Blar i NINA Brage på forfatter "Nater, Chloé Rebecca"
Close to open—Factors that hinder and promote open science in ecology research and education
Strømme, Christian Bianchi; Lane, A. Kelly; Halbritter, Aud Helen; Law, Elizabeth; Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Boutouli, Grace D.; Egelkraut, Dagmar Dorothea; Telford, Richard James; Vandvik, Vigdis; Cotner, Sehoya Harris (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Open Science (OS) movement is rapidly gaining traction among policy-makers, research funders, scientific journals and individual scientists. Despite these tendencies, the pace of implementing OS throughout the scientific ... -
Harvest sustainability assessments need rethinking under climate change: A ringed seal case study from Svalbard, Norway
Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Lydersen, Christian; Andersen, Magnus; Kovacs, Kit M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Throughout the Arctic, ice-affiliated marine mammals constitute local subsistence resources but detrimental effects of declines in their sea ice habitats create a need for harvest sustainability assessments in light of ... -
Large-scale spatio-temporal variation in vital rates and population dynamics of an alpine bird
Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Frassinelli, Francesco; Martin, James A.; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Quantifying temporal and spatial variation in animal population size and demography is a central theme in ecological research and important for directing management and policy. However, this requires field sampling at large ... -
Multifaceted density dependence: Social structure and seasonality effects on Serengeti lion demography
Conquet, Eva; Paniw, Maria; Borrego, Natalie; Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Packer, Craig; Ozgul, Arpat (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)1. Interactions between density and environmental conditions have important effects on vital rates and consequently on population dynamics and can take complex pathways in species whose demography is strongly influenced ... -
Spatial consistency in drivers of population dynamics of a declining migratory bird
Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Burgess, Malcolm D.; Coffey, Peter; Harris, Bob; Lander, Frank; Price, David; Reed, Mike; Robinson, Robert A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Many migratory species are in decline across their geographical ranges. Single-population studies can provide important insights into drivers at a local scale, but effective conservation requires multi-population ... -
Statistiske verktøy for prediksjon av årlig bestandsvekst og effekter av jakt på rødrev
Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Hofhuis, Stijn P.; Grainger, Matthew; Ehrich, Dorothee (NINA Rapport;2330, Research report, 2023)Nater, C. R., Hofhuis, S. P., Grainger, M. & Ehrich, D. 2023. Statistiske verktøy for prediksjon av årlig bestandsvekst og effekter av jakt på rødrev. NINA Rapport 2330. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Rødrev og mange ... -
Use of integrated population models for assessing density-dependence and juvenile survival in Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus)
Lewis, William B.; Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Rectenwald, Justin A.; Sisson, D. Clay; Martin, James A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Management of wildlife populations is most effective with a thorough understanding of the interplay among vital rates, population growth, and density-dependent feedback; however, measuring all relevant vital rates and ...