Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - NINA by Author "Caddell, Richard"
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International wildlife law: understanding and enhancing its role in conservation
Trouwborst, Arie; Blackmore, Andrew; Boitani, Luigi; Bowman, Michael; Caddell, Richard; Chapron, Guillaume; Cliquet, An; Couzens, Ed; Epstein, Yaffa; Fernandez-Galiano, Eladio; Fleurke, Floor M.; Gardner, Royal; Hunter, Luke; Jacobsen, Kim; Krofel, Miha; Lewis, Melissa; López-Bao, José Vicente; MacDonald, David; Redpath, Stephen; Wandesforde-Smith, Geoffrey; Linnell, John Durrus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)