Now showing items 1404-1423 of 1437

    • What is the effect of giving the grazers access to additional nutrient sources on biodiversity in semi-natural pastures? A systematic review protocol 

      Envall, Ida; Bengtsson, Jan; Jakobsson, Simon; Rundlöf, Maj; Åberg, Charlotte; Lindborg, Regina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Sensors, such as accelerometers, in tracking devices allow for detailed bio-logging to understand animal behaviour, even in remote places where direct observation is difcult. To study breeding in birds remotely, one needs ...
    • What’s the catch with lumpsuckers? A North Atlantic study of seabird bycatch in lumpsucker gillnet fisheries 

      Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Crawford, Rory; Bond, Alexander; Sigurðsson, Guðjón Már; Glemarec, Gildas; Snær Hansen, Erpur; Kadin, Martina; Kindt-Larsen, Lotte; Mallory, Mark; Ravn Merkel, Flemming; Petersen, Aevar; Provencher, Jennifer; Bærum, Kim Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Worldwide, incidental bycatch in fisheries is a conservation threat to many seabird species. Although knowledge on bycatch of seabirds has increased in the last decade, most stems from longline fisheries and the impacts ...
    • When context matters: Spatial prediction models of environmental conditions can identify target areas for wild bee habitat management interventions 

      Sydenham, Markus A.K.; Moe, Stein Ragnar; Eldegard, Katrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Prioritizing where to implement management interventions is critical because managers have limited Budgets and the effect of habitat enhancement depends on site-specific environmental conditions. Field experiments can ...
    • When is it acceptable to kill a strictly protected carnivore? Exploring the legal constraints on wildlife management within Europe’s Bern Convention 

      Linnell, John Durrus; Trouwborst, Arie; Fleurke, Floor M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      As wolf populations expand across Europe, many countries face challenges in finding ways to address the concerns of some elements among the rural stakeholders who are being asked to share their landscapes with wolves for ...
    • When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning 

      Turkelboom, Francis; Leone, Michael; Jacobs, Sander; Kelemen, Eszter; García-Llorente, Marina; Baró, Francesc; Termansen, Mette; Barton, David Nicholas; Berry, Pam; Stange, Erik; Thoonen, Marijke; Kalóczkai, Ágnes; Vadineanu, Angheluta; Castro, Antonio J.; Czúcz, Balint; Röckmann, Christine; Wurbs, Daniel; Odee, David; Preda, Elena; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Rusch, Graciela; Pastur, Guillermo Martinéz; Palomo, Ignacio; Dick, Jan; Casaer, Jim; van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; Priess, Joerg A.; Langemeyer, Johannes; Mustajoki, Jyri; Kopperoinen, Leena; Baptist, Martin J.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Mukhopadhyay, Raktima; Aszalós, Réka; Roy, S.B.; Luque, Sandra; Rusch, Veronica E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Spatial planning have to deal with trade-offs between various stakeholders’ wishes and needs as part of planning and management of landscapes, natural resources and/or biodiversity. To make ecosystem services (ES) trade-off ...
    • Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to? 

      Burrascano, Sabina; Chianucci, Francesco; Trentanovi, Giovanni; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Sitzia, Tommaso; Tinya, Flóra; Doerfler, Inken; Paillet, Yoan; Nagel, Thomas Andrew; Mitic, Bozena; Morillas, Lourdes; Munzi, Silvana; van der Sluis, Theo; Alterio, Edoardo; Balducci, Lorenzo; de Andrade, Rafael Barreto; Bouget, Christophe; Giordani, Paolo; Lachat, Thibault; Matosevic, Dinka; Napoleone, Francesca; Ódor, Péter; Nascimbene, Juri; Paniccia, Chiara; Roth, Nicolas; Aszalós, Réka; Brazaitis, Gediminas; Cutini, Andrea; D'Andrea, Ettore; De Smedt, Pallieter; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Janssen, Philippe; Kozák, Daniel; Mårell, Anders; Mikoláš, Martin; Nordén, Björn; Matula, Radim; Schall, Peter; Svoboda, Miroslav; Ujházyová, Mariana; Vandekerkhove, Kris; Wohlwend, Michael; Xystrakis, Fotios; Aleffi, Michele; Ammer, Christian; Archaux, Frédéric; Asbeck, Thomas; Avtzis, Dimitrios N.; Ayasse, Manfred; Bagella, Simonetta; Balestrieri, Rosario (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The European biodiversity and forest strategies rely on forest sustainable management (SFM) to conserve forest biodiversity. However, current sustainability assessments hardly account for direct biodiversity indicators. ...
    • Where do the treeless tundra areas of northern highlands fit in the global biome system: toward an ecologically natural subdivision of the tundra biome 

