Browsing NINA Brage by Title
Now showing items 2277-2296 of 4563
Late Holocene anthropogenic landscapechange in northwestern Europe impactedinsect biodiversity as much as climatechange did after the last Ice Age
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Since the last Ice Age (ca115 000–11 700 years ago), the geographical rangesof most plants and animals have shifted, expanded or contracted. Under-standing the timing, geographical patterns and drivers of past changes ... -
Late snow melt moderates herbivore disturbance of the Arctic tundra
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Resilience of tundra vegetation to disturbance by herbivores can be low and lead to ecosystem state shifts. Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus are the most numerous herbivore on Svalbard and disturb vegetation when ... -
Later at higher latitudes: large-scale variability in seabird breeding timing and synchronicity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In seasonal environments, organisms are expected to optimally schedule reproduction within an annual range of environmental conditions. Latitudinal gradients generate a range of seasonality to which we can expect adaptations ... -
Lavere lav både høyt og lavt
(Journal article, 2018-02-15) -
Law abiding citizens on popular support for the illegal killing of wolves
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Conflicts over wolf management are a stable feature of Norwegian public debate. In some segments of the population, nature management, and especially predator management, have a very low legitimacy. A strong expression of ... -
Lead exposure in brown bears is linked to environmental levels and the distribution of moose kills
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Lead (Pb) is heterogeneously distributed in the environment and multiple sources like Pb ammunition and fossil fuel combustion can increase the risk of exposure in wildlife. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Sweden have higher ... -
Learning from scientific literature: Can indicators for measuring success be standardized in “on the ground” restoration?
(Journal article, 2020)The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) Primer identifies key ecosystem attributes for evaluating restoration outcome. Broad attribute categories could be necessary due to the large variety of restoration projects, but ... -
Learning from the past to predict the future: using archaeological findings and GPS data to quantify reindeer sensitivity to anthropogenic disturbance in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013) -
Leder (Utmark 2016-1)
(Others, 2016) -
Legacies of Historical Exploitation of Natural Resources Are More Important Than Summer Warming for Recent Biomass Increases in a Boreal–Arctic Transition Region
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Eurasian forest cover at high northern latitudes (> 67 N) has increased in recent decades due to stimulatory effects of global warming, but other factors may be important. The objective of this study is to compare the ... -
The legacy of forest disturbance on stream ecosystem functioning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)1. Forest clearance is a pervasive disturbance worldwide, but many of its impacts are regarded as transient, diminishing in intensity as forest recovers. However, forests can take decades to centuries to recover after ... -
Legal implications of range expansions in a terrestrial carnivore: the case of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Europe
(Journal article, 2015)Due to global environmental changes, species are appearing more frequently in places where they have not previously occurred, and this trend is expected to continue. Such range expansions can create considerable challenges ... -
Leirelva til Nidelva i Trondheim. Helhetlig tiltaks- og restaureringsplan for laks, sjøørret og biologisk mangfold
(NINA Rapport;2153, Research report, 2022)Bergan, M.A. & Nøst, T.H,. 2022. Leirelva til Nidelva i Trondheim. Helhetlig tiltaks- og restaureringsplan for laks, sjøørret og biologisk mangfold. NINA Rapport 2153. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Miljøtilstand i ... -
Leiteboring etter gull ved St. Jonsfjorden, Svalbard. Konsekvensutredning for landskap/villmark, vegetasjon og planteliv og dyreliv
(NINA rapport;826, Research report, 2012)Hagen, D., Erikstad, L. og Moe, B. 2012. Leiteboring etter gull i St. Jonsfjorden, Svalbard. Konsekvensutredning for landskap/villmark, vegetasjon og planteliv og dyreliv – NINA Rapport 826. 34 s. Selskapet Store Norske ... -
Leukocyte coping capacity as a tool to assess capture- and handling-induced stress in Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are often captured and handled for research and management purposes. Although the techniques used are potentially stressful for the animals and might have detrimental and long-lasting consequences, ... -
Leukocyte coping capacity: an integrative parameter for wildlife welfare within conservation interventions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Wildlife management, conservation interventions and wildlife research programs often involve capture, manipulation and transport of wild animals. Widespread empirical evidence across various vertebrate taxa shows that ... -
Levedyktighetsanalyser for norske lomvibestander
(NINA Rapport;240, Research report, 2007)Erikstad, K.E, Reiertsen, T.K., Anker-Nilssen, T., Barrett, R.T., Lorentsen, S.-H., Strøm, H. og Systad, G.H. 2007. Levedyktighetsanalyser for norske lomvibestander. NINA Rappport 240, 25 s. Hekkebestandene av lomvi (Uria ... -
Lidar som hjelpemiddel for å identifisere naturtyper
(NINA Rapport;1346, Research report, 2017)Erikstad, L. og Bakkestuen, V. 2017. Lidar som hjelpemiddel for å identifisere naturtyper. - NINA Rapport 1346. 44 s. Rapporten beskriver resultater fra et kort forprosjekt hvor hensikten har vært å se på i hvilken grad ... -
Life-history attributes and resource dynamics determine intraspecific home-range sizes in Carnivora
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Home ranges capture a fundamental aspect of animal ecology, resulting from interactions between metabolic demands and resource availability. Yet, the understanding of their emergence is currently limited by lack of ... -
Life-history evolution under fluctuating density-dependent selection and the adaptive alignment of pace-of-life syndromes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)We present a novel perspective on life-history evolution that combines recent theoretical advances in fluctuating density-dependent selection with the notion of pace-of-life syndromes (POLSs) in behavioural ecology. These ...