Now showing items 681-700 of 4435

    • Bunndyrovervåking av mindre vassdrag i Trondheim kommune i 2021 

      Bergan, Morten André (NINA Rapport;2218, Research report, 2022)
      Bergan, M.A. 2022. Bunndyrovervåking i mindre vassdrag i Trondheim kommune i 2021. NINA Rapport 2218. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. På oppdrag fra Trondheim kommune har NINA foretatt undersøkelser av bunndyrsamfunnet ...
    • Første påvisning av Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis på Nordpadde i Norge 

      Taugbøl, Annette; Strand, David; van der Kooij, Jeroen; Brandsegg, Hege (NINA Rapport;2255, Research report, 2023)
      Taugbøl, A., Strand, D., van der Kooij, J. & Brandsegg, H. 2023. Første påvisning av Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis på Nordpadde i Norge. NINA Rapport 2255. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. ...
    • On the relevance of animal behavior to the management and conservation of fishes and fisheries 

      Cooke, Steven J.; Auld, Heather L.; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Elvidge, Chris K.; Piczak, Morgan L.; Twardek, William M.; Raby, Graham D.; Brownscombe, Jacob W.; Midwood, Jonathan D.; Lennox, Robert; Madliger, Christine; Wilson, Alexander D. M.; Binder, Thomas R.; Schreck, Carl B.; McLaughlin, Robert L.; Grant, James; Muir, Andrew M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      There are many syntheses on the role of animal behavior in understanding and mitigating conservation threats for wildlife. That body of work has inspired the development of a new discipline called conservation behavior. ...
    • Nasjonal overvåking av dagsommerfugler og humler i Norge. Oppsummering av aktiviteten i 2022 

      Åström, Sandra; Åström, Jens; Bøhn, Kristoffer; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Staverløkk, Arnstein; Dahle, Sondre; Ødegaard, Frode (NINA Rapport;2214, Lecture, 2023)
      Åström, S., Åström, J., Bøhn, K., Gjershaug, J.O., Staverløkk, A., Dahle, S. & Ødegaard, F. 2023. Nasjonal overvåking av dagsommerfugler og humler i Norge. Oppsummering av aktiviteten i 2022. NINA Rapport 2214. Norsk ...
    • Atmospheric deposition and precipitation are important predictors of inorganic nitrogen export to streams from forest and grassland watersheds: a large-scale data synthesis 

      Templer, P.H.; Harrison, J.L.; Pilotto, Francesca; Flores-Díaz, A.; Haase, P.; McDowell, W.H.; Sharif, R.; Shibata, H.; Blankman, D.; Avila, A.; Baatar, U.; Bogena, H.R.; Bourgeois, I.; Campbell, J.; Dirnböck, T.; Dodds, W.K.; Hauken, Marit; Kokorite, I.; Lajtha, K.; Lai, I.-L.; Laudon, H.; Lin, T.C.; Lins, S.R.M.; Meesenburg, H.; Pinho, P.; Robison, A.; Rogora, M.; Scheler, B.; Schleppi, P.; Sommaruga, R.; Staszewski, T.; Taka, M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Previous studies have evaluated how changes in atmospheric nitrogen (N) inputs and climate affect stream N concentrations and fluxes, but none have synthesized data from sites around the globe. We identified variables ...
    • The ‘quiet hunt’: the significance of mushroom foraging among Russian-speaking immigrants in New York City 

      Marquina, Tatiana; Emery, Marla R.; Hurley, Patrick; Gould, Rachelle K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Urban foraging provides city dwellers with numerous ecosystem services, but this human- nature interaction is largely missing from the urban ecosystem services scholarship. This exploratory study aims to address this gap ...
    • Accelerating advances in landscape connectivity modelling with the ConScape library 

      Van Moorter, Bram; Kivimäki, Ilkka; Noack, Andreas; Devooght, Robin; Panzacchi, Manuela; Hall, Kimberly R.; Leleux, Pierre; Saerens, Marco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Increasingly precise spatial data (e.g. high-resolution imagery from remote sensing) allow for improved representations of the landscape network for assessing the combined effects of habitat loss and connectivity declines ...
    • Betydningen av laks. Eksempler fra Namsenfjorden og Namsenvassdraget 

