Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - NINA by Title
Now showing items 1787-1806 of 2443
Rabies hos flaggermus. En oversiktsrapport. Revidert utgave av NINA Rapport 76
(NINA Rapport;290, Research report, 2007)Hansen, T.W., Mørk, T., Tryland, M., Arnemo, J.M., Isaksen, K., Kooij, J. van der & Andersen, R. 2007. Rabies hos flaggermus. En oversiktsrapport. Revidert utgave av NINA Rapport 76. – NINA Rapport 290. 51 s. Rabies hos ... -
Radiocesium i villreinkjøtt og lav. Overvåking av kjøtt og lav i villreinområder i 2008
(NINA Rapport;446, Research report, 2009)Gaare, E. & Skuterud, L. 2009. Radiocesium i villreinkjøtt og lav. Overvåking av kjøtt og lav i villrein-områder i 2008. – NINA Rapport 446. 15 s. Overvåkingen av nedfallet av Cs-137 i ulike plante- og dyrearter i naturlige ... -
Radiocesium i villreinkjøtt. Overvåking i fem villreinområder
(NINA Rapport;328, Research report, 2008)Gaare, E. & Skuterud, L. 2008. Radiocesium i villreinkjøtt. Overvåking i fem villreinområder – NINA Rapport 328. 14 s. Overvåkingen av nedfallet av Cs-137 i ulike plante- og dyrearter i naturlige økosystemer startet samme ... -
Raising offspring increases ageing: Differences in senescence among three populations of a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic puffin
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)1. Actuarial senescence, the decline of survival with age, is well documented in the wild. Rates of senescence vary widely between taxa, to some extent also between sexes, with the fastest life histories showing the highest ... -
Rammebetingelser og handlingsrom for næringsutvikling i verneområder - formelle styringsverktøy, grunneieres oppfatninger av handlingsrom og bruk av avbøtende og restaurerende tiltak
(NINA Rapport;143, Research report, 2006)Heiberg, M. M., Hagen, D. og Christensen, H.M. 2006. Rammebetingelser og handlingsrom for næringsutvikling i verneområder: formelle styringsverktøy, grunneiers oppfatninger av handlingsrom og bruk av avbøtende og restaurerende ... -
Rangifer management controls a climate-sensitive tundra state transition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Rangifer (caribou/reindeer) management has been suggested to mitigate the temperature- driven transition of Arctic tundra into a shrubland state, yet how this happens is uncertain. Here we study this much focused ecosystem ... -
Ranid Herpesvirus 3 Infection in Common Frog Rana temporaria Tadpoles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ranid herpesvirus 3 (RaHV3) is a recently discovered virus associated with skin disease in frogs. We detected RaHV3 DNA in free-ranging common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles, consistent with premetamorphic infection. Our ... -
Rapid assessment of the mammalian community in the Badhyz Ecosystem, Turkmenistan, October 2014
(NINA Rapport;1148, Research report, 2015)Kaczensky, P. & Linnell, J. D. C. 2015. Rapid assessment of the mammalian community in the Badhyz Ecosystem, Turkmenistan, October 2014 – NINA Report 1148. 38 pp. We visited Badhyz State Nature Reserve in southern ... -
Rapid evolution of genetic and phenotypic divergence in Atlantic salmon following the colonisation of two new branches of a watercourse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: Selection acts strongly on individuals that colonise a habitat and have phenotypic traits that deviate from the local optima. Our objective was to investigate the evolutionary rates in Atlantic salmon (Salmo ... -
Raptor Interactions with Wind Energy: Case Studies from Around the World
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The global potential for wind power generation is vast, and the number of installations is increasing rapidly. We review case studies from around the world of the effects on raptors of wind-energy development. Collision ... -
Rare, whitish–pale ochre Cortinarius species of sect. Calochroi from calcareous Tilia forests in South East Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Rare, whitish–pale ochre Cortinarius species of sect. Calochroi from calcareous Tilia forests in South East Norway -
Re-evaluation of distance criteria for classification of lynx family groups in Scandinavia
(NINA Rapport;965, Research report, 2013)Overvåking av gaupe i Skandinavia er i hovedsak basert på å registrere antall familiegrupper hver vinter. Observasjoner av familiegrupper samles inn kontinuerlig gjennom hele registreringsperioden fra 1. oktober til 28. ... -
Rebuilding green infrastructure in boreal production forest given future global wood demand
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)1. Global policy for future biodiversity conservation is ultimately implemented at landscape and local scales. In parallel, green infrastructure planning needs to account for socioeconomic dynamics at national and global ... -
Recent forest on abandoned agricultural land in the boreonemoral zone – Biodiversity of plants and fungi in relation to historical and present tree cover
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recent forests may be an asset for green infrastructure and ecological restoration, but studies are needed of the variation in forest biodiversity among sites, and possible reasons for observed patterns. In boreonemoral ... -
Recognising institutional context in simulating and generalising exchange values for monetary ecosystem accounts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The paper argues that monetary valuation of ecosystem services for ecosystem accounting needs to be sensitive to institutional context, when simulating markets to generate exchange values where none was available previously ... -
Recommendations for quantitative uncertainty consideration in ecology and evolution
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ecological and evolutionary studies are currently failing to achieve complete and consistent reporting of model-related uncertainty. We identify three key barriers – a focus on parameter-related uncertainty, obscure ... -
Recommendations for quantitative uncertainty consideration in ecology and evolution
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ecological and evolutionary studies are currently failing to achieve complete and consistent reporting of model-related uncertainty. We identify three key barriers – a focus on parameter-related uncertainty, obscure ... -
Recommendations on size and position of surgically and gastrically implanted electronic tags in European silver eel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Background: Information on European silver eel Anguilla anguilla anatomy was collected to gain information on limitations on size and placement of electronic tags. Findings: To reduce the eel’s ability to bite its own ... -
Record-low primary productivity and highplant damage in the Nordic Arctic Region in2012 caused by multiple weather events andpest outbreaks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)The release of cold temperature constraints on photosynthesis has led to increased productivity (greening) in significant parts (32–39%) of the Arctic, but much of the Arctic shows stable (57–64%) or reduced productivity ... -
The recovery of crustacean zooplankton from acidification depends on lake type
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Acidification has harmed freshwater ecosystems in Northern Europe since the early 1900s. Stricter regulations aimed at decreasing acidic emissions have improved surface-water chemistry since the late 1980s but the recovery ...