Browsing NINA Brage by Title
Now showing items 3345-3364 of 4506
Remote Sensing of Environmental Variables for National Biodiversity Indicator Systems
(Conference object, 2016-05-04) -
Renewable energy respecting nature. A synthesis of knowledge on environmental impacts of renewable energy financed by the Research Council of Norway.
(NINA Rapport;874, Research report, 2012)May, R., Bevanger, K., van Dijk, J., Petrin, Z., & Brende, H. 2012. Renewable energy respecting nature. A synthesis of knowledge on environmental impacts of renewable energy financed by the Research Council of Norway. – ... -
REO: Estimering av overflate-avrenning fra urbane felt. Beregningsgrunnlag for et arealdifferensiert overvannsgebyr (revidert utgave)
(NINA Rapport;1851b, Research report, 2021)Sælthun, N.R & Barton, D.N. 2021. REO: Estimering av overflateavrenning fra urbane felt. Beregningsgrunnlag for et arealdifferensiert overvannsgebyr (revidert utgave). NINA Rapport 1851b. Norsk institutt for naturforskning ... -
Repeatable individual variation in migration timing in two anadromous salmonids and ecological consequences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Consistent individual differences in behavior have been demonstrated for many animals, but there are few studies of consequences of such repeated behavior in the wild. We tested consistency in migration timing to and from ... -
Repowering Smøla wind-power plant. An assessment of avian conflicts
(NINA Rapport;1135, Research report, 2015)Gjennom pågående og tidligere forskning på effekter av vindkraft på fugl i Smøla vindpark, er havørn identifisert som den mest sårbare arten. Smøla vindpark påvirker havørn både gjennom økt dødelighet som følge av kollisjoner ... -
Reproduction as a bottleneck to treeline advance across the circumarctic forest tundra ecotone
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The fundamental niche of many species is shifting with climate change, especially in sub-arctic ecosystems with pronounced recent warming. Ongoing warming in sub-arctic regions should lessen environmental constraints on ... -
Reproductive success in the European shag is linked to annual variation in diet and foraging trip metrics
(Journal article, 2019)Seabird populations have declined worldwide, and several of the potential threats are of anthropogenic origin. To understand how changes in seabird populations relate to environmental conditions it is important to know the ... -
Research challenges for cultural ecosystem services and public health in (peri-)urban environments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Urbanization is a global trend, and consequently the quality of urban environments is increasingly important for human health and wellbeing. Urban life-style is typically associated with low physical activity and sometimes ... -
Residency and space use estimation methods based on passive acoustic telemetry data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Acoustic telemetry has helped overcome many of the challenges faced when studying the movement ecology of aquatic species, allowing to obtain unprecedented amounts of data. This has made it into one of the most widely used ... -
Resilience of small-scale societies: a view from drylands
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)To gain insights on long-term social-ecological resilience, we examined adaptive responses of small-scale societies to dryland-related hazards in different regions and chronological periods, spanning from the mid-Holocene ... -
Resipientovervåking av Ranaelva - Undersøkelser av bunndyr, vannkvalitet og ungfisktellinger i 2012 og 2016 i forbindelse med utslipp fra Rana Gruber AS
(NINA Rapport;1318, Research report, 2017)Bergan, M. A. & Aanes, K. J. 2017. Resipientovervåking av Ranaelva. Undersøkelser av bunndyr, vannkvalitet og ungfisktellinger i 2012 og 2016 i forbindelse med utslipp fra Rana Gruber AS - NINA Rapport 1318. 77 s. Bakgrunnen ... -
Resipientundersøkelser i Trongdøla, Verdal kommune. Ungfisktellinger og bunndyrundersøkelser i 2021
(NINA Rapport;2041, Report, 2022)Bergan, M. A. 2022. Resipientundersøkelser i Trongdøla, Verdal kommune. Ungfisktellinger og bunndyrundersøkelser i 2021. NINA Rapport 2041. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Det er gjennomført vannøkologiske undersøkelser ... -
Resipientundersøkelser i Vikelva i Saltdal kommune 2015-2017. Vannkjemisk overvåking og bruk av bunndyr og ungfisk av ørret som kvalitetselementer for miljøtilstand
(NINA Rapport;1425, Research report, 2017)Bergan, M.A. & Aanes, K.J. 2017. Resipientundersøkelser i Vikelva i Saltdal kommune 2015-2017 - Vannkjemisk overvåking og bruk av bunndyr og ungfisk av ørret som kvalitetselementer for miljøtilstand. NINA Rapport 1425. 87 ... -
Resistance of a sub-arctic bird community to severe forest damage caused by geometrid moth outbreaks
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Outbreaks by geometrid moths periodically cause mass mortality of trees and state changes in understorey vegetation in sub-arctic mountain birch forest in northern Scandinavia. In order to assess the short-term impacts of ... -
Resolving environmental effects of wind energy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Concerns for potential wildlife impacts resulting from land-based and offshore wind energy have created challenges for wind project development. Research is not always adequately supported, results are neither always readily ... -
Resource utilization by the Kori bustard in the Serengeti ecosystem
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This study aimed to understand the movement behaviour and utilization distributions of Kori bustards in space and time in the Serengeti ecosystem. A total of 14 individuals were tracked with the aid of GPS (Geographical ... -
Resources and predation: drivers of sociality in a cyclic mesopredator
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In socially fexible species, the tendency to live in groups is expected to vary through a trade-of between costs and benefts, determined by ecological conditions. The Resource Dispersion Hypothesis predicts that group size ... -
Respiratory virus detection and clinical diagnosis in children attending day care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Responses of the hyper-diverse community of canopy-dwelling Hymenoptera to oak decline
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)1. Forest decline and dieback are growing phenomena worldwide, resulting in severe,large-scale degradation of the canopy. This can profoundly alter the provision oftrophic resources and microhabitats for canopy-dwelling ... -
Restaurerbar natur i Nordre Follo
(NINA Rapport;2314, Research report, 2023)Skrindo, A.B., Simensen, T., Jansson, U., Bakkestuen, V., Dervo, B., Hagen, D., Mehlhoop, A.C., Museth, J. & Singsaas, F.T. 2023. Restaurerbar natur Nordre Follo. NINA Rapport 2314. Norsk institutt for naturforskning Nordre ...