Browsing Norsk institutt for naturforskning by Title
Now showing items 3275-3294 of 4561
Public perception of river fish biodiversity in four European countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Public support for biodiversity conservation is shaped by people’s values and their knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes toward the environment. We conducted the first multinational representative survey of the general public’s ... -
Public perceptions of ecological restoration within the context of Norwegian landscape management
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Ecological restoration is poised to become an increasingly important component of landscape management in the coming years as countries work to halt the rate of biodiversity loss. The success of future restoration projects ... -
Pukkellaks i Norge 2021
(NINA Rapport;2160, Research report, 2022)Berntsen, H.H., Sandlund, O.T. & Thorstad, E.B. 2022. Pukkellaks i Norge, 2021. NINA Rapport 2160. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Etter invasjonen av pukkellaks i norske elver i 2017 og 2019 var det knyttet stor ... -
Pukkellaks i Norge 2023
(NINA Rapport;2493, Research report, 2024)Berntsen, H.H. & Havn, T.B. 2024. Pukkellaks i Norge, 2023. NINA Rapport 2493. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Invasjonen av pukkellaks i 2021 var den største som har blitt registrert siden arten først dukket opp i ... -
Pukkellaks i Norge, 2017
(NINA Rapport;1571, Research report, 2018)Berntsen, H.H., Sandlund, O.T., Ugedal, O., Thorstad, E., Fiske, P., Urdal, K., Skaala, Ø,. Fjeldheim, P.T., Skoglund, H., Florø-Larsen, B., Muladal, R., og Uglem, I. 2018. Pukkellaks i Norge, 2017. NINA Rapport 1571. Norsk ... -
Pukkellaks i Norge, 2019
(NINA Rapport;1821, Research report, 2020)Berntsen, H.H., Sandlund, O.T., Thorstad, E.B., Fiske, P. 2020. Pukkellaks i Norge, 2019. NINA Rapport 1821. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Etter invasjonen av pukkellaks i norske elver i 2017 var det knyttet stor ... -
Pukkellaks i Norge: kan vi forutse hvor den etablerer seg i fremtiden? Nåværende og mulig fremtidig utbredelse
(NINA Rapport;2004, Research report, 2021)Berntsen H.H., Diserud, O.H., Hanssen, F. og Sandlund, O.T. 2021. Pukkellaks i Norge: kan vi forutse hvor den etablerer seg i fremtiden? Nåværende og mulig fremtidig utbredelse. NINA Rapport 2004. Norsk institutt for ... -
Pukkellaks invaderte norske elver i 2017
(Journal article, 2018)I 2017 ble elver langs hele norskekysten invadert av pukkelaks. Dette resulterte i en rekke oppslag i media og omfattende kommunikasjon og diskusjon på internett. I denne artikkelen gir vi en kort presentasjon om historikken ... -
Quantifying and mapping species threat abatement opportunitiesto support national target setting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The successful implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s post-2020Global Biodiversity Framework will rely on effective translation of targets from global tonational level and increased engagement across ... -
Quantifying risk of overharvest when implementation is uncertain
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)1. Sustainable harvest management implies an ability to control harvest rates. This is challenging in systems that have limited control of resources and resource users, which is often the case in small game harvest management. ... -
Quantifying suitable late summer brood habitats for willow ptarmigan in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Habitat models provide information about which habitat management should target to avoid species extinctions or range contractions. The willow ptarmigan inhabits alpine- and arctic tundra habitats in the northern ... -
Quantifying the checks and balances of collaborative governance systems for adaptive carnivore management
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Recovering or threatened carnivore populations are often harvested to minimise their impact on human activities, such as livestock farming or game hunting. Increasingly, harvest quota decisions involve a set of scientific, ... -
Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis reveals a high level of dietary specialization in killer whales across the North Atlantic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
The quest for successful Atlantic salmon restoration: perspectives, priorities, and maxims
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Atlantic salmon is often a focal species of restoration efforts throughout the north Atlantic and it is therefore an excellent case study for how best to design programmes to address and mitigate threats and correct ... -
The ‘quiet hunt’: the significance of mushroom foraging among Russian-speaking immigrants in New York City
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Urban foraging provides city dwellers with numerous ecosystem services, but this human- nature interaction is largely missing from the urban ecosystem services scholarship. This exploratory study aims to address this gap ... -
r.maxent.lambdas - Computes raw and/or logistic prediction maps from MaxEnt lambdas files
(Others, 2016)The script is intended to compute raw and/or logistic prediction maps from a lambdas file produced with MaxEnt 3.3.3e. It will parse the specified lambdas-file from MaxEnt 3.3.3e and translate it into an r.mapcalc-expression ... -
(Others, 2013)The script is intended to produce a set of SWD files as input to MaxEnt 3.3.3e using r.stats. -
Rabies hos flaggermus. En oversiktsrapport. Revidert utgave av NINA Rapport 76
(NINA Rapport;290, Research report, 2007)Hansen, T.W., Mørk, T., Tryland, M., Arnemo, J.M., Isaksen, K., Kooij, J. van der & Andersen, R. 2007. Rabies hos flaggermus. En oversiktsrapport. Revidert utgave av NINA Rapport 76. – NINA Rapport 290. 51 s. Rabies hos ... -
Radioaktiv forurensning i ville planter. Overvåking av cesium-137 i utvalgte områder i norsk natur
(NINA Rapport;1739, Research report, 2019)Tingstad, L., & Nybø, S. 2019. Radioaktiv forurensning i ville planter. Overvåking av radioaktivt cesium-137 i utvalgte områder i norsk natur. NINA Rapport 1739. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Radioaktive stoffer ... -
Radiocesium i villreinkjøtt og lav. Overvåking av kjøtt og lav i villreinområder i 2008
(NINA Rapport;446, Research report, 2009)Gaare, E. & Skuterud, L. 2009. Radiocesium i villreinkjøtt og lav. Overvåking av kjøtt og lav i villrein-områder i 2008. – NINA Rapport 446. 15 s. Overvåkingen av nedfallet av Cs-137 i ulike plante- og dyrearter i naturlige ...