Now showing items 721-740 of 4435

    • Urbane krykkjer i Tromsø. Effekter av tilrettelegging eller avvisende tiltak 

      Benjaminsen, Sigurd; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto (NINA Rapport;2235, Research report, 2022)
      Benjaminsen, S., Reiertsen, T.K. & Jacobsen, K.-O. 2022. Urbane krykkjer i Tromsø. Effekter av tilrettelegging og avvisende tiltak. NINA Rapport 2235. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Urbanisering av krykkjer har blitt ...
    • Density-dependent selection and the maintenance of colour polymorphism in barn owls 

      Kvalnes, Thomas; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Engen, Steinar; Roulin, Alexandre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The capacity of natural selection to generate adaptive changes is (according to the fundamental theorem of natural selection) proportional to the additive genetic variance in fitness. In spite of its importance for development ...
    • Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines 

      Simmonds, Emily Grace; Dunn-Sigouin, Etienne; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah; Andersen, Christoffer Wold; Aspheim, Janne Cathrin Hetle; Battistin, Claudia; Bulso, Nicola; Christensen, Hannah M.; Cretois, Benjamin; Cubero, Ryan John Abat; Davidovich, Ivan Andres; Dickel, Lisa; Dunn, Benjamin Adric; Dyrstad, Karin; Einum, Sigurd; Giglio, Donata; Gjerløw, Haakon; Godefroidt, Amélie; González-Gil, Ricardo; Gonzalo Cogno, Soledad; Große, Fabian; Halloran, Paul; Jensen, Mari Fjalstad; Kennedy, John James; Langsæther, Peter Egge; Laverick, Jack H; Lederberger, Debora; Li, Camille; Mandeville, Elizabeth G; Mandeville, Caitlin; Moe, Espen; Schröder, Tobias Navarro; Nunan, David; Sicacha-Parada, Jorge; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Skarstein, Emma Sofie; Spensberger, Clemens; Stevens, Richard; Subramanian, Aneesh C.; Svendsen, Lea; Theisen, Ole Magnus; Watret, Connor; O'Hara, Robert B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Quantifying uncertainty associated with our models is the only way we can ex- press how much we know about any phenomenon. Incomplete consideration of model-based uncertainties can lead to overstated conclusions with ...
    • Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats 

      Kubelka, Vojtěch; Sandercock, Brett; Székely, Tamás; Freckleton, Robert P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Every year, many wild animals undertake long-distance migration to breed in the north, taking advantage of seasonally high pulses in food supply, fewer parasites, and lower predation pressure in comparison with equatorial ...
    • A holistic view of Holistic Management: What do farm-scale, carbon, and social studies tell us? 

      Hawkins, Heidi-Jayne; Venter, Zander; Cramer, Michael D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Holistic Management (HM) is claimed to increase production of plants and animals while also increasing soil organic carbon under all conditions in all habitats. Peer-review literature does not support these claims, but ...
    • Effects of episodic exposure to high-pH water on survival of Atlantic salmon eggs and juveniles: Results from laboratory and field Studies 

      Foldvik, Anders; Holthe, Espen; Bremset, Gunnbjørn; Solem, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Although effects of acidification on salmonidfish are well studied and documented, effects of episodic high pHhave rarely received attention. In the present study, we investigated effects of high‐pH events on Atlantic ...
    • Directed endozoochorous dispersal by scavengers facilitate sexual reproduction in otherwise clonal plants at cadaver sites 

      Arnberg, Mie Prik; Frank, Shane; Blaalid, Rakel; Davey, Marie Louise; Eycott, Amy Elizabeth; Steyaert, Sam (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      1. The regeneration niche of many plant species involves spatially and tempo -rally unpredictable disturbances, called recruitment windows of opportunity. However, even species with clear ...
    • The application gap: Genomics for biodiversity and ecosystem service management 

