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dc.contributor.authorHaase, Peter
dc.contributor.authorBowler, Diana Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorBaker, Nathan J.
dc.contributor.authorBonada, Núria
dc.contributor.authorDomisch, Sami
dc.contributor.authorMarquez, Jaime R. Garcia Marquez
dc.contributor.authorHeino, Jani
dc.contributor.authorHering, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorJähnig, Sonja C.
dc.contributor.authorSchmidt-Kloiber, Astrid
dc.contributor.authorStubbington, Rachel
dc.contributor.authorAltermatt, Florian
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez-Cabria, Mario
dc.contributor.authorAmatulli, Giuseppe
dc.contributor.authorAngeler, David G.
dc.contributor.authorArchambaud-Suard, Gaït
dc.contributor.authorJorrín, Iñaki Arrate
dc.contributor.authorAspin, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorAzpiroz, Iker
dc.contributor.authorBañares, Iñaki
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz, José Barquín
dc.contributor.authorBodin, Christian L.
dc.contributor.authorBonacina, Luca
dc.contributor.authorBottarin, Roberta
dc.contributor.authorCañedo-Argüelles, Miguel
dc.contributor.authorCsabai, Zoltán
dc.contributor.authorDatry, Thibault
dc.contributor.authorDe Eyto, Elvira
dc.contributor.authorDohet, Alain
dc.contributor.authorDörflinger, Gerald
dc.contributor.authorDrohan, Emma
dc.contributor.authorEikland, Knut Andreas
dc.contributor.authorEngland, Judy
dc.contributor.authorEriksen, Tor E.
dc.contributor.authorEvtimova, Vesela
dc.contributor.authorFeio, Maria J.
dc.contributor.authorFerréol, Martial
dc.contributor.authorFloury, Mathieu
dc.contributor.authorForcellini, Maxence
dc.contributor.authorForio, Marie Anne Eurie
dc.contributor.authorFornaroli, Riccardo
dc.contributor.authorFriberg, Nikolai
dc.contributor.authorFruget, Jean-François
dc.contributor.authorGeorgieva, Galia
dc.contributor.authorGoethals, Peter
dc.contributor.authorGraça, Manuel A. S.
dc.contributor.authorGraf, Wolfram
dc.contributor.authorHouse, Andy
dc.contributor.authorHuttunen, Kaisa-Leena
dc.contributor.authorJensen, Thomas Correll
dc.contributor.authorPilotto, Francesca
dc.contributor.authorRasmussen, Jes Jessen
dc.contributor.authorSandin, Leonard
dc.contributor.authorVelle, Gaute
dc.description.abstractwing to a long history of anthropogenic pressures, freshwater ecosystems are among the most vulnerable to biodiversity loss1 . Mitigation measures, including wastewater treatment and hydromorphological restoration, have aimed to improve environmental quality and foster the recovery of freshwater biodiversity2 . Here, using 1,816 time series of freshwater invertebrate communities collected across 22 European countries between 1968 and 2020, we quantifed temporal trends in taxonomic and functional diversity and their responses to environmental pressures and gradients. We observed overall increases in taxon richness (0.73% per year), functional richness (2.4% per year) and abundance (1.17% per year). However, these increases primarily occurred before the 2010s, and have since plateaued. Freshwater communities downstream of dams, urban areas and cropland were less likely to experience recovery. Communities at sites with faster rates of warming had fewer gains in taxon richness, functional richness and abundance. Although biodiversity gains in the 1990s and 2000s probably refect the efectiveness of water-quality improvements and restoration projects, the decelerating trajectory in the 2010s suggests that the current measures ofer diminishing returns. Given new and persistent pressures on freshwater ecosystems, including emerging pollutants, climate change and the spread of invasive species, we call for additional mitigation to revive the recovery of freshwater biodiversity.en_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleThe recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halten_US
dc.title.alternativeThe recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halten_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.rights.holder© 2023 The Authorsen_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Zoologiske og botaniske fag: 480en_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Zoology and botany: 480en_US
dc.relation.projectAndre: Norwegian Environment Agencyen_US
dc.relation.projectEC/H2020/t eLTER PLUS (grant agreement no. 871128)en_US

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