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dc.contributor.authorHorgen, André
dc.coverage.spatialNorge, Noreg, Norwaynb_NO
dc.description.abstractArtikkelen gjør opp status mht. sikkerhet for ulike friluftslivsaktiviteter i Norge på 2000-tallet. I artikkelen blir det redegjort for antall dødsulykker innenfor en rekke aktiviteter. Antall forulykkede sees i sammenheng med antall utøvere av aktiviteten, for på den måten å etablere et sammenlikningsgrunnlag knyttet til sannsynlighet for at utøvere av ulike aktiviteter omkom i perioden 2000 – 2015. I artikkelen dokumenteres også omfanget av dødsfall i forbindelse med de samme aktivitetene i regi av organisert virksomhet, i tilknytning til f.eks. undervisning, organisasjoner eller naturbasert reiseliv. Status regarding safety in Norwegian outdoor life activities. The article presents status, regarding safety, within a range of outdoor activities in Norway, during the period 2000 - 2015. The numbers of fatalities within several outdoor activities are seen in relation to the numbers of participants within the same activity. Based on these data the activities are compared with each other, and with some everyday-life activities, to create an understanding of risk related to the activity. The article also provide data related to fatalities within the same activities, conducted with a guide, teacher or other responsible person in charge.The main questions are: What has been the probability of fatalities during exercise of outdoor activities in Norway during the years 2000 – 2015? What has been the scope of fatalities within activities conducted with a guide, teacher or other responsible person in charge? My sources are data on fatalities in the Norwegian Outdoors between 2000 – 2012 presented in an article by Horgen (2013), supplemented by data on fatalities from different outdoor organizations, from public statistics and media. Data documenting the number of participants within the activities are gathered from Statistics Norway, primarily from their living Condition Survey from the years of 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2011. Methods: Establish data on fatalities and collect data on number of participants, to provide a basis of comparison between activities. Results: The probability of fatalities during exercise of outdoor activities has been highest within «B.A.S.E» (1, 8%), followed by paragliding (0, 07%), sports diving (0, 04%), skydiving and hang-gliding (both 0, 02%). Less dangerous are steep skiing in the mountains (0, 005%), followed by river paddling (0, 003%), boat trips (0, 002%) and climbing (0, 001%). Other activities covered by this survey, such as skiing and hunting, is even less dangerous. The scope of fatalities within activities conducted with a guide, teacher or other responsible person in charge are thirteen. Seven fatalities happened in avalanche accidents, four in climbing accidents, one in a canoeing accident, and one in a rafting accident.nb_NO
dc.subjectoutdoor life activitiesnb_NO
dc.titleSikkerhetsstatus for friluftslivsaktiviteter i Norge på 2000-talletnb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Sosiologi: 220nb_NO
dc.source.pagenumberS. 46-67
dc.source.journalTidsskriftet Utmarknb_NO

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