      Heuertz, Myriam; Carvalho, Silvia B.; Galindo, Juan; Rinkevich, Baruch; Robakowski, Piotr; Aavik, Tsipe; Altinok, Ilhan; Barth, Julia M.I.; Cotrim, Helena; Goessen, Roos; González-Martínez, Santiago C.; Grebenc, Tine; Hoban, Sean; Kopatz, Alexander; McMahon, Barry J.; Porth, Ilga M.; Raeymaekers, Joost A. M.; Trãger, Sabrina; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Vella, Adriana; Vernesi, Cristiano; Garnier-Géré, Pauline (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The conservation of biodiversity from the genetic to the community levels is fundamental for the continual provision of ecosystem services (ES), the benefits that ecosystems provide to people. Genetic and genomic diversity ...
    • The role of plant functional groups mediating climate impacts on carbon and biodiversity of alpine grasslands 

      Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Jaroszynska, Francesca; Krüger, Linn Cecilie; Lee, Hanna; Goldberg, Deborah E.; Klanderud, Kari; Olsen, Siri Lie; Telford, Richard James; Hjortland Östman, Silje Andrea; Busca, Sara; Dahle, Ingrid Johnsen; Egelkraut, Dagmar Dorothea; Geange, Sonya Rita; Gya, Ragnhild; Lynn, Joshua Scott; Meineri, Eric Pierre F; Young, Sherry; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Plant removal experiments allow assessment of the role of biotic interactions among species or functional groups in community assembly and ecosystem functioning. When replicated along climate gradients, they can assess ...
    • Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary 

      Meier, H.E. Markus; Kniebush, M; Dieterich, Christian; Groger, Matthias; Zorita, Eduardo; Elmgren, Ragnar; Myrberg, Kai; Ahola, Markus; Bartsova, A; Bonsdorff, Erik; Börgel, Florian; Capell, Rene; Carlén, Ida; Carlund, Thomas; Carstensen, Jacob; Christensen, Ole; Dierschke, Volker; Frauen, Claudia; Frederiksen, Morten; Gaget, Elie; Galatius, Anders; Haapala, Jari; Halkka, Antti; Hugelius, Gustaf; Hünicke, Birgit; Jaagus, Jaak; Jüssi, Mart; Kãyhkõ, Jukka; Kirchner, Nina; Kjellström, Erik; Kulinski, Karol; Lehmann, Andreas C; Lindstrom, G; May, Wilhelm; Miller, Paul A.; Mohrholz, Volker; Muller-Karulis, Bärbel; Pavòn-Jordàn, Diego; Quante, Markus; Reckermann, Markus; Rutgersson, Anna; Savchuk, Oleg; Stendel, Martin; Tuomi, Laura; Viitasalo, Markku; Weisse, Ralf; Zhang, Wenyan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Based on the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports of this thematic issue in Earth System Dynamics and recent peer-reviewed literature, current knowledge of the effects of global warming on past and future changes in climate of ...
    • Forvaltningsrelevant bruk av akustikk for overvåking av norsk natur II 

      Rosten, Carolyn M.; Bick, I.A.; Cretois, Benjamin; Fremstad, Jørn; Gelderblom, Femke B.; Pavón-Jordán, Diego; Reinen, Tor Arne; Sethi, Sarab S.; Wiel, Julia (NINA Rapport;2215, Research report, 2023)
      Rosten, C. M., Bick, I. A., Cretois, B., Fremstad, J., Gelderblom, F.B., Pavón-Jordán, D., Reinen, T. A., Sethi, S. S. & Wiel, J. 2023. Forvaltningsrelevant bruk av akustikk for overvåking av norsk natur II. NINA Rapport ...
    • Predicting kill sites of an apex predator from GPS data in different multi-prey systems 

      Oliveira, Teresa; Sanchez, David Carricondo; Mattisson, Jenny; Vogt, Kristina; Corradini, Andrea; Linnell, John Durrus; Odden, John; Heurich, Marco Dietmar; Rodríguez-Recio, Mariano; Krofel, Miha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Kill rates are a central parameter to assess the impact of predation on prey species. An accurate estimation of kill rates requires a correct identification of kill sites, often achieved by field-checking GPS location ...
    • Hjortevilt og mindre viltarters bruk av viltpassasjer på Rv3 mellom Løten og Elverum. Årsrapport 2021 

