Now showing items 447-466 of 4561

    • Caching Behavior of Large Prey by Eurasian Lynx: Quantifying the Anti-Scavenging Benefits 

      Teurlings, Ivonne; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus; Melis, Claudia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      caching; Capreolus capreolus; carrion; Eurasian lynx; Lynx lynx; Norway; predation; roe deer; scavenging
    • Calculating cumulative effects in GIS using a stepless multivariate model 

      Erikstad, Lars; Bakkestuen, Vegar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The paper present a streamlined workflow, using multivariate analyses of environmental variables in combinations with GIS overlay analyses that provide methods to extract and analyse major environmental and climatic gradients ...
    • Camera collars reveal macronutrient balancing in free-rangingmale moose during summer 

      Spitzer, Robert; Ericson, Monica; Felton, Annika M.; Heim, Morten; Raubenheimer, David; Solberg, Erling Johan; Wam, Hilde Karine; Rolandsen, Christer Moe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Understanding how the nutritional properties of food resources drive foraging choicesis important for the management and conservation of wildlife populations. For moose(Alces alces), recent experimental and observational ...
    • A camera trap-based assessment of climate-driven phenotypic plasticity of seasonal moulting in an endangered carnivore 

      Laporte-Devylder, Lucie; Ulvund, Kristine R.; Rød-Eriksen, Lars; Olsson, Ola; Flagstad, Øystein; Landa, Arild; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Jackson, Craig Ryan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      For many species, the ability to rapidly adapt to changes in seasonality is essential for long-term survival. In the Arctic, seasonal moulting is a key life-history event that provides year-round camouflage and thermal ...
    • Camtrap DP: an open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data 

      Bubnicki, Jakub W.; Norton, Ben; Baskauf, Steven J.; Bruce, Tom; Cagnacci, Francesca; Casaer, Jim; Churski, Marcin; Cromsigt, Joris P. G. M.; Farra, Simone Dal; Fiderer, Christian; Forrester, Tavis D.; Hendry, Heidi; Heurich, Marco Dietmar; Hofmeester, Tim R.; Jansen, Patrick A.; Kays, Roland; Kuijper, Dries P. J.; Liefting, Yorick; Linnell, John Durrus; Luskin, Matthew S.; Mann, Christopher; Milotic, Tanja; Newman, Peggy; Niedballa, Jürgen; Oldoni, Damiano; Ossi, Federico; Robertson, Tim; Rovero, Francesco; Rowcliffe, Marcus; Seidenari, Lorenzo; Stachowicz, Izabela; Stowell, Dan; Tobler, Mathias W.; Wieczorek, John; Zimmermann, Fridolin; Desmet, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Camera trapping has revolutionized wildlife ecology and conservation by providing automated data acquisition, leading to the accumulation of massive amounts of camera trap data worldwide. Although management and processing ...
    • Can cultural ecosystem services contribute to satisfying basic human needs? A case study from the Lofoten archipelago, northern Norway 

      Kaltenborn, Bjørn Petter; Linnell, John Durrus; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      There is gradual recognition that cultural ecosystem services are critical building blocks for human well-being. Cultural and provisioning services are often intertwined, difficult to separate, and play salient roles in ...
    • Can Energy Depletion of Wild Atlantic Salmon Kelts Negotiating Hydropower Facilities Lead to Reduced Survival? 

      Baktoft, Henrik; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Szabo-Meszaros, Marcell; Silva, Ana T.; Riha, Milan; Økland, Finn; Alfredsen, Knut; Forseth, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Repeat spawners constitute an important component of Atlantic salmon populations, but survival of post-spawning individuals (kelts) are often compromised by anthropogenic structures such as hydropower plants (HPPs). Potential ...
    • Can habitat selection predict abundance? 

