Blar i NINA Brage på forfatter "Vikström, Suvi"
Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice
Saarikoski, Heli; Primmer, Eeva; Saarela, Sanna-Riikka; Antunes, Paula; Aszalós, Réka; Baró, Francesc; Berry, Pam; Blanko, Gemma Garcia; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Carvalho, Laurence; Dick, Jan; Dunford, Robert; Hanzu, Mihail; Harrison, Paula A.; Izakovicova, Zita; Kertész, Miklós; Kopperoinen, Leena; Köhler, Berit; Langemeyer, Johannes; Lapola, David Montenegro; Liquete, Camino; Luque, Sandra; Mederly, Peter; Niemela, Jari; Palomo, Ignacio; Pastur, Guillermo Martinéz; Peri, Pablo Luis; Preda, Elena; Priess, Jörg A.; Santos, Rui; Schleyer, Christian; Turkelboom, Francis; Vadineanu, Angheluta; Verheyden, Wim; Vikström, Suvi; Young, Juliette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The promise that ecosystem service assessments will contribute to better decision-making is not yet proven. We analyse how knowledge on ecosystem services is actually used to inform land and water management in 22 case ... -
Invited background document on biodiversity and health for the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 drafted by the Independent Group of Scientists
van Dijk, Jiska; Carss, David; Keune, Hans; Vikström, Suvi; Flandroy, Lucette; Rook, Graham; Haahtela, Tari; Mehring, Marion; Birzle-Harder, Barbara; Reuss, Friederike; Müller, Ruth; Luque, Sandra; Garcia Rodrigues, João (NINA Report;1555, Research report, 2019)The key findings and key messages from the regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia of the interlinkages between health and biodiversity are given in this background paper, as an overview of the main conclusions in ... -
Operationalising ecosystem service assessment in Bayesian Belief Networks: experiences within the OpenNESS project
Smith, Ron I.; Barton, David Nicholas; Dick, Jan; Haines-Young, Roy; Madsen, Anders L.; Rusch, Graciela; Termansen, Mette; Woods, Helen; Carvalho, Laurence; Giucă, Relu Constantin; Luque, Sandra; Odee, David; Rusch, Veronica E.; Saarikoski, Heli; Adamescu, Cristian Mihai; Dunford, Robert; Ochieng, John; Gonzalez-Redino, Julen; Stange, Erik; Vădineanuh, Angheluță; Verweijq, Peter; Vikström, Suvi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Nine Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) were developed within the OpenNESS project specifically for modelling ecosystem services for case study applications. The novelty of the method, its ability to explore problems, to ...