Blar i NINA Brage på emneord "immigration"
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Context-dependent demographic and genetic effects of translocation from a captive breeding project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Translocations are a widespread approach to conserve threatened populations. Given the rapid decline and genetic deterioration of many natural populations, translocations are expected to become even more common in the ... -
Metapopulation regulation acts at multiple spatial scales: Insights from a century of seabird colony census data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Density-dependent feedback is recognized as important regulatory mechanisms of population size. Considering the spatial scales over which such feedback operates has advanced our theoretical understanding of metapopulation ... -
Populasjonsovervåking av jerv i Skandinavia ved hjelp av DNA-analyse fra ekskrementer. Rapport 2005
(NINA Rapport;165, Research report, 2006)Denne rapporten omhandler populasjonsovervåkningen av jerv ved hjelp av DNA-analyse fra ekskrementer i sørlige deler av artens utberedelsesområde i Skandinavia. Rapporten fokuserer i hovedsak på resultatene fra materiale ...