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dc.contributor.authorDaugstad, Karoline
dc.contributor.authorPrøsch-Danielsen, Lisbeth
dc.description.abstractJærlandskapet er under press fra mange ulike interesser og noen av de tydeligste ‘kampene’ som utkjempes i dette landskapet er knyttet til jordvern, utbygging/infrastruktur-tiltak og etablering av vindkraftanlegg. Hvordan framstilles denne arealkampen i media? Hvilke aktører fremmer hvilke synspunkt?nb_NO
dc.description.abstractThe Jæren landscape in south-west Norway is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the country. It is also an area with population increase and with favorable locations for wind-parks. These different claims on the landscape and land use leads to conflicts. Through an analysis of how these different claims are presented in the regional newspaper we investigate what conflicts are presented and how? Which actors are involved? Which landscape views or values can be identified? The analysis show that there are a number of actors involved or portrayed in the media discourse and that the rhetoric is most pinpointed when it comes to wind-parks. However, there are some general dimensions to be found regarding landscape values, understandings of nature or different rural discourses. Other emerging topics relates to ‘green vs green’ dilemmas, landscape seen as static or dynamic, and a central-local dimension regarding which authorities or institutions are decisive in the development of the Jæren landscape.nb_NO
dc.publisherNorsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA)nb_NO
dc.subjectland use conflictsnb_NO
dc.subjectlandscape valuesnb_NO
dc.titleArealkrav i jærlandskapet: En studie av medias fremstillingnb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.source.pagenumberS. 32-45
dc.source.journalTidsskriftet Utmarknb_NO

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