Browsing NINA Brage by Title
Now showing items 4168-4187 of 4519
Use of simulation approaches to evaluate the consequences of catch-and-release angling on the migration behaviour of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Given most Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) released by anglers survive (proportion = 0.97 in this study), eco-nomically and culturally important recreational Atlantic salmon fisheries are increasingly incorporatingcatch-and-release. ... -
Use of Supplementary Feeding Dispensers by Arctic Foxes in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Supplementary feeding is often used as a conservation tool to reverse the decline of food‐limited populations. The arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is one of the most endangered mammals in Norway and has been the target of ... -
Using by-catch data from wildlife surveys to quantify climatic parameters and the timing of phenology for plants and animals using camera traps
(Journal article, 2019)Gaining a better understanding of global environmental change is an important challenge for conserving biodiversity. Shifts in phenology are an important consequence of environmental change. Measuring phenology of different ... -
Using genomics to guide seed-sourcing at the right taxonomical level for ecological restoration projects: The complex case of Carex bigelowii in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is a growing demand for ecological restoration using suitable seeds following international standards or national legal demands for local seed-sourcing. However, before selecting the appropriate geographic origin of ... -
Using natural marks to estimate free-ranging dog Canis familiaris abundance in a MARK-RESIGHT framework in suburban Mumbai, India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Free-ranging dogs (Canis familiaris) are a major conservation issue in the tropics and adopt many ecological roles, alternatively functioning as predators, prey, or competitors of wildlife in diverse environments. Dogs are ... -
Using ordinary digital cameras in place of near-infrared sensors to derive vegetation indices for phenology studies of high arctic vegetation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)To remotely monitor vegetation at temporal and spatial resolutions unobtainable with satellite-based systems, near remote sensing systems must be employed. To this extent we used Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ... -
Using partial aggregation in spatial capture recapture
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Using qPCR to Identify Potential Effects of Thermal Conditions during Embryogenesis on Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Juvenile Brown Trout Salmo trutta
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Changes in the number, structure, and function of mitochondria during the early life stages of animals can play an important role for an organism’s metabolic rate, growth, and health. Previous studies have shown that ... -
Using scale-derived estimates of body size in analyses of Atlantic salmon life-history variation: a cautionary note
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Measurements of individual body length at different life stages are critical in understanding fish ecology and evolution. Such data can be obtained via back-calculation from measurements of fish scales or by using the size ... -
Using short-term monitoring data to achieve goals in a large-scale restoration
(Peer reviewed, 2013)To evaluate the outcome of restoration projects, an overall goal, reformulated to specific subgoals or targets, must be explicit and translated into scientifically measurable ecological attributes. Monitoring ecological ... -
Using wildlife camera traps to collect in-situ data for remote sensing applications with high temporal resolution
(NINA Rapport;1584, Research report, 2018)Blumentrath, S., Cimburova, Z. & Rød-Eriksen, L. 2018: Using wildlife camera traps to collect in-situ data for remote sensing applications with high temporal resolution. NINA Report 1584. Norwegian Institute for Nature ... -
Ut på tur i sårbar natur
(Journal article, 2018-05-24) -
Utbredelsen av sjøfugl i Norskehavet og Barentshavet
(NINA Rapport;64, Research report, 2005)Fauchald, P., Tveraa, T., Bårdsen, B.-J. og Langeland, K. 2005. Utbredelse av sjøfugl i Norskehavet og Barentshavet. - NINA Rapport 64. 35 s. -
Utbredelsen av sjøfugl i Skagerrak, Kattegat og Nordsjøen
(NINA Rapport;171, Research report, 2006)Fauchald, P., Lorentsen, S.-H., Systad, G.H. og Tveraa, T. 2006. Utbredelsen av sjøfugl i Skagerrak, Kattegat og Nordsjøen. - NINA Rapport 171. I forbindelse med miljøutredning av leteboring på PL 317 i Farsundbassenget, ... -
Uten humler – ingen blåbær?
(Journal article, 2018-04-06) -
Utenlandske laksefiskere i Norge. Forventet tap av inntekter på grunn av korona-pandemien i 2020
(NINA Rapport;1844, Research report, 2020)Dervo, B. K. 2020. Utenlandske laksefiskere i Norge. Forventet tap av inntekter på grunn av korona-pandemien i 2020. NINA Rapport 1844. Norsk institutt for naturforskning Dataene som er analysert i dette prosjektet er ... -
Utfall av Trollheim kraftverk i april 2012. Effekter på fiskebestandene i Surna
(NINA Rapport;922, Research report, 2013-02)På grunn av et uhell stanset Trollheim kraftverk i Surna mandag 9. april 2012 kl. 13:13. Utfallet førte til at vannføringen nedstrøms kraftverket falt fra 43 til 9 m3/s i løpet av to til tre timer, og vannføringen forble ... -
Utfall av Trollheim kraftverk i juli 2008. Effekter av fiskebestandene i Surna
(NINA Rapport;435, Research report, 2009)Forseth, T., Stickler, M., Ugedal, O., Sundt, H., Bremset, G., Linnansaari, T., Hvidsten, N.A., Harby, A., Bongard, T. & Alfredsen, K. 2009. Utfall av Trollheim kraftverk i juli 2008. Effekter på fiskebestandene i Surna. ... -
Utfordringer knyttet til overvåkning av fiskebestander og konsekvenser for økologisk tilstandsklassifisering etter vannforskriften
(NINA Rapport;1534, Research report, 2019)Myrvold, K.M., Ugedal, O. & Bremset, G. 2018. Økologisk tilstandsklassifisering i henhold til vannforskriften. Utfordringer knyttet til bestandsovervåking av fisk. NINA Rapport 1534. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Kravene ... -
Utfordringer og muligheter for norsk vannkraft ved integrasjon med vind- og solkraft i Europa. En oppsummering fra HydroPEAK-prosjektet
(NINA Temahefte;71, Book, 2017)Killingtveit, Å. (red.). 2017. Utfordringer og muligheter for norsk vannkraft ved integrasjon med vind- og solkraft i Europa. En oppsummering fra HydroPEAK-prosjektet. – NINA Temahefte 71. 91 s.