      Boyce, Mark S.; Johnson, Chris J.; Merrill, E.H.; Nielsen, Scott E.; Solberg, Erling Johan; Van Moorter, Bram (Journal article, 2015)
      . Habitats have substantial influence on the distribut ion and abundance of animals. Ani- mals’ selective mo vement yields their habitat use. Animals generally are more abundant in habitats that are selected most strongly. 2. ...
    • Can large unmanaged trees replace ancient pollarded trees as habitats for lichenized fungi, non-lichenized fungi and bryophytes? 

      Nordén, Björn; Jordal, John Bjarne; Evju, Marianne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Management of ancient trees constitutes a major dilemma in the conservation of associated biodiversity. While traditional methods are often advocated, such practices may incur considerable costs and their effects have ...
    • Can triad forestry reconcile Europe’s biodiversity and forestry strategies? A critical evaluation of forest zoning 

      Nagel, Thomas A.; Rodríguez-Recio, Mariano; Aakala, Tuomas; Angelstam, Per; Avdagic, Admir; Borowski, Zbigniew; Bravo-Oviedo, Andrés; Brazaitis, Gediminas; Campagnaro, Thomas; Ciach, Michał; Curovic, Milic; Doerfler, Inken; Fotakis, Dimitrios; Govedar, Zoran; Gregor, Konstantin; Gultekin, Yasar Selman; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Hoffmann, Johanna; Hofmeister, Jenýk; Jansone, Diana; Jansons, Aris; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Lachat, Thibault; Lapin, Katharina; Lõhmus, Asko; Manton, Michael; Mikac, Stjepan; Mikoláš, Martin; Mohren, Frits; Nordén, Björn; Ódor, Péter; Oettel, Janine; Paillet, Yoan; Panayotov, Momchil; Roibu, Catalin-Constantin; Sitzia, Tommaso; Svoboda, Miroslav; Tanacs, Eszter; Trentanovi, Giovanni; Vacchiano, Giorgio; van der Sluis, Theo; Zlatanov, Tzvetan; Burrascano, Sabina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Balancing increasing demand for wood products while also maintaining forest biodiversity is a paramount challenge. Europe’s Biodiversity and Forest Strategies for 2030 attempt to address this challenge. Together, they call ...
    • Canadarøye – fremmed fisk med potensial for stor skade 

      Hesthagen, Trygve; Sandlund, Odd Terje (Others, 2017)
    • Capacity building for Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Final report. Indo- Norwegian pilot project on capacity building in biodiversity informatics for enhanced decision making, improved nature conservation and sustainable development. 

      Hanssen, Frank Ole; Mathur, Vinod B.; Athreya, Vidya; Barve, Vijay; Bhardwaj, Rupa; Boumans, Louis; Cadman, Mandy; Chavan, Vishwas; Ghosh, Mousumi; Lindgaard, Arild; Lofthus, Øystein; Mehlum, Fridtjof; Pandav, Bivash; Punjabi, Girish Arjun; Talàvan, Alberto Gonzàlez; Talukdar, Gautam; Valland, Nils; Vang, Roald (NINA Rapport;1079, Research report, 2014)
      Hanssen, F. (editor), Mathur, V.B. (editor), Athreya, V., Barve, V., Bhardwaj, R., Boumans, L., Cadman, M., Chavan, V., Ghosh, M., Lindgaard, A., Lofthus, Ø., Mehlum, Pandav, B., Punjabi, G. A., F., González Talaván, A., ...
    • Capacity building for Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Progress report 2011: Indo- Norwegian pilot project on capacity building in biodiversity informatics for enhanced decision making, improved nature conservation and sustainable development 

      Hanssen, Frank Ole; Mathur, Vinod B.; Athreya, Vidya; Bakkestuen, Vegar; Chavan, Vishwas; Lindgaard, Arild; Mehlum, Fridtjof; Talàvan, Alberto Gonzàlez; Vang, Roald; Valland, Nils (NINA rapport;801, Research report, 2012)
      Hanssen, F., Mathur, V., Athreya, V., Bakkestuen, V., Chavan, V., Lindgaard, A., Mehlum, F., González-Talaván, A., Vang, R. & Valland, N. 2012. Capacity building for Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem ...
    • Captive breeding of European freshwater mussels as aconservation tool: A review 

