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dc.contributor.authorHjermann, Tilde
dc.contributor.authorBilet, Nikolai Antonsen
dc.contributor.authorRivrud, Inger Maren
dc.contributor.authorMeisingset, Erling
dc.contributor.authorThorvaldsen, Pål
dc.contributor.authorMysterud, Atle
dc.description.abstractGrazing by wildlife on agricultural land is widespread across geographical regions, and can cause human–wildlife conflicts due to reduced crop yield when the grazing pressure is high. Growing red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations in Europe call for an increased understanding of their grazing patterns to mitigate damages. We quantified how red deer grazing pressure (grazing presence and grazing level) on agricultural grass meadows (n = 60) in Norway varied across multiple spatial scales. We used a nested, hierarchical study design transcending from a broad scale (meadows across the landscape) to intermediate (between nearby meadows) and local (within-meadow) scales, allowing us to identify at which scale the variation in grazing pressure was strongest. We estimated how grazing was determined by broad-scale factors influencing forage availability and quality through population density, distance to coastline, and differences between the first versus second harvest, by intermediate-scale factors in terms of meadow management causing differences in botanical composition and quality, and by local-scale factors in terms of perceived predation risk and disturbance. At a broad scale, higher population densities were associated with higher grazing pressure, and more grazing occurred before the first compared to the second harvest. Intermediate-scale factors explained the most variation of grazing pressure from red deer, with higher grazing pressure on newly renewed meadows compared to other nearby meadows. On a local scale, more grazing occurred closer to the forest edge, providing cover, and further away from infrastructure, with increased risk and disturbance. Overall, our study highlights how drivers of grazing pressure on agricultural land vary across spatial scales. Population reductions on a broader scale may have some effect in reducing the grazing pressure, but renewed meadows will nevertheless attract red deer, causing higher grazing pressure compared to neighbouring meadows. This insight is crucial for determining effective mitigation strategies facing rising red deer populations across Europe.en_US
dc.description.abstractRed deer grazing pressure on agricultural grass meadows from broad to local scaleen_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.subjectCervus elaphusen_US
dc.subjectgrazing damagesen_US
dc.subjecthuman–wildlife conflicten_US
dc.subjectred deeren_US
dc.titleRed deer grazing pressure on agricultural grass meadows from broad to local scaleen_US
dc.title.alternativeRed deer grazing pressure on agricultural grass meadows from broad to local scaleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.rights.holder© 2024 The Authorsen_US
dc.source.journalWildlife Biologyen_US
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 318575en_US

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