• Transdisciplinary diagnostic framework for biodiversity decision-making assessment. D1.7 

      Barton, David Nicholas; Zolyomi, Agnes; Franklin, Alexandra; Aas-Hanssen, Alexander Engen; Motschiunig, Andreas; Thaler, Anita; Smith, Barbara; Köhler, Berit; Loučková, Blanka; Lipka, Borbála; Inoue, Cristina Y.A.; Steinwender, David; Simsek, Elif; Kelemen, Eszter; Ludhra, Geeta; Brown, Geraldine; Sabir, Ghezal; Pataki, György; Figari, Helene; Soliev, Ilkhom; Czett, Kármen; Tennhardt, Lina; Bonetti, Marta; Bykova, Maryna; Ofori-Amanfo, Patricia; Navarro-Gambín, Pedro; Chudy, Rafal Piotr; Home, Robert; Karner, Sandra; Vaňo, Simeon; Ludhra, Subash; Gundersen, Vegard; Mendes, Vinícius; Bredin, Yennie Katarina (Research report, 2024)
      This deliverable describes the process of developing a transdisciplinary diagnostic framework for biodiversity decision-making carried out in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the EU funded research project PLANET4B. The aim of the ...
    • Transformative governance of biodiversity: insights for sustainable development 

      Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Razzaque, Jona; McElwee, Pamela; Turnhout, Esther; Kelemen, Eszter; Rusch, Graciela; Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro; Chan, Ivis; Lim, Michelle; Islar, Mine; Gautam, Ambika P.; Williams, Meryl; Mungatana, Eric; Karim, Md Saiful; Muradian, Roldan; Gerber, Leah R.; Lui, Gabriel; Liu, Jinlong; Spangenberg, Joachim H.; Zaleski, Dara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      While there is much debate on transformative change amongacademics and policymakers, the discussion on how to governsuch change is still in its infancy. This article argues thattransformative governance is needed to enable ...
    • Transformative potential of nature-based values that influence the relationships between reported and intended pro-environmental behavior 

      Johnson, Dana N.; van Riper, Carena J.; Rogowski, Julianna; Salcido, Evan; Stewart, William P.; Keller, Rose (Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Protected area landscapes embody multiple values of nature that can create meaning in everyday life. Though the values ascribed to these environments theoretically inspire changes in human behavior, surprisingly few studies ...
    • Transforming Practice: Checklists for Delivering Change 

      Amano, Tatsuya; Bako, Longji; Best, Marina; Boenisch, Nicolas; Boersch-Supan, Philipp; Browne, Des; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Burgman, Mark; Cadotte, Marc W.; Cheng, Samantha H.; Canessa, Stefano; Christie, Alec P.; Citegetse, Geoffroy; Cook, Carly N.; Cooke, Steven J.; Cranston, Gemma; Dicks, Lynn V.; De la Luz, Angelita; Dickson, Iain; Downey, Harriet; Eklund, Johanna; Esmail, Nafeesa; Ferraro, Paul J.; Field, Alison; Fisher, Martin; Freckleton, Robert; Frick, Winifred F.; Godfray, Hugh Charles Jonathan; Grainger, Matthew; Green, Rhys E.; Hancock, Mark; Hemming, Victoria; Hughes, Jonathan; Irvine, Robyn; Jackson, Hazel A.; Keller, Kaylene E.; Koricheva, Julia; Latrémouille, Charles; McBride, Marissa; McLean, Angela R.; McPherson, Tom; Morgan, William H.; Muir, Matt; Mukherjee, Nibedita; O’Brien, David; Ockendon, Nancy; Parks, Danni; Petrovan, Silviu; Quinzin, Maud; Randall, Nicola; Rezaie, Ali Mohammad; Roe, Dilys; Rose, David; Rumpff, Libby; Sahlin, Ullrika (Others, 2022)
      Delivering a revolution in evidence use requires a cultural change across society. For a wide range of groups (practitioners, knowledge brokers, organisations, organisational leaders, policy makers, funders, researchers, ...
    • Transitions of social-ecological subsistence systems in the Arctic 

      Fauchald, Per; Hausner, Vera Helene; Schmidt, Jennifer Irene; Clark, Douglas A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Transitions of social-ecological systems (SES) expose governance systems to new challenges. This is particularly so in the Arctic where resource systems are increasingly subjected to global warming, industrial development ...
    • Transmission dynamics of the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris under seminatural conditions 

      Hendrichsen, Ditte Katrine; Kristoffersen, Roar; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Knudsen, Rune; Kusterle, Stefan; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Henriksen, Eirik Haugstvedt; Smalås, Aslak; Olstad, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Transplanting turfs to facilitate recovery in a low-alpine environment — What matters? 

      Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona; Evju, Marianne; Hagen, Dagmar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Questions: Restoration of disturbed alpine ecosystems is difficult due to harsh environmental conditions. Transplanting of vegetation turfs into disturbed areas has been used as a restoration method in disturbed alpine ...
    • Transportkorridor for E6 mellom Narvik og Bjerkvik. Konsekvensutredning, vurdering av naturmiljø 

      Bjerke, Jarle W.; Strann, Karl Birger; Johnsen, Trond Vidar; Frivoll, Vigdis Irene (NINA Rapport;2, Research report, 2005)
      Bjerke, J.W., Strann, K.-B., Johnsen, T. og Frivoll, V. 2005. Transportkorridor for E6 mellom Narvik og Bjerkvik: konsekvensutredning, vurdering av naturmiljø. - NINA Rapport 2. 49 s. Kommunedelplan for E6 mellom Narvik ...
    • Traséalternativer for ny sykkelvei langs Alna, Etterstad, Oslo. Vurdering av naturverdier 

