Blar i NINA Brage på tittel
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Mapping natural and artificial migration hindrances for fish using LiDAR remote sensing
(NINA Rapport;1833, Research report, 2020)Hedger, R.D., Blumentrath, S., Bergan, M.A. & Eloranta, A.P. 2020. Mapping natural and artificial migration hindrances for fish using LiDAR remote sensing. NINA Report 1833. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. We ... -
Mapping roadless areas in regionswith contrasting human footprint
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In an increasingly human- and road-dominated world, the preservation of functional ecosystems has become highly relevant. While the negative ecological impacts of roads on ecosystems are numerous and well documented, ... -
Mapping soil organic carbon stocks and trends with satellite-driven high resolution maps over South Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Estimation and monitoring of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is important for maintaining soil productivity and meeting climate change mitigation targets. Current global SOC maps do not provide enough detail for landscape- ... -
Mapping urban tree canopy cover using airborne laser scanning. Applications to urban ecosystem accounting for Oslo
(NINA Rapport;1677, Research report, 2019)Hanssen, F., D.N. Barton, M. Nowell, Z. Cimburova 2019. Mapping urban tree canopy cover using airborne laser scanning – applications to urban ecosystem accounting for Oslo. NINA Report 1677. Norwegian Institute for Nature ... -
Mapping value plurality towards ecosystem services in the case of Norwegian wildlife management: A Q analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)For many deep-rooted resource conflicts where the cultural component of ecosystem services (ES) is strong, standard monetary valuation may be methodologically difficult and not always meaningful. A deeper understanding of ... -
Marin fauna i Gaulosen – Trondheimsfjorden. Et foreslått marint verneområde
(NINA Rapport;1097, Research report, 2014)På oppdrag av Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag er foreliggende undersøkelse gjennomført av NINA og NTNU for å gi mer informasjon om den marine faunaen i Gaulosen i forbindelse med beslutning om nye marine verneområder i Norge. ... -
Markbulia - Einunna. Verknad på villrein ved endring i regulering av inntaksdam
(NINA Rapport;302, Research report, 2007)Jordhøy, Per. 2007. Markbulia – Einunna. Verknad på villrein ved endring i regulering av inntaksdam. - NINA Rapport 302. 47 s. Glommens og Laagens Brukseierforening (GLB) og Østerdalen kraftproduksjon har planar om å ... -
Marked differences in foraging area use and susceptibility to predation between two closely-related tropical seabirds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ecological theory predicts that closely-related species must occupy diferent niches to coexist. How marine top predators achieve this during breeding, when they often gather in large multi-species colonies and are constrained ... -
Markvegetasjon, epifytter, smågnagere og fugl. Sammenfatning av resultater.
(NINA Rapport;1692, Research report, 2019)Framstad, E. (red.) 2019. Terrestrisk naturovervåking i 2018: Markvegetasjon, epifytter, smågnagere og fugl. Sammenfatning av resultater. NINA Rapport 1692. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Program for terrestrisk ... -
Mass development of aquatic plants: Effects of contrasting management scenarios on a suite of ecosystem services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)1. Dense beds of aquatic plants are often perceived as nuisance and therefore mechanically removed, often at substantial cost. Such removal, however, may affect a range of ecosystem functions and consequently also the ... -
Massedød av lomvi i Nordsjøområdet vinteren 2021/22. Resultater fra obduksjonen av lomvi samlet inn in Viken, Agder og Rogaland
(NINA Rapport;2146, Research report, 2022)Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Langset, M. & Anker-Nilssen, T. 2022. Massedød av lomvi i Nord-sjøområdet vinteren 2021/22. Resultater fra obduksjonen av lomvi samlet inn in Viken, Agder og Rogaland. NINA Rapport 2146. Norsk ... -
Masseuttak i Jordfallet, Alta kommune. Konskvensutredning, deltema naturmiljø
(NINA Rapport;32, Research report, 2005)Jacobsen, K.-O. & Bjerke, J. W. 2005. Masseuttak i Jordfallet, Alta kommune – Konsekvensutredning, deltema naturmiljø - NINA Rapport 32. 28 pp + vedlegg. Det planlegges en utvidelse av masseuttaket Jordfallet i Alta, og ... -
Match between soaring modes of black kites and the fine-scale distribution of updrafts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Understanding how soaring birds use updrafts at small spatial scales is important to identify ecological constraints of movement, and may help to prevent conflicts between wind-energy development and the conservation of ... -
Matens meglere. Kontroll, kvalitet og kunnskap i den industrielle matens tid
(Book, 2022)Hvordan kan vi stole på at maten vi kjøper i butikken ikke gjør oss syke? Etableringen av institusjoner, lover og kontrollsystemer som sikrer oss at maten er trygg, er resultatet av en lang og sammensatt historisk prosess. ... -
Materials and methods appendix for valuation of ecosystem services of green infrastructure in Oslo
(NINA Rapport;1115, Research report, 2015)The material in this report constitutes a Methods and Materials appendix for two reports dis-seminating the results to a wider audience in English and Norwegian. We recommend that readers start with one of the cited reports ... -
Maternal Androgens Increase Sibling Aggression, Dominance, and Competitive Ability in the Siblicidal Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Animals and plants routinely produce more offspring than they can afford to rear. Mothers can favour certain young by conferring on them competitive advantages such as a leading position in the birth sequence, more resources ... -
Maternal inheritance influences homing and growth of hybrid offspring between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae): a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Over the past decades, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) has emerged as a model system for sexual maturation research, owing to the high diversity of life history strategies, knowledge of trait genetic architecture, ... -
Maximum likelihood estimation for randomized shortest paths with trajectory data
(Journal article, 2020)Randomized shortest paths (RSPs) are tool developed in recent years for different graph and network analysis applications, such as modelling movement or flow in networks. In essence, the RSP framework considers the ... -
Målselv fjellandsby. Konsekvensutredning, deltema landbruk
(NINA Rapport;180, Research report, 2006)Granmo L. P. & Tømmervik, H., Målselv fjellandsby. Konsekvensutredning, vurdering av landbruk - NINA Rapport 180. 44 pp. Vi har vurdert de konsekvensene en utbygging av Målselv fjellandsby vil ha for landbruket i området. ...