      Rød-Eriksen, Lars; Israelsen, Markus Fjellstad; Myran, Ida Ward; Frassinelli, Francesco; Meås, Roger; Rolandsen, Christer Moe (NINA Rapport;2190, Research report, 2023)
      Rød-Eriksen, L., Israelsen, M.F., Myran, I.W., Frassinelli, F., Meås, R., & Rolandsen, C.M. 2022. Hjortevilt og mindre viltarters bruk av viltpassasjer på Rv3 mellom Løten og Elverum. NINA Rapport 2190. Norsk institutt for ...
    • Vurdering av bruk av fiskeredskap i sjøen til bekjempelse av pukkellaks 

      Unknown author (Temarapport fra Vitenskapelig råd for lakseforvaltning;11, Research report, 2023)
      Vitenskapelig råd for lakseforvaltning 2023. Vurdering av bruk av fiskeredskap i sjøen til bekjempelse av pukkellaks. Temarapport fra Vitenskapelig råd for lakseforvaltning nr 11, 107 s. Miljødirektoratet forbereder tiltak ...
    • Då utmarka fekk grunnrenteverdi: om korleis ei meir aktiv forvaltning av grunnrenta frå utmarksressursane kan bidra til sosial berekraft mellom sentrum og periferi 

      Fuglestad, Eirik Magnus (Journal article, 2023)
      Den norske utmarkshistoria har døme på korleis grunnrente har vore fordelte både som rettar til bruk, og som pengeverdiar. Det mest kjende døme er forvaltninga av fossekrafta slik den kom i stand fram mot 1917. Men også ...
    • Overvåking av spredningsveien import av planteprodukter. Basisovervåking 2022 

      Davey, Marie L.; Westergaard, Kristine Bakke; Endrestøl, Anders; Farsund, Peter Groth; Hanssen, Oddvar; Jansson, Ulrika; Dahle, Sondre; Fossøy, Frode; Åström, Jens; Staverløkk, Arnstein (NINA Rapport;2209, Research report, 2023)
      Davey, M.L., Westergaard, K.B., Endrestøl, A., Farsund, P.G., Hanssen, O., Jansson, U., Dahle, S., Fossøy, F., Åström, J. & Staverløkk, A. 2022. Overvåking av spredningsveien import av planteprodukter. Basisovervåking 2022. ...
    • Ungfiskundersøkelser i Ogna, Steinkjer kommune Samlerapport for årene 2020-2022 

      Holthe, Espen; Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Berg, Marius; Sivertsgård, Rolf; Rikstad, Anton (NINA Rapport;2204, Research report, 2023)
      Holthe, E., Havn T.B., Ulvan, E.M., Berg, M., Sivertsgård, R. & Rikstad, A. 2023. Ungfiskundersøkelser i Ogna, Steinkjer kommune. Samlerapport for årene 2020-2022. NINA Rapport 2204. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. I ...
    • Forskningskart på vindkraft – en pilotstudie. Vindkraftens påvirkninger på fugl og cybersikkerhet i drift av vindkraft 

      Nilsson, Anna L.K.; Skytterholm, Andrea Neverdal; Frassinelli, Francesco; Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Vang, Roald; Pavón-Jordán, Diego; May, Roel; Stokke, Bård G. (NINA Rapport;2206, Research report, 2023)
      Nilsson, A.L.K, Skytterholm, A.N., Frassinelli, F., Jaatun, M.G., Vang, R., Pavón-Jordán, D., May, R.F. & Stokke, B.G. 2023. Forskningskart på vindkraft – en pilotstudie. Vindkraftens påvirkninger på fugl og cybersikkerhet ...
    • From social interactions to private environmental behaviours: The case of consumer food waste 

      Piras, Simone; Righi, Simone; Setti, Marco; Grainger, Matthew; Stewart, Gavin B.; Vittuari, Matteo; Koseoglu, Nazli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Consumer food waste, like many environmental behaviours, takes place in private, and is not directly subject to social monitoring. Nevertheless, social interactions can affect private opinions and behaviours. This paper ...
    • Sexual size dimorphism, disassortative pairing, and annual survival of Broad-billed Sandpipers in northern Norway 

      Sandercock, Brett; Rae, Robert; Rae, Stuart; Whitfield, D. Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus is an elusive and seldom studied species of wader that breeds in wet fen habitats in the Palearctic taiga. In a 25-year population study from 1995–2019 near Kautokeino, Norway, ...