapport 636. 22 s. Moderne forvaltning av norske laksebestander basert på ... -
Testing av metodikk for å registrere forekomst av lakselus i oppdrettsanlegg
Berntsen, Henrik Hårdensson; Sivertsgård, Rolf; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Pettersen, Oskar; Frank, Kevin; Solberg, Ingrid; Finstad, Bengt (NINA Rapport;1544, Research report, 2018)Berntsen, H.H., Sivertsgård, R., Uglem, I., Pettersen, O., Frank, K., Solberg, I. og Finstad, B. 2018. Testing av metodikk for å registrere forekomst av lakselus i oppdrettsanlegg. NINA Rapport 1544. Norsk institutt for ... -
The effect of catch-and-release angling at high water temperatures on behaviour and survival of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during spawning migration
Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Solem, Øyvind; Cooke, Steven J.; Whoriskey, Frederick G.; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this study, behaviour and survival following catch-and-release (C&R) angling was investigated in wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 75) angled on sport fishing gear in the River Otra in southern Norway at water ... -
The risk of individual fish being captured multiple times in a catch and release fishery
Thorstad, Eva B.; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Solem, Øyvind; Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Bjørum, Lars Rasmus Oftedal; Kristensen, Torstein; Urke, Henning Andre; Johansen, Martin Rognli; Lennox, Robert J.; Fiske, Peder; Uglem, Ingebrigt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The proportion of angled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. being caught and released has increased. If individuals are repeatedly captured, this may have fish welfare consequences. Of 995 Atlantic salmon tagged during catch ... -
Use of simulation approaches to evaluate the consequences of catch-and-release angling on the migration behaviour of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Lennox, Robert J.; Cooke, Steven J.; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Johansen, Martin R.; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Whoriskey, Frederick G.; Uglem, Ingebrigt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Given most Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) released by anglers survive (proportion = 0.97 in this study), eco-nomically and culturally important recreational Atlantic salmon fisheries are increasingly incorporatingcatch-and-release. ... -
Variations in coastal fish species composition captured by traps in Romsdalsfjord, Western Norway
Arechavala-Lopez, Pablo; Berg, Marius; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Finstad, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Fish traps are widely used in Norwegian fjords, especially those designed for monitoring salmonid populations in the marine environment, although many other marine fish species are also captured. The composition and ...