Blar i NINA Brage på forfatter "Eriksen, Lasse Frost"
Climatic forcing and individual heterogeneity in a resident mountain bird: legacy data reveal effects on reproductive strategies
Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pedersen, Hans Christian; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Optimization of clutch size and timing of reproduction have substantial effects on lifetime reproductive success in vertebrates, and both individual quality and environmental variation may impact life history strategies. ... -
Effekter av arealbruk og arealbruksendringer på biodiversitet, økosystemtjenester og karbonlagring i Norge. Et systematisk kart og beslutningsstøtteverktøy
Nilsen, Erlend B.; Simensen, Trond; Singsaas, Frode Thomassen; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Stokland, Håkon; Sutcliffe, Thomas Edward; Kolstad, Anders; Pilotto, Francesca; Grainger, Matthew (NINA Rapport;2472, Research report, 2024)Nilsen, E.B., Simensen, T., Singsaas, F.T., Eriksen, L.F., Stokland, H., Sutcliffe, T.E., Kolstad, A., Pilotto, F. & Grainger, M. 2024. Effekter av arealbruk og arealbruksendringer på biodiversitet, økosystemtjenester og ... -
Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Predation Risk to Forest Grouse Nests in the Central European Mountain Regions
Cukor, Jan; Linda, Rostislav; Andersen, Oddgeir; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Vacek, Zdenek; Riegert, Jan; Salek, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We evaluated the spatiotemporal patterns of predation risk on black grouse nests using artificial nests that were monitored by camera traps in mountain areas with a small extant (Ore Mts.) and already extinct (Jeseníky ... -
Harvest regulations and implementation uncertainty in small game harvest management
Moa, Pål Fossland; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A main challenge in harvest management is to set policies that maximize the probability that management goals are met. While the management cycle includes multiple sources of uncertainty, only some of these has received ... -
Quantifying risk of overharvest when implementation is uncertain
Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Moa, Pål Fossland; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)1. Sustainable harvest management implies an ability to control harvest rates. This is challenging in systems that have limited control of resources and resource users, which is often the case in small game harvest management. ... -
Survival and cause-specific mortality of harvested willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in central Norway
Israelsen, Markus Fjellstad; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Moa, Pål Fossland; Hagen, Bjørn-Roar; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Survival is a key demographic component that often varies as a result of human activities such as recreational harvest. Detailed understanding of seasonal variation in mortality patterns and the role of various risk factors ...