Now showing items 986-1005 of 4398

    • Evaluering av norsk skogvern i 2016. Dekning av mål for skogvernet og behov for supplerende vern 

      Framstad, Erik; Blindheim, Terje; Granhus, Aksel; Nowell, Megan; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne (NINA Rapport;1352, Research report, 2017)
      Framstad, E. (red.), Blindheim, T., Granhus, A., Nowell, M. og Sverdrup-Thygeson, A. 2017. Evaluering av norsk skogvern i 2016. Dekning av mål for skogvernet og behov for supplerende vern. – NINA Rapport 1352. 149 s. Vernet ...
    • Evaluering av oppleieordningen av kilenotfiske etter laks i Trondheimsfjorden 

      Fiske, Peder; Forseth, Torbjørn; Hansen, Lars Petter; Hvidsten, Nils Arne (NINA Rapport;158, Research report, 2006)
      Fiske, P., Forseth, T., Hansen, L.P. og Hvidsten, N.A. 2006. Evaluering av oppleieordningen av kilenotfiske etter laks i Trondheimsfjorden - NINA Rapport 158. 15 s. Vi har i denne rapporten vurdert hvordan oppleieordningen ...
    • Evaluering av prosjektet ”Utmarksbasert Reiselivsnæring 2004 – 2006" 

      Qvenild, Marte; Aas, Øystein (NINA Rapport;256, Research report, 2007)
      Qvenild, M. & Aas, Ø. 2007. Evaluering av prosjektet ”Utmarksbasert Reiselivsnæring 2004 – 2006”. NINA Rapport 256, 46 s. Rapporten evaluerer Norges Bondelags og Norges Skogeierforbunds prosjekt Utmarksbasert reiseliv. ...
    • Evaluering av regional rovviltforvaltning 

      Krange, O.; Odden, J.; Skogen, K.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Stokland, H.B.; Vang, S.; Mattisson, J. (NINA Rapport;1268, Research report, 2016-06-01)
      Krange, O., Odden, J., Skogen, K., Linnell, J. D. C., Stokland, H. B., Vang, S. & Mattisson, J. 2016. Evaluering av regional rovviltforvaltning - NINA Rapport 1268. 190 s. Dagens forvaltning av rovviltartene er hovedsakelig ...
    • Evaluering av registreringsmetoder for nasjonal overvåkning av storsalamander Triturus cristatus i Norge 

      Skei, Jon Kristian; Dervo, Børre Kind; van der Kooij, Jeroen; Kraabøl, Morten (NINA rapport;589, Research report, 2010)
      Skei, J.K., Dervo, B., van der Kooij, J. og Kraabøl, M. 2010. Evaluering av registreringsmetoder for nasjonal overvåkning av storsalamander Triturus cristatus i Norge - NINA Rapport 589. 76 s + vedlegg. Denne rapporten ...
    • Evaluering av sjøfuglovervåking uført i regi av fylkesmannsetaten, samt forslag til overvåking i vernområdene for sjøfugl 

      Lorentsen, Svein Håkon (NINA Rapport;247, Research report, 2007)
      Lorentsen, S.-H. 2007. Evaluering av sjøfuglovervåking utført i regi av fylkesmannsetaten, samt forslag til overvåking i verneområdene for sjøfugl – NINA Rapport 247. 22 s. Rapporten evaluerer sjøfuglovervåkingen som er ...
    • Evaluering av storsalamander i foreslåtte områder for Emerald Network 

      Dervo, Børre K. (NINA rapport;1223, Research report, 2016-01-22)
      Dervo, B. K.2016. Evaluering av storsalamander i foreslåtte områ- der for Emerald Network - NINA Rapport 1223. 21 s + vedlegg. Totalt er det registrert 1 028 ynglelokaliteter for storsalamander Triturus cristatus i Norge, ...
    • Evalueringen av fylkesmennenes overvåking i verneområder 

      Hagen, Dagmar; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Vistad, Odd Inge; Framstad, Erik; Saksgård, Laila M. (NINA Rapport;48, Research report, 2005)
      Hagen, D., Eide, N.E., Vistad, O.I., Framstad, E. og Saksgård, L. 2005. Evaluering av fylkesmennenes overvåking i verneområder, - NINA Rapport 48. 37 s.
    • Everyday Life and Social Death among Youth: The Meaning of Empathy, Moments of Silence, and Daydreams 

      Beyer Broch, Tuva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      During two years of fieldwork among Norwegian inner-city youths, I observed that self-preservation was the dominant factor in their interactions with teachers, activity leaders, one another, and their natural surroundings. ...
    • EviAtlas: A tool for visualising evidence synthesis databases 

      Haddaway, Neal R.; Feierman, Andrew; Grainger, Matthew; Gray, Charles T.; Tanriver-Ayder, Ezgi; Dhaubanjar, Sanita; Westgate, Martin J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Systematic mapping assesses the nature of an evidence base, answering how much evidence exists on a particular topic. Perhaps the most useful outputs of a systematic map are an interactive database of studies and their ...
    • Evidence for overfishing of tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus (Castelnau 1861) in the Kavango River, Namibia 

