Browsing Norsk institutt for naturforskning by Title
Now showing items 3127-3146 of 4561
Perfluorinated substances and telomeres in an Arctic seabird: Cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Telomeres are non-coding DNA repeats located at the termini of eukaryotic chromosomes, regulated by dynamic processes balancing shortening and maintenance. Despite a mechanism to slow-down telomere shortening, cell division ... -
Performance of hunting statistics as spatiotemporal density indices of moose (Alces alces) in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Wildlife managers are often asking for reliable information of population density across larger spatial scales. In this study, we examined the spatiotemporal relationships between moose density as estimated by cohort ... -
Performance standards and biodiversity no net loss commitments: An assessment of status and implementation gaps in Norway
(NINA Report;2390, Research report, 2024)Rusch, G. M., Tingstad, L., Sutcliffe, T. E. & Lein, U. 2024. Performance standards and biodiversity no net loss commitments: An assessment of status and implementation gaps in Norway. NINA Report 2390. Norwegian Institute ... -
Performance test and verification of an off-the-shelf automated avian radar tracking system
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Microwave radar is an important tool for observation of birds in flight and represents a tremendous increase in observation capability in terms of amount of surveillance space that can be covered at relatively low cost. ... -
Persistent reduction of segment growth and photosynthesis in a widespread and important sub-Arctic moss species after cessation of three years of experimental winter warming
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)1. Winter is a period of dormancy for plants of cold environments. However, winter climate is changing, leading to an increasing frequency of stochastic warm periods (winter warming events) and concomitant reductions in ... -
Personleg råd og hjelp reduserer talet redningsaksjonar
(Journal article, 2019)Mountain tourism is in rapid growth, and Norway is receiving its share. This again has led to unprecedented levels of mountain rescue missions, which has trespassed the capacity of the mountain rescue service at some ... -
Perspectives on the environmental implications of sustainable hydro-power: comparing countries, problems and approaches
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Perspectives on the Environmental Implications of Sustainable Hydropower gathers scientific papers from three of the worlds most important hydropower producers to discuss aspects of sustainable hydropower and the means by ... -
Pestplanten tromsøsvineblom Jacobaea alpina x subalpina i Norge - opphav og status
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Jacobaea alpina (syn. Senecio alpinus, S. cordatus) and J. subalpina (syn. Senecio subalpinus) are native to the mountains of Central Europe. Both were cultivated as ornamentals in late 19th century Tromsø. From the early ... -
Phenology and cover of plant growth forms predict herbivore habitat selection in a high latitude ecosystem
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The spatial and temporal distribution of forage quality is among the most central factors affecting herbivore habitat selection. Yet, for high latitude areas, forage quantity has been found to be more important than quality. ... -
Phenology of deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) host-seeking flight activity and its relationship with prevailing autumn weather
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Background: The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is an ectoparasite on cervids that has invaded large parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland during recent decades. During their host-seeking flight activity, the adult deer keds ... -
Phenotypic plasticity and epigenetics of fish: Embryo temperature affects later-developing life-history traits
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Temperature during embryonic development affects ecological traits and influences the ability to rapidly adapt to the prevailing conditions in changing environments. Here, we review examples of how these developmental ... -
Physiological costs of infection: herpesvirus replication is linked to blood oxidative stress in equids
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Viruses may have a dramatic impact on the health of their animal hosts. The patho-physiological mechanisms underlying viral infections in animals are, however, not well understood. It is increasingly recognized that oxidative ... -
Phytobaenus amabilis R. F. Sahlberg, 1834 (Coleoptera, Aderidae) recorded for the first time in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The first record of Phytobaenus amabilis R. F. Sahlberg, 1834 in Norway is reported. Notes on the biology and preferred habitat of the species are provided. The locality is described, and the origin of the specimens are ... -
Pilotanlegg tidevannskraft Kvalsundet – Statusbeskrivelse og mulige konsekvenser for naturmiljøet
(NINA Rapport;112, Research report, 2006)Systad, G.H., Aas-Hansen, Ø., Bustnes, J.O., Bjørn, P.A. 2005. Pilotanlegg tidevannskraft Kvalsundet – Statusbeskrivelse og mulige konsekvenser for naturmiljøet. - NINA Rapport 112. NINA i Tromsø og Fiskeriforskning har ... -
Pilotkartlegging av PKD i norske laksevassdrag
(NINA Rapport;259, Research report, 2007)Forseth, T., Jørgensen, A. & Mo, T.A. 2007. Pilotkartlegging av PKD i norske laksevassdrag - NINA Rapport 259. 12 s. Proliferativ nyresyke (PKD - Proliferativ Kidney Disease) ble påvist i to laksevassdrag i Norge ... -
Pilotprosjekt - Jordprøvetakning og jordanalyser i ANO-flater i 2022
(NINA Rapport;2222, Research report, 2022)Bakkestuen, V., Silvennoinen, H.M., Aarrestad, P.A., Bredin, Y.K. og Lunde, L.M.F. 2022. Pilotprosjekt - Jordprøvetakning og jordanalyser i ANO-flater i 2022. NINA Rapport 2222. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Vi har ... -
Pilotprosjekt bevaringsmål i store verneområder. Utvikling av metoder for å overvåke bevaringsmål i store verneområder – tema fjell og landskap
(NINA rapport;652, Research report, 2011)Eide, N., Evju, M. Hagen, D., Blumentrath, S. Wold, L.C., Fangel, K. & Gundersen, V. 2011. Pilotprosjekt bevaringsmål i store verneområder – Utvikling av metoder for å overvåke bevaringsmål i store verneområder – tema ... -
Pink salmon in Norway: the reluctant invader
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)In 2017, Norway experienced an invasion of the Pacific salmonid pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in numbers never before seen in rivers all along the coast. Significant numbers were also caught in other parts of ... -
The pink salmon invasion: a Norwegian perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)In the period 1956–1979, more than 220 million of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum 1792) eggs from the southern part of Sakhalin Island in the Pacific Ocean were transported to the northwestern part of Russia ... -
Plan for reetablering av edelkreps i Oslo og Viken
(NINA Rapport;2245, Research report, 2023)Johnsen, S. I., Heier, L., Sandaas, K. & Kollerud, E. 2023. Plan for reetablering av edelkreps i Østfold, Buskerud, Oslo og Akershus. NINA Rapport 2245. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Edelkreps og andre europeiske ...