Browsing NINA Brage by Subject "dam"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolt at three German hydropower stations
(NINA Rapport;1203, Research report, 2016-10-04)Økland, F., Teichert, M.A.K., Thorstad, E.B., Havn, T.B., Heermann, L., Sæther, S.A., Diserud, O.H., Tambets, M., Hedger, R.D. & Borcherding, J. 2016. Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolt at three German hydropower ... -
Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts at Unkelmühle power station and Buisdorf dam in 2016
(NINA Report;1412, Research report, 2018)Havn, T.B., Økland, F., Heermann, L., Thorstad, E.B., Teichert, M.A.K., Sæther, S.A., Tam-bets, M. & Borcherding, J. 2018. Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts at Unkelmühle power station and Buisdorf dam in 2016. ... -
Downstream migration of European eel at three German hydropower stations
(NINA Report;1355, Research report, 2017)Økland, F., Teichert, M.A.K., Havn, T.B., Thorstad, E.B., Heermann, L., Sæther, S.A., Tambets, M. & Borcherding, J. 2017. Downstream migration of European eel at three German hydropower stations. NINA Report 1355: 53 pages, ... -
Reetablering av vegetasjon i tørrlagte vannmagasin
(NINA Rapport;2077, Research report, 2022)Skrindo, A.B., Hagen, D., Mehlhoop, A.C., Singsaas, F.T. & Bredin, Y.K. 2022. Reetablering av vegetasjon i tørrlagte vannmagasin. NINA Rapport 2077. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Naturinngrep og tap av leveområder ... -
Restoration of fish migration in the Danube River at Iron Gate Dams in Romania and Serbia. Studies of fish behaviour in 2019 and 2021
(NINA Rapport;2030, Research report, 2021)Paraschiv, M., Økland, F., Lenhardt, M., Paterson, R.A., Hont, S., Cvijanovic, G., Havn, T.B., Iani, M., Smederevac-Lalic, M., Nikčević, M., Neacșu, N., Nikolić, D. & Thorstad, E.B. 2021. Restoration of fish migration in ... -
Restoration potential of old dams in Norway. A pilot study of occurrence, characteristics and restoration po-tential in watercourses with anadromous and resident fish stocks.
(NINA Rapport;1628, Research report, 2019)Eloranta, A., Thomassen, G., Bergan, M.A., Andersen, O. & Gregersen, F. 2019. Restoration potential of old dams in Norway. A pilot study of occurrence, characteristics and restoration potential in watercourses with anadromous ... -
Status for ål i Siravassdraget
(NINA rapport;974, Research report, 2014)Bakgrunnen for denne undersøkelsen var at de siste kjente observasjoner av ål i Sira-vassdraget var fra tidlig på 1990-tallet, og det ble stilt spørsmål om ålen som art hadde forsvunnet fra vassdraget. Formålene med ...