      Rybråten, Stine; Hesjedal, Anders; Holmgaard, Sanne Bech (NINA Rapport;2254, Research report, 2023)
      Rybråten, S., Hesjedal, A., & Holmgaard, S.B. 2023. Betydningen av laks. Eksempler fra Namsenfjorden og Namsenvassdraget. NINA Rapport 2254. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Norge er et kjerneområde for atlantisk laks ...
    • Habitat Protection Approaches Facilitate Conservation of Overlooked Fungal Diversity–A Case Study From the Norwegian Coastal Heathland System 

      Blaalid, Rakel; Davey, Marie Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      European coastal heathlands are distinct ecosystems shaped by land use tradition and they have experienced an 80% area reduction from their historical maximum. These mosaics of mires and wind exposed patches have ericaceous ...
    • Temporal non-independence of foraging dive and surface duration sequences in the European shag Gulosus aristotelis 

      Carlsen, Astrid A.; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Mattisson, Jenny; Wright, J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Studies of foraging behaviour and respiratory physiology in breath-holding divers often assume that each dive cycle (dive plus surface duration) is physiologically and ecologically independent within a series (or “bout”) ...
    • Environmental change and the rate of phenotypic plasticity 

      Burton, Tim; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Einum, Sigurd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      With rapid and less predictable environmental change emerging as the ‘new norm’, understanding how individuals tolerate environmental stress via plastic, often reversible changes to the phenotype (i.e., reversible phenotypic ...
    • A flexible and efficient Bayesian implementation of point process models for spatial capture‐recapture data 

      Wei, Zhang; Chipperfield, Joseph; Illian, Janine; Dupont, Pierre; Milleret, Cyril Pierre; de Valpine, Perry; Bischof, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Spatial capture–recapture (SCR) is now routinely used for estimating abundance and density of wildlife populations. A standard SCR model includes sub-models for the distribution of individual activity centers (ACs) and for ...
    • For quantitative criteria in alien species assessment 

      Sandvik, Hanno (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Impact or risk assessments of alien species can use qualitative criteria (such as verbally described categories) or quantitative criteria (numerically defined threshold values of empirically measurable quantities). According ...
    • Oppfølging av handlingsplan for elvesandjeger Cicindela maritima, og registreringer av stor elvebreddedderkopp Arctosa cinerea. Rapportering for perioden 2015–2020. 

      Hanssen, Oddvar (NINA Rapport;1815, Research report, 2023)
      Hanssen, O. 2023. Oppfølging av handlingsplan for elvesandjeger Cicindela maritima, og registreringer av stor elvebreddedderkopp Arctosa cinerea. Rapportering for perioden 2015–2020. NINA Rapport 1815. Norsk institutt for ...
    • Aggregations of foraging black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) at a sea-ice edge in front of a tidewater glacier 

      Varpe, Øystein; Gabrielsen, Geir W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Seabirds in cold biomes sometimes aggregate near glacier fronts and at sea-ice edges to forage. In this note, we report on large aggregations of black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) at the edge of sea ice in front of the ...
    • Barrierer og muligheter for implementering av tradisjonskunnskap i rovviltforvaltning. Samproduksjon av kunnskap i reindriftsnæringen 

      Aspøy, Håkon; Krange, Olve; Figari, Helene (NINA Rapport;2242, Research report, 2023)
      Aspøy, H., Figari, H. & Krange, O. 2023. Barrierer og muligheter for implementering av tradisjonskunnskap i rovviltforvaltning. Samproduksjon av kunnskap i reindriftsnæringen. NINA Rapport 2242. Norsk institutt for ...
    • Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization on Decomposing Cellulose in Riverine Ecosystems 

