Blar i NINA Brage på forfatter "López-Bao, José V."
Conservation professionals agree on challenges to coexisting with large carnivores but not on solutions
Lute, Michelle L.; Carter, Neil H.; López-Bao, José V.; Linnell, John Durrus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Although many studies explore characteristics of stakeholders or publics “for” or “against” large carnivores, disagreements among conservation professionals advocating different conservation strategies also occur, but are ... -
Conservation professionals' views on governing for coexistence with large carnivores
Lute, Michelle L.; Carter, Neil H.; López-Bao, José V.; Linnell, John Durrus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Decision-making about large carnivores is complex and controversial, and processes vary from deliberation and expert analysis to ballot boxes and courtrooms. Decision-makers range from neighboring landowners to the United ...