Now showing items 1106-1125 of 1470

    • Recognising institutional context in simulating and generalising exchange values for monetary ecosystem accounts 

      Barton, David Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The paper argues that monetary valuation of ecosystem services for ecosystem accounting needs to be sensitive to institutional context, when simulating markets to generate exchange values where none was available previously ...
    • Recommendations for quantitative uncertainty consideration in ecology and evolution 

      Simmonds, Emily Grace; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah; Cretois, Benjamin; Dickel, Lisa; González-Gil, Ricardo; Laverick, Jack H; Mandeville, Caitlin Marie; Mandeville, Elisabeth G.; Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Sicacha Parada, Jorge Armando; Skarstein, Emma; O'Hara, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Ecological and evolutionary studies are currently failing to achieve complete and consistent reporting of model-related uncertainty. We identify three key barriers – a focus on parameter-related uncertainty, obscure ...
    • Recommendations for quantitative uncertainty consideration in ecology and evolution 

      Simmonds, Emily Grace; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah; Cretois, Benjamin; Dickel, Lisa; González-Gil, Ricardo; Laverick, Jack H; Mandeville, Caitlin Marie; Mandeville, Elizabeth G; Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Sicacha-Parada, Jorge; Skarstein, Emma Sofie; O'Hara, Robert Brian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Ecological and evolutionary studies are currently failing to achieve complete and consistent reporting of model-related uncertainty. We identify three key barriers – a focus on parameter-related uncertainty, obscure ...
    • Recommendations on size and position of surgically and gastrically implanted electronic tags in European silver eel 

      Økland, Finn; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Background: Information on European silver eel Anguilla anguilla anatomy was collected to gain information on limitations on size and placement of electronic tags. Findings: To reduce the eel’s ability to bite its own ...
    • Record-low primary productivity and highplant damage in the Nordic Arctic Region in2012 caused by multiple weather events andpest outbreaks 

      Bjerke, Jarle W.; Karlsen, Stein Rune; Høgda, Kjell Arild; Malnes, Eirik; Jepsen, Jane Uhd; Lovibond, Sarah; Vikhamar-Schuler, Dagrun; Tømmervik, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      The release of cold temperature constraints on photosynthesis has led to increased productivity (greening) in significant parts (32–39%) of the Arctic, but much of the Arctic shows stable (57–64%) or reduced productivity ...
    • The recovery of crustacean zooplankton from acidification depends on lake type 

      Pilotto, Francesca; Walseng, Bjørn; Jensen, Thomas Correll; Schartau, Ann Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Acidification has harmed freshwater ecosystems in Northern Europe since the early 1900s. Stricter regulations aimed at decreasing acidic emissions have improved surface-water chemistry since the late 1980s but the recovery ...
    • The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt 

      Haase, Peter; Bowler, Diana Elizabeth; Baker, Nathan J.; Bonada, Núria; Domisch, Sami; Marquez, Jaime R. Garcia Marquez; Heino, Jani; Hering, Daniel; Jähnig, Sonja C.; Schmidt-Kloiber, Astrid; Stubbington, Rachel; Altermatt, Florian; Álvarez-Cabria, Mario; Amatulli, Giuseppe; Angeler, David G.; Archambaud-Suard, Gaït; Jorrín, Iñaki Arrate; Aspin, Thomas; Azpiroz, Iker; Bañares, Iñaki; Ortiz, José Barquín; Bodin, Christian L.; Bonacina, Luca; Bottarin, Roberta; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; Csabai, Zoltán; Datry, Thibault; De Eyto, Elvira; Dohet, Alain; Dörflinger, Gerald; Drohan, Emma; Eikland, Knut Andreas; England, Judy; Eriksen, Tor E.; Evtimova, Vesela; Feio, Maria J.; Ferréol, Martial; Floury, Mathieu; Forcellini, Maxence; Forio, Marie Anne Eurie; Fornaroli, Riccardo; Friberg, Nikolai; Fruget, Jean-François; Georgieva, Galia; Goethals, Peter; Graça, Manuel A. S.; Graf, Wolfram; House, Andy; Huttunen, Kaisa-Leena; Jensen, Thomas Correll; Pilotto, Francesca; Rasmussen, Jes Jessen; Sandin, Leonard; Velle, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      wing to a long history of anthropogenic pressures, freshwater ecosystems are among the most vulnerable to biodiversity loss1 . Mitigation measures, including wastewater treatment and hydromorphological restoration, have ...
    • Recovery of vegetation on former alpine roads: how long does it take? 

      Evju, Marianne; Hagen, Dagmar; Olsen, Siri Lie; Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Alpine areas worldwide are under heavy land-use pressure and degradation. Active restoration treatments can contribute to accelerating recovery of degraded areas. However, monitoring data are needed to understand the ...
    • Recovery of young brown trout (Salmo trutta) in acidified streams: What are the critical values for acid-neutralizing capacity? 

