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  • Large carnivore distribution maps and population updates 2017 – 2022/23. Report to the European Comission under contract N° 09.0201/2023/907799/SER/ENV.D.3 “Support for Coexistence with Large Carnivores”, “B.4 Update of the distribution maps”. 

    Kaczensky, Petra; Ranc, Nathan; Hatlauf, Jennifer; Payne, John C.; Acosta-Pankov, I.; Álvares, F.; Andrén, Henrik; Andri, P.; Aragno, P.; Avanzinelli, E.; Bagrade, G.; Balys, V.; Barroso, I.; Bartol, M.; Bassano, B.; Bauduin, S.; Bautista, C.; Bedő, P.; Belotti, E.; Berezowska-Cnota, T.; Bernicchi, L.; Bijl, H.; Bionda, R.; Bišćan, A.; Blanco, J.C.; Bliem, K.; Böcker, F.; Bogdanović, N.; Boiani, V.; Bojda, M.; Boljte, B.; Bragalanti, N.; Breitenmoser, U.; Brøseth, Henrik; Bučko, J.; Budinski, I.; Bufka, L.; Černe, R.; Cherepanyn, R.; Chiriac, S.; Ćirović, D.; Csányi, S.; De Angelis, D.; de Gabriel Hernando, M.; DeAngelis, D.; Diószegi-Jelinek, L.; Done, G.; Drouet-Hoguet, N.; Duľa, M.; Dutsov, A.; Engleder, T.; Fenchuk, Viktar; Ferloni, M.; Ferri, Mauro; Kindberg, Jonas; Linnell, John Durrus (Research report, 2024)
    Large carnivores have made a remarkable comeback in Europe during the last half century, and recovery is still ongoing in large parts of the continent (Andrén 2018; Boitani 2018; Boitani et al. 2022; Chapron et al. 2014; ...
  • Status for laksebestandene i Tanavassdraget i 2019 

    Falkegård, Morten; Erkinaro, Jaako (Research report, 2019)
    Anon. 2019. Status for laksebestandene i Tanavassdraget i 2019. Rapport fra overvåkings- og forskningsgruppen for Tana nr 1/2019. Denne rapporten er den tredje statusvurderingen fra den reetablerte overvåkings- og ...
  • Use of integrated population models for assessing density-dependence and juvenile survival in Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) 

    Lewis, William B.; Nater, Chloé Rebecca; Rectenwald, Justin A.; Sisson, D. Clay; Martin, James A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Management of wildlife populations is most effective with a thorough understanding of the interplay among vital rates, population growth, and density-dependent feedback; however, measuring all relevant vital rates and ...
  • Ontogeny shapes individual dietary specialization in female European brown bears (Ursus arctos) 

    Hertel, Anne G.; Albrecht, Jörg; Selva, Nuria; Sergiel, Agnieszka; Hobson, Keith A.; Janz, David M.; Mulch, Andreas; Kindberg, Jonas; Hansen, Jennifer Eve; Frank, Shane; Zedrosser, Andreas; Mueller, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Individual dietary specialization, where individuals occupy a subset of a population’s wider dietary niche, is a key factor determining a species resilience against environmental change. However, the ontogeny of individual ...
  • Recreation ‘home range’: Motivations and use of green spaces along an urban—peri-urban continuum☆ 

    Köhler, Berit Junker; Gundersen, Vegard; Bærum, Kim Magnus; Barton, David Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The attractiveness of urban forests for people is complex, influenced by culture, social norms, and individual characteristics. The main factors include the occurrence and nature of accessibility (far-near), the availability ...

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