      Geist, Juergen; Thielen, Frankie; Lavictoire, Louise; Hoess, Rebecca; Altmueller, Reinhard; Baudrimont, Magalie; Blaize, Christine; Campos, Miquel; Carrol, Paul; Daill, Daniel; Degelmann, Wolfgang; Dettmer, Rainer; Denic, Marco; Dury, Pierrick; de Eyto, Elvira; Grunicke, Felix; Gumpinger, Clemens; Jakobsen, Per J.; Kaldma, Katrin; Klaas, Kunnar; Legeay, Alexia; Magerøy, Jon Hamner; Moorkens, Evelyn A.; Motte, Gregory; Nakamura, Keiko; Ondina, Paz; Österling, Martin; Pichler-Scheder, Christian; Spisar, Ondrej; Reis, Joaquim; Schneider, Lea D.; Schwarzer, Arno; Selheim, Heidi; Soler, Joaquín; Taskinen, Jouni; Taylor, John; Strachan, Ben; Wengstrom, Niklas; Zając, Tadeusz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      1. Freshwater mussels are declining throughout their range. Their importantecological functions along with insufficient levels of natural recruitment haveprompted captive breeding for population augmentation and questions ...
    • Captive-breeding population supplementation and reintroduction as tools to conserve endangered Arctic fox populations in Norway : detailed proposal and progress 2001-2004 

      Linnell, John Durrus; Landa, Arild; Andersen, Roy; Strand, Olav; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; May, Roelof Frans (NINA Oppdragsmelding;825, Research report, 2004)
      Within its Holarctic distribution, the global population of Artic foxes (Alopex lagopus) appears to be large and stable, however the populations of Fennoscandia were already endangered in the late 1920’s. This led to their ...
    • Carbon storage in Norwegian ecosystems (revised edition) 

      Bartlett, Jesamine; Rusch, Graciela M.; Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen; Sandvik, Hanno; Nordén, Jenni (NINA Report;1774b, Research report, 2020)
      Bartlett, J., Rusch, G.M., Kyrkjeeide, M.O., Sandvik, H. & Nordén, J. 2020. Carbon storage in Norwegian ecosystems (revised edition). NINA Report 1774b. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. This report discusses ...
    • Cardiac adaptation in hibernating, free-ranging Scandinavian Brown Bears (Ursus arctos 

      Jørgensen, Peter Godsk; Evans, Alina; Kindberg, Jonas; Olsen, Lisbeth Høier; Galatius, Søren; Fröbert, Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      During six months of annual hibernation, the brown bear undergoes unique physiological changes to adapt to decreased metabolic rate. We compared cardiac structural and functional measures of hibernating and active bears ...
    • Caribou and reindeer migrations in the changing Arctic 

      Joly, Kyle; Gunn, Anne; Côté, Steeve D.; Panzacchi, Manuela; Adamczewski, Jan; Suitor, Michael J.; Gurarie, Eliezer (Journal article, 2021)
      Caribou and reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, are the most numerous and socio-ecologically important terrestrial species in the Arctic. Their migrations are directly and indirectly affected by the seasonal nature of the ...
    • Carry-Over or Compensation? The Impact of Winter Harshness and Post-Winter Body Condition on Spring-Fattening in a Migratory Goose Species 

      Clausen, Kevin K.; Madsen, Jesper; Tombre, Ingunn (Journal article, 2015)
      Environmental conditions at one point of the annual cycle of migratory species may lead to cross-seasonal effects affecting fitness in subsequent seasons. Based on a long-term mark-resighting dataset and scoring of body ...
    • Caught in the mesh: roads and their network-scale impediment to animal movement 

      Bischof, Richard; Steyaert, Sam; Kindberg, Jonas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Roads have a pervasive multi-faceted influence on ecosystems, including pronounced impacts on wildlife movements. In recognition of the scale-transcending impacts of transportation infrastructure, ecologists have been ...