Browsing NINA Brage by Title
Now showing items 571-590 of 4436
COVID-19 related travel restrictions prevented numerous wildlife deaths on roads: A comparative analysis of results from 11 countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Millions of wild animals are killed annually on roads worldwide. During spring 2020, the volume of road traffic was reduced globally as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. We gathered data on wildlife-vehicle colli-sions ... -
¿Cómo incrementar la multifuncionalidad en potreros?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)En las zonas ganaderas de Nicaragua hay un interés creciente de los productores por retener y manejar árboles en potreros (árboles dispersos y cercas vivas). Es recomendable que el productor considere la importancia de la ... -
Creating urban green infrastructure where it is needed – A spatial ecosystem service-based decision analysis of green roofs in Barcelona
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)As cities face increasing pressure fromdensification trends, green roofs represent a valuable source of ecosystem services for residents of compact metropolises where available green space is scarce. However, to date little ... -
Critical seasonal conditions in the reindeer-herding year: A synopsis of factors and events in Fennoscandia and north-western Russia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this article, we identify what herders in Fennoscandia and northwestern Russia see as critical conditions and events in the annual reindeer herding cycle. Indigenous S´ami and Yamal reindeer herders identify eight ... -
Critical, Engaged and Change-oriented Scholarship in Environmental Communication. Six Methodological Dilemmas to Think With
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While calls for critical, engaged and change-oriented scholarship in environmental communication (EC) abound, few articles discuss what this may practically entail. With this article, we aim to contribute to a discussion ... -
Crowdsourced air temperatures contrast satellite measures of the urban heat island and its mechanisms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The ubiquitous nature of satellite data has led to an explosion of studies on the surface urban heat island (SUHI). Relatively few have simultaneously used air temperature measurements to compare SUHI with the canopy UHI ... -
Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger, 1936 (Hemiptera, Cryptococcidae) confirmed from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The knowledge of the scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha) in Norway is very poor compared to our neighbouring countries. The latest checklist was compiled by Fjelddalen (1996), who lists and comments on the biology and ... -
Dagens stibrukere er skeptiske til tilrettelegging for nasjonal turiststi – en studie fra Oslomarka
(Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen studerer bruken av turstien mot Vettakollen i Oslomarka. Formålet er å identifisere brukergrupper, brukernes syn på stiens tilstand og deres holdning til tilrettelegging. Videre trekkes det frem faktorer som ... -
Dagsommerfugler og humler som tilstandsindikatorer i Naturindeks for Norge Statusrapport etter årene 2009-2013
(NINA Rapport;1005, Research report, 2013-12)Arealrepresentativ overvåking av dagsommerfugler og humler er gjennomført i utvalgte regioner i Norge siden 2009 med den hensikt å inkludere disse insektgruppene som tilstandsindikatorer i Naturindeks for Norge. ... -
Dagsommerfugler og humler som tilstandsindikatorer i Naturindeks for Norge. Oppsummering av aktiviteten i 2014
(NINA Rapport;1098, Research report, 2014-12)Arealrepresentativ overvåking av dagsommerfugler og humler er gjennomført i utvalgte regio-ner i Norge siden 2009. Dagsommerfugler og humler har viktige økologiske funksjoner som pollinatorer og planteetere, og er sårbare ... -
Dagsommerfugler og humler som tilstandsindikatorer i Naturindeks for Norge. Videre uttesting av metodikk og involvering av frivillige
(NINA Rapport;836, Research report, 2012)Naturindeks for Norge er et måleverktøy som skal gi oversikt over tilstand og utvikling av Norges biologiske mangfold. Da naturindeksen ble beregnet og publisert første gang i 2010, var insekter svært sparsomt representert ... -
Damåsen og Heikampen-Råkollen. Naturtypekartlegging av gammelskog i Nordmarka, Oslo
(NINA Rapport;2301, Research report, 2023)Bendiksen, E. 2023. Damåsen og Heikampen-Råkollen. Naturtypekartlegging av gammelskog i Nordmarka, Oslo. NINA Rapport 2301. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Norsk institutt for naturforskning har på oppdrag fra Oslo ... -
Data fra Statskogs linjetaksering av hønsefugl i Norge. 2006-dd
(NINA Datarapport;1, Research report, 2024)Rapporten er ikke tilgjengelig enda -
Dataflyt og modellering av indikatorer for naturindeksen
(NINA Rapport;1560, Research report, 2018)Skarpaas, O., Töpper, J.P., Nilsen, E.B., Åström, J. 2018. Dataflyt og modellering av indikatorer for naturindeksen. NINA Rapport 1560. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Som en del av arbeidet mot en kostnadseffektiv, ... -
Då utmarka fekk grunnrenteverdi: om korleis ei meir aktiv forvaltning av grunnrenta frå utmarksressursane kan bidra til sosial berekraft mellom sentrum og periferi
(Journal article, 2023)Den norske utmarkshistoria har døme på korleis grunnrente har vore fordelte både som rettar til bruk, og som pengeverdiar. Det mest kjende døme er forvaltninga av fossekrafta slik den kom i stand fram mot 1917. Men også ... -
Decadal increases in carbon uptake offset by respiratory losses across northern permafrost ecosystems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Tundra and boreal ecosystems encompass the northern circumpolar permafrost region and are experiencing rapid environmental change with important implications for the global carbon (C) budget. We analysed multi-decadal time ... -
Decision making for sustainable natural resource management under political constraints – the case of revising hydropower licenses in Norwegian watercourses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Norway is the largest hydropower producer in Europe and provides currently 96% of domestic electricity supplies. Hydropower is a renewable and climate friendly source of energy, but causes an impairment on local environmental ... -
Decline of parasitic and habitat-specialist species drives taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional homogenization of sub-alpine bumblebee communities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The ongoing biodiversity crisis is characterised not only by an elevated extinction rate but also can lead to an increasing similarity of species assemblages. This is an issue of major concern, as it can reduce ecosystem ... -
Decomposing the spatial and temporal effects of climate on bird populations in northern European mountains
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The relationships between species abundance or occurrence versus spatial variation in climate are commonly used in species distribution models (SDMs) to forecast future distributions. Under “space-for-time-substitution”, ... -
Decomposition of the structural response of the Francis-99 runner during resonance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this work, the complex structural response of the Francis-99 turbine runner is further investigated by decomposition of the output signal from previous Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV) measurements into the motion of each ...