      Bendiksen, Egil (NINA Rapport;2340, Research report, 2024)
      Bendiksen, E. 2024. Traséalternativer for ny sykkelvei langs Alna, Etterstad, Oslo. Vurdering av naturverdier. NINA Rapport 2340. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Naturområdene langs Alna fra Bryn bru/Østensjøveien til ...
    • Trawling disturbance on megabenthos and sediment in the Barents Sea: Chronic effects on density, diversity, and composition 

      Buhl-Mortensen, Lene; Ellingsen, Kari Elsa; Buhl-Mortensen, Pål; Skaar, Kristian Landmark; Gonzalez-Mirelis, Genoveva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Bottom-trawl fisheries are expanding into deeper habitats and higher latitudes, but our understanding of their effects in these areas is limited. The ecological importance of habitat-forming megabenthos and their vulnerability ...
    • Trees enhance soil carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in a silvopastoral system in south-western Nicaragua 

      Hoosbeek, Marcel R.; Remme, Roy P.; Rusch, Graciela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Tree occurrence in silvopastoral systems of Central America has been under pressure for various reasons including attempts to improve grassland productivity and the need for wood. However, scattered isolated trees are ...
    • Trender i størrelsen på den norske lirypebestanden i perioden 2009-2020. Analyser basert på data fra Hønsefuglportalen 

      Nilsen, Erlend B.; Rød-Eriksen, Lars (NINA Rapport;1869, Research report, 2020)
      Nilsen, E.B., Rød-Eriksen, L. 2020. Trender i størrelsen på den norske lirypebestanden i perioden 2009-2020: Analyser basert på data fra Hønsefuglportalen. NINA Rapport 1869. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. I denne ...
    • Trends in fishery resource utilisation on the Great Fish Estuary 

      Potts, W.M.; Cowley, P.D.; Corroyer, B.; Næsje, Tor (NINA Rapport;50, Research report, 2005)
      Potts, W.M., Cowley, P.D., Corroyer, B. & Næsje, T.F. 2005. Trends in fishery resource utilisation on the Great Fish Estuary. - NINA Report 50. 34pp. The Great Fish Estuary, located in the Eastern Cape Province, is becoming ...
    • Trends in the start of the growing season in Fennoscandia 1982–2011 

      Høgda, Kjell Arild; Tømmervik, Hans; Karlsen, Stein Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Global temperature is increasing, and this is affecting the vegetation phenology in many parts of the world. In Fennoscandia, as well as Northern Europe, the advances of phenological events in spring have been recorded in ...
    • Tresatt impediment og livsløpstrær av osp på hogstflater. Effektive tiltak for artsmangfoldet i norsk skog? 

      Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Ims, Rolf Anker (NINA Rapport;71, Research report, 2005)
      Sverdrup-Thygeson, A. & Ims, R.A. 2005. Tresatt impediment og livsløpstrær av osp på hogstflater. Effektive tiltak for artsmangfoldet i norsk skog? - NINA Rapport 71. 56 pp. Skogbruket legger ned betydelige ressurser i ...
    • Triiodothyronine (T3) levels fluctuate in response to ambient temperature rather than nutritional status in a wild tropical ungulate 

      Hunninck, Louis Marcel; Jackson, Craig Ryan; May, Roelof Frans; Røskaft, Eivin; Palme, R; Sheriff, M.J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Animals can employ a range of physiological mechanisms in response to unpredictable changes within their environment, such as changes in food availability and human disturbances. For example, impala exhibit higher faecal ...
    • Tromsø fritidspark - Breiviknes. Konsekvensutredning, deltema zoologi 

      Jacobsen, Karl-Otto; Johnsen, Trond Vidar (NINA Rapport;299, Research report, 2007)
      Jacobsen, K.-O. & Johnsen, T.V. 2007. Tromsø fritidspark- Breiviknes. Konsekvensutredning, deltema zoologi – NINA Rapport 299. 23 s. I forbindelse med Areal + AS sitt arbeid med reguleringsplan for Tromsø fritidspark, ...
    • Trophic ecology of piscivorous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in subarctic lakes with contrasting food-web structures 

      Kahilainen, Kimmo Kalevi; Thomas, Stephen; Harrod, Chris; Hayden, Brian; Eloranta, Antti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The trophic ecology of piscivorous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.); charr) in the food webs of large subarctic lakes is not well understood. We assessed charr diets, parasites, growth, maturity, and stable isotope ...
    • Trophic niche similarity among sea trout Salmo trutta in Central Norway investigated using different time-integrated trophic tracers 

      Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Knudsen, Rune; Power, Michael; Sjursen, Aslak Darre; Rønning, Lars; Hårsaker, Karstein; Næsje, Tor; Arnekleiv, Jo Vegar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      From 2011 to 2013, anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta (213−730 mm, total body length, LT) were collected during or shortly after their marine feeding migration at 7 different localities in central Norway. The mean volume ...
    • Truede naturtyper – nytteverdi av GIS-analyse 

      Bakkestuen, Vegar; Erikstad, Lars (NINA Kortrapport;51, Research report, 2017)
      Bakkestuen, V. & Erikstad, L. 2017. Truede naturtyper – nytteverdi av GIS-analyse - NINA Kortrapport 51. 16 s. Rapporten beskriver resultater fra et kort forprosjekt hvor hensikten har vært å se på i hvilken grad ...