      Virtanen, Risto; Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo; Oksanen, Tarja Maarit; Cohen, Juval; Forbes, Bruce C.; Johansen, Bernt; Käyhkö, Jukka; Olofsson, Johan; Pulliainen, Jouni; Tømmervik, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      According to some treatises, arctic and alpine sub-biomes are ecologically similar, whereas others find them highly dissimilar. Most peculiarly, large areas of northern tundra highlands fall outside of the two recent ...
    • Who are legitimate stakeholders? National and local perceptions of environmental change in the Lofoten islands, Norway 

      Kaltenborn, Bjørn Petter; Linnell, John Durrus (Journal article, 2019)
      Debates on future resource policy in northern regions raises the question of who are the legitimate stakeholders to include in policy deliberations? The Lofoten archipelago in Northern Norway is a world-class nature tourism ...
    • Whole-genome resequencing confirms reproductive isolation between sympatric demes of brown trout (Salmo trutta) detected with allozymes 

      Saha, Atal; Andersson, Anastasia; Kurland, Sara; Keehnen, Naomi L. P.; Kutschera, Verena E.; Hössjer, Ola; Ekman, Diana; Karlsson, Sten; Kardos, Marty; Ståhl, Gunnar; Allendorf, Fred W.; Ryman, Nils; Laikre, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The sympatric existence of genetically distinguishable populations of the same species remains a puzzle in ecology. Coexisting salmonid fish populations are known from over 100 freshwater lakes. Most studies of sympatric ...
    • Whole-genome resequencing of temporally stratified samples reveals substantial loss of haplotype diversity in the highly inbred Scandinavian wolf population 

      Viluma, Agnese; Flagstad, Øystein; Åkesson, Mikael; Wikenros, Camilla; Sand, Håkan; Wabakken, Petter; Ellegren, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Genetic drift can dramatically change allele frequencies in small populations and lead to reduced levels of genetic diversity, including loss of segregating variants. However, there is a shortage of quantitative studies ...
    • Whose Hydropower? From Conflictual Management into an Era of Reconciling Environmental Concerns; A Retake of Hydropower Governance towards Win-Win Solutions? 

      Lindström, Andreas; Ruud, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Hydropower has been core in the nation-building process of several countries. This includes Sweden in which it currently supplies around 50% of the electricity and particularly Norway where almost all electricity is generated ...
    • Why do avian responses to change in Arctic green-up vary? 

      Tavera, Eveling A.; Lank, David B.; Douglas, David C.; Sandercock, Brett Kevin; Lanctot, Richard B.; Schmidt, Niels M.; Reneerkens, Jeroen; Ward, David H.; Bêty, Joël; Kwon, Eunbi; Lecomte, Nicolas; Gratto-Trevor, Cheri L.; Smith, Paul A.; English, Willow B.; Saalfeld, Sarah T.; Brown, Stephen C.; Gates, H. River; Nol, Erica; Liebezeit, Joseph R.; McGuire, Rebecca L.; McKinnon, Laura; Kendall, Steve; Robards, Martin; Boldenow, Megan; Payer, David C.; Rausch, Jennie; Solovyeva, Diana V.; Stalwick, Jordyn A.; Gurney, Kirsty E.B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Global climate change has altered the timing of seasonal events (i.e., phenology) for a diverse range of biota. Within and among species, however, the degree to which alterations in phenology match climate variability ...
    • Why do we find dead bumblebees under linden trees? 

