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dc.contributor.authorMønness, Erik
dc.contributor.authorArnesen, Tor
dc.description.abstractStortinget besluttet i 2017 endringer i konsesjonslovgivninger for erverv av landbrukseiendommer i den hensikt å stimulere til økt omsetning av landbrukseiendommer. Endringene har konsekvenser for eiendomsstruktur og driftsstruktur. Artikkelen presenterer en kvantitativ analyse av hvordan endringene fordeler seg på landbrukseiendommer i og utenfor fjellkommuner.nb_NO
dc.description.abstractThe parliament resolved in 2017 amendments to licensing legislation for the acquisition of agricultural properties to stimulate increased turnover of agricultural properties. The changes are intended to have consequences for property structure and operating structure. The article presents a quantitative analysis of how the impact of the amendments are, divided between agricultural properties in and outside mountain municipalities. The analysis shows that the changes made in farm policy cannot be expected to have intended effects, at a national level, on the current unbalance between the property structure and the operating structure. On the sub categories inside and outside mountain municipalities, there is a difference, albeit small, in how agricultural properties are affected by the proposed change. Farms outside mountain municipalities are on average larger and less affected. Also, consequences are most visible for owners who themselves do not actively farm (- but where one can assume that arable land resources are lent or rented). The purpose of the government's changes is "liberalization of agricultural legislation that can stimulate increased turnover of agricultural properties." (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 2017a). However, it is unlikely that the current changes will to any significant extent stimulate the increased turnover of agricultural properties.nb_NO
dc.publisherNorsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA)nb_NO
dc.subjectagricultural policynb_NO
dc.subjectconcession actnb_NO
dc.subjectallodial actnb_NO
dc.subjectfarm property structurenb_NO
dc.titleEndringer i konsesjonslovgivningen og landbrukets eiendomsstruktur i og utenfor fjellkommuner.nb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.source.journalUtmark : tidsskrift for utmarksforskningnb_NO

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  • Tidsskriftet Utmark [67]
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