      Hesthagen, Trygve; Fiske, Peder; Saksgård, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The recovery of young allopatric brown trout (Salmo trutta) grouped into YoY (age 0þ) and older parr (age 1þ) fish, was studied in acid-sensitive streams in a Norwegian watershed during a 24-year-period (1987e2010). ...
    • Recovery or reorganisation? Long-term increases in riverine taxonomic and functional diversity are confounded by compositional dynamics 

      Baker, Nathan J.; Pilotto, Francesca; Welti, Ellen A. R.; Osadčaja, Diana; Palinauskas, Vaidas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      When evaluating biological recovery, shifts in species identity such as non-native status, specialisation, and functional traits should be examined alongside changes in species richness. Lithuania, an ecologically overlooked ...
    • Recovery or reorganisation? Long‑term increases in riverine taxonomic and functional diversity are confounded by compositional dynamics 

      Baker, Nathan J.; Pilotto, Francesca; Welti, Ellen A.R.; Osadčaja, Diana; Palinauskas, Vaidas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      When evaluating biological recovery, shifts in species identity such as non-native status, specialisation, and functional traits should be examined alongside changes in species richness. Lithuania, an ecologically overlooked ...
    • Recreation ‘home range’: Motivations and use of green spaces along an urban—peri-urban continuum☆ 

      Köhler, Berit Junker; Gundersen, Vegard; Bærum, Kim Magnus; Barton, David Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The attractiveness of urban forests for people is complex, influenced by culture, social norms, and individual characteristics. The main factors include the occurrence and nature of accessibility (far-near), the availability ...
    • Recreational anglers in Norway report widespread dislike of invasive pink salmon 

      Guay, J.D.; Lennox, Robert; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Vollset, Knut; Stensland, Stian; Erkinaro, J.; Nguyen, V.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Pink salmon have returned to Norwegian rivers at high abundance in recent odd-numbered years (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023), presenting potential threats to native biodiversity and ecosystem services, including major sport fishing ...
    • Red deer grazing pressure on agricultural grass meadows from broad to local scale 

      Hjermann, Tilde; Bilet, Nikolai Antonsen; Rivrud, Inger Maren; Meisingset, Erling; Thorvaldsen, Pål; Mysterud, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Grazing by wildlife on agricultural land is widespread across geographical regions, and can cause human–wildlife conflicts due to reduced crop yield when the grazing pressure is high. Growing red deer (Cervus elaphus) ...
    • Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon 

      Rikardsen, Audun H.; Righton, David; Strøm, John Fredrik; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Gargan, Patrick G.; Sheehan, Timothy F.; Økland, Finn; Chittenden, Cedar; Hedger, Richard David; Næsje, Tor; Renkawitz, Mark; Sturlaugsson, Johannes; Caballero, Pablo; Baktoft, Henrik; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Halttunen, Elina; Wright, Serena; Finstad, Bengt; Aarestrup, Kim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Determining the mechanisms driving range-wide reductions in Atlantic salmon marine survival is hindered by an insufcient understanding of their oceanic ecology and distribution. We attached 204 pop-up satellite archival ...
    • Redescription and taxonomic notes on Cyclops bohater Koźmiński, 1933 and Cyclops lacustris G.O. Sars, 1863 (Arthropoda, Crustacea), with an identification key to the Cyclops species of Fenno-Scandinavia 

      Holynska, Maria; Dimante-Deimantovica, Inta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The studies of Cyclops O.F. Müller, 1776 have more than two centuries of tradition in Fenno- Scandinavia, yet, basic taxonomic questions remain unresolved and the limits of the distributional area are very poorly understood ...
    • Reduced ATP turnover during hibernation in relaxed skeletal muscle 

      De Napoli, Cosimo; Schmidt, Luisa; Montesel, Mauro; Cussonneau, Laura; Sanniti, Samuele; Marcucci, Lorenzo; Germinario, Elena; Kindberg, Jonas; Evans, Alina; Gauquelin-Koch, Guillemette; Narici, Marco; Bertile, Fabrice; Lefai, Etienne; Krüger, Marcus; Nogara, Leonardo; Blaauw, Bert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)
      Hibernating brown bears, due to a drastic reduction in metabolic rate, show only moderate muscle wasting. Here, we evaluate if ATPase activity of resting skeletal muscle myosin can contribute to this energy sparing. By ...
    • Refrigeration or anti-theft? Food-caching behavior of Wolverines (Gulo gulo) in Scandinavia 

      van der Veen, Bert; Mattisson, Jenny; Zimmermann, Barbara; Odden, John; Persson, Jens (Journal article, 2020)
      Food-caching animals can gain nutritional advantages by buffering seasonality in food availability, especially during times of scarcity. The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is a facultative predator that occupies environments of low ...
    • Regional Diversity of Maritime Antarctic Soil Fungi and Predicted Responses of Guilds and Growth Forms to Climate Change 

      Newsham, Kevin; Davey, Marie Louise; Hopkins, David; Dennis, Paul G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We report a metabarcoding study documenting the fungal taxa in 29 barren fellfield soils sampled from along a 1,650 km transect encompassing almost the entire maritime Antarctic (60–72°S) and the environmental factors ...
    • Regional impacts of warming on biodiversity and biomass in high latitude stream ecosystems across the Northern Hemisphere 

      Jackson, Michelle C.; Friberg, Nikolai; Moliner Cachazo, Luis; Clark, David R.; Mutinova, Petra Thea; O’Gorman, Eoin J.; Kordas, Rebecca L.; Gallo, Bruno; Pichler, Doris E.; Bespalaya, Yulia; Aksenova, Olga V.; Milner, Alexander; Brooks, Stephen J.; Dunn, Nicholas; Lee, K.W.K.; Ólafsson, Jón S.; Gíslason, Gísli M.; Millan, Lucia; Bell, Thomas; Dumbrell, Alex J.; Woodward, Guy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Warming can have profound impacts on ecological communities. However, explorations of how differences in biogeography and productivity might reshape the effect of warming have been limited to theoretical or proxy-based ...