      Vinnes, Malene Kyrkjebø; Haugen, Inger Marie Aalberg; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Ødegaard, Frode; Gjershaug, Jan Ove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      1. Linden trees (Tilia spp.) have for a long time been associated with bumblebee (Bombus spp.) mortality in Europe and North America. Several explanations have been suggested for this phenomenon. This study aimed to explore ...
    • Why humans kill animals and why we cannot avoid it 

      Allen, Benjamin L.; Bobier, Christopher; Dawson, Stuart; Fleming, Peter J.S.; Hampton, Jordan; Jachowski, David; Kerley, Graham I.H.; Linnell, John Durrus; Marnewick, Kelly; Minnie, Liaan; Muthersbaugh, Mike; O'Riain, M. Justin; Parker, Dan; Proulx, Gilbert; Somers, Michael J.; Titus, Keifer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Killing animals has been a ubiquitous human behaviour throughout history, yet it is becoming increasingly controversial and criticised in some parts of contemporary human society. Here we review 10 primary reasons why ...
    • Widening evaluative space for ecosystem services: a taxonomy of plural values and valuation methods 

      Arias-Arévalo, Paola; Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Martín-López, Berta; Pérez-Rincón, Mario (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    • Widespread genetic introgression of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon in wild salmon populations 

      Karlsson, Sten; Diserud, Ola H.; Fiske, Peder; Hindar, KJetil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) escape from net pens and enter rivers to spawn, potentially resulting in genetic introgression and reduced fitness of wild salmon. Here, we quantify genetic introgression of farmed to ...
    • The wild boar Sus scrofa in northern Eurasia: a review of range expansion history, current distribution, factors affecting the northern distributional limit, and management strategies 

      Markov, Nickolay; Economov, Alexander; Hjeljord, Olav; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Bergqvist, Göran; Danilov, Pjotr; Dolinin, Vadim; Kambalin, Victor; Kondratov, Alexander; Krasnoshapka, Nikolay; Kunnasranta, Mervi; Mamontov, Victor; Panchcenko, Danila; Senchik, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      1. The wild boar Sus scrofa is one of the most widely distributed large mammal species in the world, existing on all continents except Antarctica. In the late 20th Century, its geographical range expanded naturally and ...
    • Wild Mountain reindeer Rangifer tarandus tarandus winter foraging: snow-free areas a key resource for feeding 

      Holtan, Marijanne; Strand, Olav; Kastdalen, Leif; Bjerketvedt, Dag Kjartan; Odland, Arvid; Pape, Roland; Heggenes, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In a landscape with patchily distributed forage resources, an animal’s distribution may reflect the distribution of the resources if the population is forage-limited in time or space. This may be particularly explicit in ...
    • Wild versus domestic prey: Variation in the kill-site behavior of two large felids 

      Tallian, Aimee Grace; Mattisson, Jenny; Samelius, Gustaf; Odden, John; Mishra, Charudutt; Linnell, John Durrus; Lkhagvajav, Purevjav; Johansson, Örjan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Livestock depredation is an important source of conflict for many terrestrial large carnivore species. Understanding the foraging behavior of large carnivores on domestic prey is therefore important for both mitigating ...
    • Wildlife Camera Monitoring Revealed the Northern Goshawk as a Predator on Gyrfalcon Nestlings 

      Moen, Børje Cato; Kroglund, Rolf Terje; Østnes, Jan Eivind; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Nygård, Torgeir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Accipiter gentilis; Falco rusticolus; intraguild predation; nestling; nocturnal foraging; predation.