Browsing NINA Brage by Author "Notton, David G."
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Responses of the hyper-diverse community of canopy-dwelling Hymenoptera to oak decline
Le Souchu, Elodie; Cours, Jérémy; Bouget, Christophe; Bankhead-Dronnet, Stéphanie; Braet, Yves; Burguet, P.; Gabard, C.; Galkowski, C.; Gereys, B.; Herbrecht, Franck; Joncour, Barbara; Marhic, Erwann; Michez, Denis; Neerup Buhl, P.; Noblecourt, T.; Notton, David G.; Penigot, W.; Rasplus, Jean-Yves; Robert, T.; Staverløkk, Arnstein; Vincent-Barbaroux, Cécile; Sallé, Aurélien; Cochenille, T. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)1. Forest decline and dieback are growing phenomena worldwide, resulting in severe,large-scale degradation of the canopy. This can profoundly alter the provision oftrophic resources and microhabitats for canopy-dwelling ...