      Costello, David M.; Tiegs, Scott D.; Boyero, Luz; Canhoto, Cristina; Capps, Krista A.; Danger, Michael; Frost, Paul C.; Gessner, Mark O.; Griffiths, Natalie A.; Halvorson, Halvor M.; Kuehn, Kevin A.; Marcarelli, Amy M.; Royer, Todd V.; Mathie, Devan M.; Albariño, Ricardo J.; Arango, Clay P.; Aroviita, Jukka; Baxter, Colden V.; Bellinger, Brent J.; Bruder, Andreas; Burdon, Francis J.; Callisto, Marcos; Camacho, Antonio; Colas, Fanny; Cornut, Julien; Crespo-Pérez, Verónica; Cross, Wyatt F.; Derry, Alison M.; Douglas, Michael M.; Elosegi, Arturo; de Eyto, Elvira; Ferreira, Verónica; Ferriol, Carmen; Fleituch, Tadeusz; Follstad Shah, Jennifer J.; Frainer, André; Garcia, Erica A.; García, Liliana; García, Pavel E.; Giling, Darren P.; Gonzales-Pomar, R. Karina; Graça, Manuel A. S.; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Guérold, François; Hepp, Luiz U.; Higgins, Scott N.; Hishi, Takuo; Iñiguez-Armijos, Carlos; Iwata, Tomoya; Kirkwood, Andrea E.; Koning, Aaron A.; Kosten, Sarian; Laudon, Hjalmar; Leavitt, Peter R.; Lemes da Silva, Aurea L.; Leroux, Shawn J.; LeRoy, Carri J.; Lisi, Peter J.; Masese, Frank O.; McIntyre, Peter B.; McKie, Brendan G.; Medeiros, Adriana O.; Miliša, Marko; Miyake, Yo; Mooney, Robert J.; Muotka, Timo; Nimptsch, Jorge; Paavola, Riku; Pardo, Isabel; Parnikoza, Ivan Y.; Patrick, Christopher J.; Peeters, Edwin T. H. M.; Pozo, Jesus; Reid, Brian; Richardson, John S.; Rincón, José; Risnoveanu, Geta; Robinson, Christopher T.; Santamans, Anna C.; Simiyu, Gelas M.; Skuja, Agnija; Smykla, Jerzy; Sponseller, Ryan A.; Teixeira-de Mello, Franco; Vilbaste, Sirje; Villanueva, Verónica D.; Webster, Jackson R.; Woelfl, Stefan; Xenopoulos, Marguerite A.; Yates, Adam G.; Yule, Catherine M.; Zhang, Yixin; Zwart, Jacob A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) immobilization was measured on organic matter (cotton) in 100 rivers and riparian zones representing 11 biomes•Elevated temperature in riparian zones and phosphate in rivers increased ...
    • Disentangling the roles of plant functional diversity and plaint traits in regulating plant nitrogen accumulation and denitrification in freshwaters 

      Choudhury, Maidul I.; Hallin, Sara; Ecke, Frauke; Hubalek, Valerie; Juhanson, Jaanis; Frainer, André; McKie, Brendan G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      1. There is a growing recognition that functional measures of diversity, based on quantification of functionally important species traits, are useful for explaining variation in ecosystem processes. However, the mechanisms ...
    • Contributions to the revision of the genus Entoloma (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Europe: six new species from subgenus Cyanula and typification of E. incarnatofuscescens 

      Noordeloos, Machiel Evert; Vila, J.; Jordal, John Bjarne; Kehlet, T; Brandrud, Tor Erik; Bendiksen, Egil; Moreau, P. A.; Dondl, M.; Lorås, Jostein Arve; Larsson, E.; Dima, B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In anticipation of a phylogenetically revised monograph of Entoloma in Europe, six new species of subgenus Cyanula are described here. Entoloma cistocruentatum is associated with Cistus in Spain, E. dislocatum occurs in ...
    • Evolutionary change in metabolic rate of Daphnia pulicaria following invasion by the predator Bythotrephes longimanus 

      Rani, Varsha; Burton, Tim; Walsh, Matthew; Einum, Sigurd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Metabolic rate is a trait that may evolve in response to the direct and indirect effects of predator-induced mortality. Predators may indirectly alter selection by lowering prey densities and increasing resource availability ...