      Jacobs, F.J.; Næsje, Tor; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Hay, C.J.; Khaebeb, F.H.; Weyl, Olaf Lawrence Friedrich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The fishery for the African tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus in northern Namibia makes a substantial contribution to surrounding food security and stimulates the local economy through subsistence and recreational fishing. ...
    • Evidence for the linkage of survival of anadromous Arctic char and brown trout during winter to marine growth during the previous summer 

      Jensen, Arne Johan; Finstad, Bengt; Fiske, Peder (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
    • The evidence synthesis and meta‑analysis in R conference (ESMARConf): levelling the playing field of conference accessibility and equitability 

      Haddaway, Neal R.; Bannach‑Brown, Alexandra; Grainger, Matthew; Hamilton, W. Kyle; Hennessy, Emily A.; Keenan, Ciara; Pritchard, Chris C.; Stojanova, Jana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Rigorous evidence is vital in all disciplines to ensure efficient, appropriate, and fit-for-purpose decision-making with minimised risk of unintended harm. To date, however, disciplines have been slow to share evidence ...
    • Evidence synthesis for tackling research waste 

      Grainger, Matthew; Bolam, Friederike C.; Stewart, Gavin B.; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      There is an immediate need for a change in research workflows so that pre-existing knowledge is better used in designing new research. A formal assessment of the accumulated knowledge prior to research approval would reduce ...
    • Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen-forming fungi 

      Divakar, Pradeep K.; Crespo, Ana; Wedin, Mats; Leavitt, Steven D.; Hawksworth, David L.; Myllys, Leena; McCune, Bruce; Randlane, Tiina; Bjerke, Jarle W.; Ohmura, Yoshihito; Schmitt, Imke; Boluda, Carlos G.; Alors, David; Roca-Valiente, Beatriz; Del-Prado, Ruth; Ruibal, Constantino; Buaruang, Kawinnat; Núñez-Zapata, Jano; de Paz, Guillermo Amo; Rico, Victor J.; Molina, M. Carmen; Elix, John A.; Esslinger, Theodore L.; Tronstad, Inger Kristin Kolstø; Lindgen, Hanna; Ertz, Damien; Gueidan, Cécile; Saag, Lauri; Mark, Kristiina; Singh, Garima; Dal Grande, Fransesco; Parnmen, Sittiporn; Beck, Andreas; Benatti, Michel Navarro; Blanchon, Dan; Candan, Mehmet; Clerc, Philippe; Goward, Trevor; Grube, Martin; Hodkinson, Brendan P.; Hur, Jae-Seoun; Kantvilas, Gintaras; Kirika, Paul M.; Lendemer, James; Mattsson, Jan-Eric; Messuti, Maria Ines; Miadlikowska, Jolanta; Nelsen, Matthew P.; Ohlson, Jan I.; Pérez-Ortega, Sergio; Saag, Andres; Sipman, Harrie J.M.; Sohrabi, Mohammad; Thell, Arne; Thor, Göran; Truong, Camille; Yahr, Rebecca; Upreti, Dalip K.; Cubas, Paloma; Lumbsch, H. Thorsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      We studied the evolutionary history of the Parmeliaceae (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota),one of the largest families of lichen-forming fungi with complex and variable morphologies,also including several lichenicolous fungi. ...
    • Evolution of female promiscuity in Passerides songbirds 

      Lifjeld, Jan Terje; Gohli, Jostein; Albrecht, Tomas; Garcia-del-Rey, Eduardo; Johannessen, Lars Erik; Kleven, Oddmund; Marki, Petter Z.; Omotoriogun, Taiwo Crossby; Rowe, Melissah; Johnsen, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: Female promiscuity is highly variable among birds, and particularly among songbirds. Comparative work has identified several patterns of covariation with social, sexual, ecological and life history traits. ...
    • Evolution, ecology and conservation - revisiting three decades of Arctic fox population genetic research 

      Norén, Karin; Dalén, Love; Flagstad, Øystein; Berteaux, Dominique; Wallén, Johan; Angerbjörn, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Three decades have passed since the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) was first put into a population genetic perspective. With the aim of addressing how microevolution operates on different biological levels, we here review ...
    • Evolutionary analysis of the female-specific avianW chromosome 

      Smeds, Linnea; Warmuth, Vera; Bolivar, Paulina; Uebbing, Severin; Burri, Reto; Suh, Alexander; Nater, Alexander; Bures, Stanislav; Garamszegi, Laszlo Z.; Hogner, Silje; Moreno, Juan; Qvarnström, Anna; Ruzic, Milan; Sæther, Stein Are; Sætre, Glenn-Peter; Torok, Janos; Ellegren, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The typically repetitive nature of the sex-limited chromosome means that it is often excluded from or poorly covered in genome assemblies, hindering studies of evolutionary and population genomic processes in non-recombining ...
    • Evolutionary change in metabolic rate of Daphnia pulicaria following invasion by the predator Bythotrephes longimanus 

      Rani, Varsha; Burton, Tim; Walsh, Matthew; Einum, Sigurd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Metabolic rate is a trait that may evolve in response to the direct and indirect effects of predator-induced mortality. Predators may indirectly alter selection by lowering prey densities and increasing resource availability ...
    • Evolutionary responses to a changing climate: Implications for reindeer population viability 

      Bårdsen, Bård-Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      If we want to understand how climate change affects long-lived organisms, we must know how individuals allocate resources between current reproduction and survival. This trade-off is affected by expected environmental ...